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Chicago's coming for Al (Probably)...


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In response to Diesel's statement below


I count only 3 teams with that type of money and none that has that big a need for Al... So could you help me?

You said:


I do not believe you are this illiterate or out of the loop when it comes to salary cap issues. If someone wants Al they will get him.

Now in response to mudderfudders:


Harrington is going to get big money, and there will be very few teams who are going to be able to bid on his services.

You say:


I don't disagree with this at all. I think I stated in my original post that "only a few teams will be go after Harrington" Are you saying you agree with me?

I have not been this confused since John Kerry said I voted against the war before I voted for the war.

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read like a hick politician and totally ignored my 1st two post. But that is nothing new....as old as I am, ignorance never suprises me....whether it is selective or not.

My first post to Diesel:


My expectations are high on Marvin, yours are at least as high on what we will get for Al. He is a very talented player
but not many teams will be willing to give him 10 mill a year,
which is what it will cost to keep him.

My second post:


No I said "not many teams" will match that. My meaning being
that 1 to 3 will be willing to anti up that much money.
Also meaning that whoever (if a trade does happen)we move him to better be willing to give Al 10 mill a year or risk losing him along with whatever we got for him....

As you may notice or not...nothing incongruent and if that word confuses you...it means...my argument did not waiver and if that confuses you... it means my argument remained consistent. And if that confuses you....go back to school!

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Buzzard, I noticed in your literacy test, you forgot to address this post by you... or maybe it was your mama or whoever else might have access to your computer and you Hawksquawk password...



I count only 3 teams with that type of money and none that has that big a need for Al... So could you help me?

I do not believe you are this illiterate or out of the loop when it comes to salary cap issues. If someone wants Al they will get him.

I honestly think he would be a good fit in Denver, Minnesota, or Dallas. If cap really determined whether a GM could or could not aquire a player he liked....Walker and Payton would not be in Miami and Crawford and Curry would not be in NY. Don't play dumb and act like you don't know this just to swing something your way...

Either of those three teams could have Al this time next year. The only requirement is they want him bad enough. You asked for some help, now you have it, sorry it took so long but it has been a really busy month....

Clearly, you mentioned three teams... BUT you mention three teams that would be Millions of dollars over the cap; over the luxury cap and said that they could have Al with the only requirement being that they want him bad enough. Notice, you said nothing about what Al wanted in this point of your post. Only that the GM had to want him bad enough. A capped out team can want anybody bad enough and it will make no difference whatsoever.

This is where all of your weak arguments in your previous post FAIL. So tell your mama to put down that keyboard if she is going to keep typing contradictory B.S. in your name. Because everything your mama typed goes against all that which you have said. It doesn't require a Pulitzer Prize in message board reading to be literate enough to see that your only motive was to be disagreeable.

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Here is what Diesel stated we may get for one Al Harrington and a throw in PG that started the whole post off.....


If their package involved Gordon and NY's first and they take a PG off our hands...I would consider it. Especially if they give up Sweetney too.

You say I am being difficult but honestly, do you think this is realistic...Ben Gordon, a 1st round pick and they will throw Sweetney in as well...

Then he states


I count only 3 teams with that type of money and none that has that big a need for Al... So could you help me?

And my reply in a nutshell is the teams that have all the cap space are not always the teams that get the best FA'S. I mean seriously, if that was true why do we hardly ever get a good FA and teams like NY, Miami, and until recently LA seem to reload every year?

Argumentive, I think I am just being realistic...Weak arguments? How about this...We get Ben Gordon, Mike Sweetney, and a 1st round pick for Al and Lue....and because we have so much cap space over the last three years we always get the best free agents as well...

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you said:


You say I am being difficult but honestly, do you think this is realistic...Ben Gordon, a 1st round pick and they will throw Sweetney in as well...

Diesel Said:


My terms are that we get both Gordon and NY's first for AL plus they take back one of our PGs...

I would hope that BK would hold that same kind of value..

But it's nuts to see some of these guys say Al for Nioconi and Sweetney or Al for Songalia and Piawkwoski or whatever they proposed... I would have rather heard Al for a lifetime of Corndogs... At least with Corndogs there would be a purpose...

I think somewhere in between what you suggest and what Diesel said is the true value of Al Harrington in Trade to Chicago. Each time you consider trade, you have to consider the player and his value to the team he's going to. Therefore you cannot say that a player has the same value to every team. I mean right now, we would not break our neck trying to trade for a Sf.

In the second part of your post, you seem to argue Free Agency. Free Agency and Trade are 2 different beasts. Here I agree with Diesel. If Al Harrington's goes to Free Agency with us, it will be very difficult for ANY team to take him. IN fact, whoever holds Harrington's "Bird Rights" have the inside tract to signing him. The other interesting part of that deal is that when Harrington becomes a Free agent the team that holds his "Bird Rights" will benefit because either Harrington will re-sign or he will complete a Sign and trade deal. However, in no way should you expect Harrington to just leave because as you and Diesel has said, there are less than 3 teams with 10 million dollars to sign him.

About that 10 million dollars, I keep seeing you refer to players who gave up the big money to play for a winner. Al Harrington is not in that group of players. If you go down the line and examine each of those players, they are players who have already had a max contract and may be on their last contract. Gary Payton, Antoine Walker, Shareef, Karl Malone, etc. These guys have already had their big payoff and they want a ring to finish their career so they will sign with a contender to make that happen. You mentioned NY Knicks, but the Knicks haven't had a good player to sign with them for less money since before Layden two CBAs ago when they had Pat Ewing and they were competitive.

Al Harrington is not in the same class with those guys. He's in the class with Ray Allen, Rashard Lewis, and Jermaine Oneal. He's a guy in the most lucrative period of his career. This will be his best contract moneywise. So it is guaranteed that he will not settle for a Mid class Exemption contract. You suggesting that he will is truly UNREALISTIC.

I think what will happen is that we will use Harrington in a SNT deal OR We will keep Harrington and trade away Chillz or Williams for what we can get for them. I doubt that we trade Williams because that would be Billy Knight admitting that he made a mistake.

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So tell your mama to put down that keyboard if she is going to keep typing contradictory B.S. in your name. Because everything your mama typed goes against all that which you have said. It doesn't require a Pulitzer Prize in message board reading to be literate enough to see that your only motive was to be disagreeable.

I got to work hard to top that!

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