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What does BK have to do to get fired?


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Rondo hasn't shown me anything to make he think he is a top 2 pick, or even top 10. He can't shoot and every time I watch him he gets abused on D and he doesn't drive. I dont see what all the hype is about.

lately when Kentucky has been on TV Rondo doesn't even seem to be showing true point skills on that team. they take the ball up by committee. they pass the ball around the outside amongst 3 guards around the 3 point line for about 30 seconds. Rondo isn't showing he's a floor general.

what i have seen of Rondo though is that game early in the season when they were down and he flat out took it over driving the ball to the hole on every posession. remind you of a particular performance? oh yeah, Chris Paul against West Virginia. the boy flat out took the game over.

hopefully we get a true floor general out of this draft or a legit big man. trade down and let somebody else draft Rudy Gay if need be.

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You must not have watched the Ohio game then. I was watching it and it was lame. They did a review of his performance on DraftExpress.com.

He just looks too weak to guard anyone. If he has trouble against unranked teams what will happen in the NBA against much stronger players? You think he could slow down Mike James? He would get pushed around like a rag doll, just like Lue.

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Another wasted draft pick.

It's elementary that he would do it. How could he pass up BPA? He doesn't want to be the next Portland who passed up MJ to take Bowie.

I don't know where you guys get off even suggesting that BK would take a PG or a Big that's not better than the 6'8 Sf out of Uconn?? You guys are wishing again.

Like I told you last time.. If he claims BPA and passes over Need, he will always claim BPA and pass over need. There's no time when it's alright not to take BPA for BK.

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People complain about the having a lot of the same size players..to me it is genius. It virtually eliminates the switch strategy of the pick and roll. You can't switch my guard with your forward because they are both 6'9. We aren't a bad rebounding team either. Where we lose is that we don't have any defensive intensity...we dont punish people in the lane or run out at shooters. We have to double team too much and leave shooters wide open on reverse passes. On offense we only have one play..free JJ with screens or run iso plays with Harrington on the post. We basically play an elementary style of offense.


We need a Mike Fratello type who will make a team play some damn defense. We need to run a triple post offense to take advantage of our outside shooting and length. We need to throw a whole lot of money at Tom Izzo and lets win some games..damnit.

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If you haven't noticed, the opposing teams little point guards have absolutely torched the Hawks all season. That and opposing teams frequently shoot close to or better then 50% against the Hawks. Further, the Hawks are almost entirely dependent on jump shots to win basketball games.

Why you ask? Because we don't have a point guard or a legitimate big man.

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Another wasted draft pick.

It's elementary that he would do it. How could he pass up BPA? He doesn't want to be the next Portland who passed up MJ to take Bowie.

I don't know where you guys get off even suggesting that BK would take a PG or a Big that's not better than the 6'8 Sf out of Uconn?? You guys are wishing again.

Like I told you last time.. If he claims BPA and passes over Need, he will always claim BPA and pass over need. There's no time when it's alright not to take BPA for BK.

perhaps this offseason we'll be taking the BGMA

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will be the same reasons we take Gay.

Do you think BK is going to trade one of the three youngsters, trade Gay or are you predicting he will take Gay and keep them as well? I could see him trading one of our young forwards for Devin Harris or Shaun Livingston, etc. and then selecting Gay but I can't see any situation where we keep our roster intact and select Gay as the BPA and hold onto him.

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This is an assinine post. You have no way of knowing what would or would not have happened if Paul was drafted.

Besides, like someone else mentioned, that is a better team than Paul has now and his less talented team has won more games then the Hawks.

Agreed. Talk about a huge amount of assumptions. The premise behind that post is that Knight won't take the player he values highest because he already took someone at that same position. Does this guy realize Knight drafted Chills and Smoove in the same year and then drafted Marvin Williams the next year? Knight has definitely stuck by his guns and taken the guys he wanted to take regardless of perceived depth at a position so the assumption that everything would have changed isn't supported by anything other than rank speculation.

LOL @ rank speculation. All I'm using is logic here. What's illogical and asanine, is saying that the team would look exactly the same, if we'd taken Paul.

Some of you forget that the Joe Johnson in ATL talk didn't really heat up until a few weeks after the draft. JJ wasn't on BK's radar back in May. He wasn't even on his radar in June. It was only after Hughes, Redd, Allen and Dalembert were signed/re-upped to teams, and Curry was found to have a heart ailment, and the Bulls acted as if they'd do anything to keep Curry AND Chandler a Bull, that we even considered going after JJ. And did the Hawks even work Salim out before the draft? Knight had more of an eye on Julius Hodge, than he did Salim. But Hodge ended up going in round 1.

The Chill/Smoove draft picks can at least be justified, because we were just re-stocking the team with talent, not necessarily with "need" players. And I'm convinced that the Marvin pick was in direct correlation to the possibility of us losing Al this summer ( if he's not traded or if we try to re-sign him, but he goes elsewhere ), and because of the lofty expectations that the "scouts" said about his game and the potential he possesses.

How quickly people forget that JJ was brought in here to play the point, and Chill play the 2. Not for JJ to play the 2, and bring Chill off the bench. If we already had our PG, BK definitely doesn't sell the farm just to get JJ. That deal was in part, made because we'd come up completely dry in the FAcy market, and JJ was the last "talented" FA that could possibly be enticed to move here.

This is why all of this Chris Paul whining and crying should stop. We didn't take the guy. We took Marvin. Eventually, Marvin will get a chance to show what he can do in a significant role. It may not be this year, but it will definitely come next year.

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Guest Walter

...or BK cannot draft worth a d@mn.

Even after you trade an expiring Al for scraps (not what he's worth) you have Chillz coming off the bench. I guarantee you neither Iggy, Deng, or Jefferson soon will be coming of the bench for the next 8 years. So, either there is a log jam and Chill should be a starter somewhere or BK failed miserably in that draft?

I would argue he failed in both that and this year's draft.


P.S. While I'm not entirely against trading Al, we won't get near his worth. Point? When you create a log jam through the draft, drafting the moderately talented "best PROJECT (and we all know how well those usually pan out) available", expect to lose more talent freeing up space for him and the talent you didn't draft than you'll EVER get out of him.


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Guest Walter


Other then Rondo or Aldridge there are no clear cut difference makers at the point or big man positions.

We should have taken a point guard when available as we can get a swingman anytime.

Exactly, and Paul and Deron are better than both of them while Gay is WAY better than Marvin.


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Guest Walter



No doubt but again, Woodson was BK's selection. You and I should doubt his ability to pick a winning coach (Sidney Lowe) as I doubt his ability to get beyond his philosophy and ego and build a winner instead of changing history by inventing the a-positional basketball team.


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Last year:

Williams - 22 mpg, 11.3 ppg, 6.6 rbg, 51% fg, 43% 3pfg

Gay - 29 mpg, 11.8 ppg, 5.4 rbg, 46% fg, 47% 3pfg

This year:

Gay 28 mpg, 15.6 ppg, 5.9 rbg, 42% fg, 24% 3pfg

You mean to tell me that you don't think Marvin would average at least 15 ppg for THIS YEAR's Carolina team? Come on! It is certainly debatable as to whether or not BK should have drafted Marvin over Paul (who I liked best) or Deron Williams but that doesn't make Gay a better player, particularly a "WAY better player," than Marvin. I still think Marvin is going to be a tremendous player - I just don't know if he will be tremendous enough to compensate for not taking the obviously needed PG. Time will tell.

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If Billy Knight believes that Rudy Gay is the best player available, then he's probably going to take him with the draft pick. He probably will say "What Log Jam?". If you believe Billy Knight will trade any of his previous draft picks, I think you're mistaken.

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This is an assinine post. You have no way of knowing what would or would not have happened if Paul was drafted.

Besides, like someone else mentioned, that is a better team than Paul has now and his less talented team has won more games then the Hawks.

Agreed. Talk about a huge amount of assumptions. The premise behind that post is that Knight won't take the player he values highest because he already took someone at that same position. Does this guy realize Knight drafted Chills and Smoove in the same year and then drafted Marvin Williams the next year? Knight has definitely stuck by his guns and taken the guys he wanted to take regardless of perceived depth at a position so the assumption that everything would have changed isn't supported by anything other than rank speculation.

LOL @ rank speculation. All I'm using is logic here. What's illogical and asanine, is saying that the team would look exactly the same, if we'd taken Paul.

Some of you forget that the Joe Johnson in ATL talk didn't really heat up until a few weeks after the draft. JJ wasn't on BK's radar back in May. He wasn't even on his radar in June. It was only after Hughes, Redd, Allen and Dalembert were signed/re-upped to teams, and Curry was found to have a heart ailment, and the Bulls acted as if they'd do anything to keep Curry AND Chandler a Bull, that we even considered going after JJ. And did the Hawks even work Salim out before the draft? Knight had more of an eye on Julius Hodge, than he did Salim. But Hodge ended up going in round 1.

The Chill/Smoove draft picks can at least be justified, because we were just re-stocking the team with talent, not necessarily with "need" players. And I'm convinced that the Marvin pick was in direct correlation to the possibility of us losing Al this summer ( if he's not traded or if we try to re-sign him, but he goes elsewhere ), and because of the lofty expectations that the "scouts" said about his game and the potential he possesses.

How quickly people forget that JJ was brought in here to play the point, and Chill play the 2. Not for JJ to play the 2, and bring Chill off the bench. If we already had our PG, BK definitely doesn't sell the farm just to get JJ. That deal was in part, made because we'd come up completely dry in the FAcy market, and JJ was the last "talented" FA that could possibly be enticed to move here.

This is why all of this Chris Paul whining and crying should stop. We didn't take the guy. We took Marvin. Eventually, Marvin will get a chance to show what he can do in a significant role. It may not be this year, but it will definitely come next year.

I think your analysis was brilliant. Totally makes sense.

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Talk about a huge amount of assumptions. The premise behind that post is that Knight won't take the player he values highest because he already took someone at that same position. Does this guy realize Knight drafted Chills and Smoove in the same year and then drafted Marvin Williams the next year? Knight has definitely stuck by his guns and taken the guys he wanted to take regardless of perceived depth at a position so the assumption that everything would have changed isn't supported by anything other than rank speculation.

LOL @ rank speculation. All I'm using is logic here. What's illogical and asanine, is saying that the team would look exactly the same, if we'd taken Paul.

I am not saying the team would look exactly the same if we'd taken Paul. However, I am saying that it is likely that the major pieces would be the same and saying in particular that Knight probably wouldn't have totally rearranged his draft board just because he drafted Paul. Salim is a short SG who is a total gunner. Why would Knight pass on him just because he had Paul already when Knight hasn't passed on a single player in the draft due to existing depth at a position? Logic and observation would lead you to believe that it is likely Knight would risk redundancy to take the player he thought was best at a given spot in the draft.


Some of you forget that the Joe Johnson in ATL talk didn't really heat up until a few weeks after the draft. JJ wasn't on BK's radar back in May. He wasn't even on his radar in June. It was only after Hughes, Redd, Allen and Dalembert were signed/re-upped to teams, and Curry was found to have a heart ailment, and the Bulls acted as if they'd do anything to keep Curry AND Chandler a Bull, that we even considered going after JJ.

I am not sure why you think the roster would look totally different if we had drafted Chris Paul and signed Hughes, Redd, Allen or JJ. Isn't it reasonable to think that Knight would have a similar roster with JJ or Hughes?

If we were really that dependent on someone like Curry signing with the team we would have at least made him an offer.


And did the Hawks even work Salim out before the draft?

Where do you get this stuff? Yes. They did work Salim out the same day they worked out Bogut.



Knight had more of an eye on Julius Hodge, than he did Salim. But Hodge ended up going in round 1.

According to??


The Chill/Smoove draft picks can at least be justified, because we were just re-stocking the team with talent, not necessarily with "need" players. And I'm convinced that the Marvin pick was in direct correlation to the possibility of us losing Al this summer ( if he's not traded or if we try to re-sign him, but he goes elsewhere ), and because of the lofty expectations that the "scouts" said about his game and the potential he possesses.

Are you saying that given our roster at the draft you couldn't justify taking Salim after taking Paul? I sure could given our terrible lack of outside shooting and the long-term value of good shooters in this league (see marginal talents other than shooting like Steve Kerr, Dell Curry, Kyle Korver, etc.)


How quickly people forget that JJ was brought in here to play the point, and Chill play the 2. Not for JJ to play the 2, and bring Chill off the bench. If we already had our PG, BK definitely doesn't sell the farm just to get JJ. That deal was in part, made because we'd come up completely dry in the FAcy market, and JJ was the last "talented" FA that could possibly be enticed to move here.

This is why all of this Chris Paul whining and crying should stop. We didn't take the guy. We took Marvin. Eventually, Marvin will get a chance to show what he can do in a significant role. It may not be this year, but it will definitely come next year.

If Knight was totally committed to JJ as a PG then we would not have limited his minutes at that position after the first weeek of the season. In fact, the very day we signed JJ Knight was noting that he could play PG, SG or SF.


“Joe has tremendous upside and provides our franchise with a player whose talents are worthy of All-Star consideration,” said Knight. “He has the versatility to play several positions for Coach (Mike) Woodson. Not only is Joe extremely gifted on the offensive end, his size on defense will give us a tremendous advantage against most teams."


I am not whining and crying. I just think your assumption that we would have a totally different roster is not justified by Knight's actions as GM of the Hawks and are based on nothing more objective than your personal logic and assumptions.

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