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Any SHOOTING GUARDS we could trade Harrington for?


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I know we've been mostly discussing trades that net us a big man or a point guard but what about sg?

Let's say Joe is fine as point guard as long as we had a really good shooting guard. I thought about our positions and the talent level at each. Now I still thing getting at least more depth at C is greatly important but i'm putting that to the side for a moment because of lack of options. Smith can be a special PF, Marvin can end up being a special SF. We know Joe is really good and can be at least sufficient at the pg spot. ZaZa is manning the center position. But Chill is sort of a weak spot as a starting SG, needs to really be our SF or backup SF when Harrington goes.

So what sg's could be gotten that could help?



Marvin/Chill(or vice versa till marvin develops)



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the question is why would you intentionally try to put your best player out of position? Why not set him up to succeed rather than having to struggle? You don't see LA trying to put Kobe at the 1 and getting a good SG even though they could if they wanted to. You don't see Seattle putting Ray at the 1 even though he can handle the rock. JJ is a 2, through and through. He has excellent passing and dribbling for a 2, but he is still a 2.

We need a point guard

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yeah i know that but i'm trying to look at other options..if we got a good ballhandling sg then it may work...also WE may think he's best suited for sg but BK may not(hopefully he does)...

i do realize our paint guys wouldn't be enough, hence me saying that in the first post.

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I don't think we should put shooting or point in front of guard concerning him. He can do both. He's not your traditional shooting guard, and he's not your traditional point guard. His versatility to play both positions gives the Hawks a lot of flexibility on the court.

Ideally, the Hawks will pair him with another player that has both point guard and shooting guard ability (RONNIE BREWER!!). The Hawks will be a tough match up because of their size together and their blend of skills.

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The Detroit Pistons won the championship without a true point guard. Amazing how that happens, huh?

You know, if I'm not mistaken, the Lakers won the championship without a true point guard as well. The Bulls? No true point guard.

I'm utterly amazed at how some of you scoff at Billy's idea of putting a five players on the floor that can play multiple positions, yet you are the very same ones that believe Michael Vick is a good quarterback.

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I know you feel like everyone is against you lately on subjects like this one (true PG vs. Guard etc) and Marvin Williams but there is truth to both sides. Arguing it isn't going to make it come true. You are just raising your heart rate wink.gif. My opinion, I'm willing to wait on Marvin Williams. I didn't have any expectations for him this year before the season started so I have no reason to have some now that the season has already began. One or two years of experience could do wonders for him. But I do have expectations for Marvin in that I expect him to improve significantly in the next 2 years. I think if we do move Al, Marvin will be developed as our go-to guy in the post. Do I think he has the skills to be that guy RIGHT NOW? No, of course not. I do think, however, that he has the physical tools to become that type of player. His ballhandling and shooting are as good as Al's. His post game and toughness are not. We definitely need a real PG, no questions asked. A guy that can set up an offense and hit the open shot. I also expect the PG to hold his own on defense. That's why I'd like a try with, maybe, Jarrett Jack. He isn't flashy or ultra-quick but he is an average defender at least and can hit the open jumper. Portland has 3 PG's right now that are at least backup capable on many teams. I hope BK's making some calls to see what kind of value they'd want in return.

*I really hope, if we do move Al, it isn't for a mediocre pick. The only draftpicks we need now is for one superstar type player. We have enough solid, young players to develop right now. If we trade Al, I'd like an instant starter in return.

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This team does not need a "real" point guard. We've got an excellent lead guard in Joe Johnson that does a great job of getting his teammates involved and making them better. If anyone wants to argue against the fact that Chauncey Billups is not a real point guard, then they are simply wrong.

In a league where Gilbert Arenas can play the point guard position, there's no reason that a combination of Joe Johnson and someone like Ronnie Brewer can't be a championship backcourt.

Just because no one outside of BK has the balls to buck the traditional system doesn't mean BK's vision won't work.

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If you are saying that the Bulls, Lakers and Detroit all won without PGs how is BK the only GM with the balls to buck tradition?

You have to look at the makeup of each team. Detroit, LA and Chicago were all mature teams with excellent passers. We don't have that yet and have a much greater need for a traditional PG than teams relying on Shaq or MJ. I would be happy to get someone like the current Billups on this team, though, as he is not a bad PG even if not a Stockton clone by any means.

For this particular roster, it is obvious we could really use someone who can assess multiple options and make things happen with his passing. It isn't good enough to dump the ball into Shaq or thrown it to Kobe/MJ and let them go to work. You want someone on this team who can hit cutters and create for his teammates better than JJ can do. Bring on a skilled passer at the non-JJ guard position.

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KB, I feel that Chauncey is the exception, not the rule. He's had great coaching and a superior supporting cast. I think he is a little quicker than JJ as well, allowing him more pentration ability although I think JJ has improved in that area. If JJ played with Rip, BWallace, RWallace and TPrince than I bet he'd flourish, too. We just need to accumulate the right talent and egos that can play to their strengths and know their roles. I hope all of this talk about Josh Smith wanting to pattern his game after Andrei Kirilenko isn't just that, talk. I'd love to have a stat-line guy like that. The thing is, the main part of AK's game is effort. Will Smith give 100% effort all the time? I'm pleased with his improvements in certain areas but I'm not ready to believe JSmoove can/will play 100% all the time. We'll see KB. I'm with you on Marvin. Give him time. We don't have Paul, give it a rest.

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I sure hope you are not comparing a incredibly young, unsuccessful Hawks team with zero defensive intensity and an inexperienced coach to teams with veteran laden rosters (Bulls, Lakers and Pistons) featuring two of the greatest talents of our lifetime (Jordan and Shaq) and two of the most successful coaches (Jackson and Brown) of all time.

If the NBA was just about collecting high draft picks the Clippers would have been winners a long time ago. Turns out, they only started to win after signing a couple veterans.

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Give it up man, it took Woody all of 2 games to decide JJ wasn't a point ..He is a 2 with good handles but he cannot get his teammates easy shots which is what a good point guard does..Haven't also noticed that JJ is not capable of guarding any of the quicker point guards, and at 6'7" its highly unlikely that someone like Ronnie Brewer could either..

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Andrei Kirilenko is the type of versatile player that I'm sure BK would love to see Josh Smith pattern his game after. However, I believe the most comparable player to Josh Smith size wize, skills wise, and athletically, is a young Shawn Kemp.

Smith has to develop his low post offensive skills. I think he's done a great job of working on his jumper to the point that he has become a quality standstill shooter.

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I agree. Josh Smith's body and current skills make me believe that he'll be more a combination of Shawn Kemp and Kenyon Martin. Hopefully it is more early Shawn Kemp than Kenyon Martin. I don't think Josh has the lateral quickness to ever be a Kirilenko-type and that isn't a put down. AK47 is a sick specimen.

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