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Artest, Rose to Close to Being Lakers


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The point is they all know they don't have to give up much to get him. Because Indiana is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

You are badly underestimating Walsh. There is a reason he is one of the best GM's in the league. He will get something he wants or he will sit Artest all year.

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i wouldn't mind getting in there somewhere where we give up harrington and we get bynum and maybe someone's 1st...possibly throw in a dirtywork backup to us also.

It would be nice but no way we get that much in return for Al. He is almost like Walker was two seasons ago....we either get someone like Bynum or a 1st round pick, no way we get both....

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I also think you are underestimating Artest's value, chillzat. You won't get near equal value but George (assuming he is the biggest part of the trade as the article indicates) is so far below Artest's value that this doesn't seem at all realistic. It would be like trading Artest to the Bobcats for Keith Bogans.

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yeah but crazy trades happen talentwise.

That is because a lot of GMs are clueless. Walsh isn't one of them. Actually he isn't the GM he is the CEO but he calls the shots. It has been a loooooong time since Indy has been bad. He doesn't make dumb moves.

If it was Isiah making the deal then sure it could happen. However with Walsh calling the shots I don't think LA is even in the picture.

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The crazy trades that are unbalanced in terms of talent usually depend on other factors, primarily financial relief or a deadline after which the trading team no longer can get value for a player. If a team is seeking cap relief they will let go of a superior player for cap friendly replacments like Sacramento did to get out of Webber's contract. If a team is getting rid of a player and is operating under a deadline after which they can't get value they will make unbalanced trades like we did with Toine. This is especially true when the team unloading the talent has no interest in competing for the remainder of the year.

Indiana is not under time pressure and wants badly to compete for an EC championship this season. They will not give up Artest for George or anyone of his stature. The types of considerations that lead teams to take a dive in talent don't apply to the Pacers.

They won't get equal value but they will get someone who can play.

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Actually the trade we did with Boston for Toine was balanced. We got a draft pick and Boston got a couple of months of Walkers services. Then he bolted.

I know about salary dumps but Artest is only making 6 mil so obviously that won't apply.

Some of the trades I have seen making the rounds are pretty silly.

From everything I have seen I think Indy is legitimately interested in Harrington but they want something else to balance it out. I just recently found out that GS was involved which opens up a possibility i hadn't considered.

I think Andris Biedrins is in play. GS drafted him in '04. he was the youngest player drafted. I have seen him a couple of times and he is very tough and physical, not at all what you would expect from a foreign teenager. his defense is his strength, although it is hard to say just how good he really is. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing him come here to find out.

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