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Does BK have the Moxie that Zeke Has...


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Recently Zeke said "we're building around Curry, Frye, and Larry Brown".

Even though, I would question that..

Can anybody here imagine BK saying something similar.

Like we're building around JJ, ..., ..., ...??

I say that because it's like Isiah basically put it out there that all these other stiffs and Hacks we have are trade material.


What do you think of Lue/Childress for Jaric?

I saw it proposed on another trade board.

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Hmm. I don't know if I would call that moxie. I'd call it CYA because of the big deal they gave Eddy Curry as well as giving up what will be a high lottery pick for him.

Billy shouldn't and probably wouldn't come out and say something like that, because it would really mean nothing.

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Jaric got a big contract and I think he is just a way lesser JJ. An oversized PG who really isn't a PG but more of a SG. I think we would be duplicating what we already have. Here's my fantasy deal: grin.gif

ATL trades Al Harrington, Josh Childress

ATL receives Chris Bosh, Scott Pollard

TOR trades Chris Bosh, Matt Bonner, Morris Peterson

TOR receives Ron Artest, Josh Childress

IND trades Ron Artest, Scott Pollard,

IND receives Al Harrington, Matt Bonner, Mo Pete

confused.gif I know... BS. We'd have to throw a lottery pick Toronto's way for them to even look at it. Really depends on how bad Bosh wants out. At least it works salary wise. wink.gif



Toronto would have:






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he's just covering his ass. He's the one that built thils failure and he's got to say something. He can't say "I'm disappointed with what i've done here", so he's got to spin it positive somehow.

BK wouldn't do that because..well...he's not not that way. He would give you some hem-haw answer that completely sidestepped what you had asked.

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Unlike Billy, Zeke went into free agency and started spending big bucks early. Also unlike Billy, Zeke has been unable to unload any of the cap crippling contracts he has.

Billy told everyone from the very beginning that his team would be built through the draft and that it would be a long term process. No quick fixes.

By going into free agency as early as Zeke did, he was looking for the quick fix.

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agreed. I see it the exact opposite. When you consider what we have, I think we have a clear building block in JJ, and possible building blocks in Smith and Marvin.

When I look at the Knicks, I see none. It is not possible to build a winner around Marbury. Is Curry a building block? That's looking increasingly unlikely. QRich isn't either. The only potential true building block is Frye I suppose, and even he is debatable.

On top of that, NY has continually added horrible contracts that severely limit their options. To me the jerome james deal is the final move that certifies Zeke's insanity. That is completely uncalled for when you are trying to rebuild with a young team.

He has no plan and keeps worsening his situation and limiting his options. Like it or not, BK has a plan, and has been enforcing it. We'll know in a year or two whether it works, but at least a game plan was designed and enforced. Zeke thinks he's playing fantasy basketball, trying to accumulate the biggest names that he can regardless of salary.

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That is just insane

9 mil for Mo Taylor

7.3 for Curry

6 mil for Rose

5 mil for James

And that's just players with longer contracts, not 1 year guys like Davis for 13 mil this year, Penny for 16 mil.

People act as if it's not his fault that he inherited a big salary team. That's true for houston and penny. It is not true for all the overpaid people he brought in.

There isn't a single player who isn't overpaid on that roster other than the draftees of this year and last

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Zeke has to have a quick fix.

The position doesn't last as long in NY as it does in Atlanta.

Face it... Babcock made bad picks and awful trades for almost 20 yrs in Atlanta. In NY, Zeke has maybe one or 2 more years.

I still think it was ballsy to come out and say that he plans to build around Frye, Curry, and Brown. That's basically saying that Ariza, Lee, Richardson, and all the rest (Including Marbury) are gone if he can find the right deal.

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that's BS. He was brought in as a savior, and would have been given 3 years or so to do what he wanted. He's a legend, and NY sells tickets regardless of the product. If he had a plan and it was clear to see, he would be kept around. He has no plan and has done nothing to get himself out of the salary cap hell that's been hindering him from day 1.

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you are right in saying that nobody could save them in one term (term being the time anyone is given in NY to fix a bad team). He went into that job, knowing good well that he would get released before he could fix the team. Yet his ego wouldn't let him admit that and not take the job. So he set himself up to be the fall guy and deserves no breaks for it. But honestly, I think he has done more to hurt htem than fix them.

To fix them, he, or anyone else, should have did what BK did. focus on getting rid of bad contracts, FIRST. Make trades to shed bad contracts nad get picks or young talent. Then start bringing in players to help rebuild. He went the opposite direction and just started throwing money around, mostly at unproven players. For that, he deserves all the heat he gets.

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exactly. they are tied for the worst record (in wins) in the league. No one could have done worst in that regard. They have only hurt their cap situation, he has done nothing to improve that.

I don't see how anyone could have done worse.

He could have taken the BK route, have an equally bad record, but no more bad contracts, and some real building blocks.

Instead they have nothing.

Their only real studs are Marbury and Larry Brown. They hate each other, and Marbury will have to go at some point to reallly win.

So what have they done? Nothing.

No gm could have them contending for a title, but a good gm could have them in a great positioni for the future.

I would say Zeke doesn't have the balls to do the right thing because he was too afraid of what the fans would say.

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I don't know. I don't think LB would be a good GM. He tends to be a "my way or the highway" kind of guy, I'm not sure that he has the interpersonal skills to be a good GM. He also doesn't like dealing with undeveloped talent (doesnt play rookies), and much of a GM's job is trying to find young players before they blossom. They might ask him to, but I don't see Brown as a good GM. He is a coach through and through

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but when those rumors were going around about him going to cleveland as GM, he sure seemed to have more supporters than detractors. I agree that he is far too impatient with young talent to be a good GM. But some people prefer to focus on a guys history in other areas rather than his disposition as a whole. I think there are many teams that would hire him as their GM, despite his known difficulties in dealing with young talent.

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