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I wish we could trade for Artest


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I know he isnt exactly a model citizen, or even close ... but man we desperately need his help with defense, plus he could replace Al's scoring quite effectively. We really need help on the perimeter to stop these guards from breaking us down game after game after game. JJ can only do so much out there.

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Talking about cutting one's hand off to heal a broken finger...

Artest is a chemistry problem.

Pure and Simple. He's "special".

He shouldn't be compared to Rasheed. Rasheed is not insane. I believe that Artest is just insane...

I think he would fail to function here in Atlanta. He hates losing.

No, Let him go out west...

Did we learn nothing from Smitty for JR?

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I was watching Marvin closely last night on D, as I have in previous games. He actually does a good job challenging perimeter shots and moves well laterally. His problem defensively is that he is weak and stronger players can use their strength to get past him.

The second unit actually was doing a decent job in the first half on D. After the onslaught of the first quarter they actually slowed them down in the second. Josh Smith was really giving them problems. Marvin was cutting off their drives and Salim wasn't doing bad on D either.

I don't understand why Childress is getting so many minutes. He was toasted so many times last night. He should have been the one on the bench in the 4th quarter instead of Smith.

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Because Childress is the only one who was diving around and flying around for the ball last night. Like you like to say "even the other teams announcers" were commenting about how much they like the effort that Childress gives. He wasnt the one getting abused by Mike James last night, it was your boy Lue. Yes Mo Pete was scoring on Chillz and Al last night, but it was because he was making insane shots, unlike the uncontested drives that James was getting.

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it's not happening though. Indy has made it clear that they would love to get Harrington back. They are still trying to work out some 3 way with us as their preferred option. If BK was willing to risk it on Artest, this would have happened by now. Clearly Indy is interested, we get a major talent upgrade at a great price. If it hasn't happened by now, that must mean BK is not willing to risk it.

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Oh yeah I dont expect it to happen and would actually be stunned if it happened. Walsh and BK are still great friends and I am sure Walsh has told Billy to stay away from Artest. I'm just dreaming about how much Artest could change the way we play basketball with his defense.

Actually I read a rumor today (that doesnt make sense) that the Pacers, Lakers, and Raptors are close to a 3 way trade.

The Lakers get Jalen Rose and Ron Artest

The Pacers get Devean George

The Raptors get Austin Croshere and at least one player from the Lakers.

George and an undetermined player from the Raptors -- or perhaps a draft pick -- would be to dealt to the Pacers.

"Basically, it's Artest for Devean George, with the Raptors getting involved to make it work financially," the source said. "When and if it happens, this will be a trade that consists of plenty of throw-ins."

Seems to me that the Pacers arent getting enough from this deal, but who knows.

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Childress is the slowest wing player drafted the last two years. There isn't even a close second. In fact he is slower than most power forwards. His speed is on par with Ike Diogu, a low post power forward.

Guys like Villa and May tested significantly faster than Childress.

Childress is always slow on rotations which gives guys wide open jumpers consistently.

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You're right. Chilz isn't slow moving from side to side but he is slow getting from one end of the court to the other. He could be good but his shot is just too ineffective.

He's effective on the offensive side because he is explosive and if we had a point who could find him on his cuts he would be much more valuable. It's up to him whether he wants to drive to the basket more often to score and I don't think any other player can be blamed for that. You don't see Salim being gun shy even though he's a rookie.

Right now he is very much sixth man material but unfortunately the failed JJ at PG thing is causing him to suck up forward minutes that are needed for Al, Marvin, and Josh. I'm undecided as to whether we should keep Al or not but I think either Al or Childress needs to be moved.

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I know Artest has demons, but BK might be a guy that could keep him in line..Artest is cheap, he is as good or better than Al offensively, and is a top 5 defender in the entire league..Artest also knows this is his last chance, he cannot blow it..He is also signed for 2 more years to a very reasonable contract..If we did the deal, we are a much better basketball team..JJ, Artest, and Smoove would be a nice defensive 2,3, and 4.

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He's 19 years old playing against grown men. He's naturally going to get pushed around till he learns how to use his body.

Still, he's stronger than Luol Deng. Deng could lift 185 lbs only 5 times last year. Both Marvin and Josh Childress lifted it 11 times. Josh Smith lifted it 12 times.

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That's because Deng puts forth no effort to defend.

That just shows, as if we didn't already know, how little you know about basketball. Deng is a very strong defender. He is holding his opponents to a PER of 11, while his own is 18.9.

When you put down other players to build up Marvin it just makes you look pathetic.

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