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Put Me On The Trade Harrington Bandwagon


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I think playing with Tione' last year hurt his decision making or something because he is the reason why we keep on loosing big leads late in games.

When we play unselfish, team basketball, with a mixture of hard defense, we win games. When we play selfishly and take bad shots we loose. Why dosn't Al relize that?

Guys who have played the right way this year for us arent getting as much playing time as they should because of Harrington, so why not deal him? I'm not even looking for a player in return, just a pick or two.

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i still say Harrington is a tweener who lacks the ability to guard SFs. only Billy Knight would see the value is a 6 foot 9 power forward.

however continuity may be the only way we dig out of this hole. that being said this season is in the tank, sell harrington high. his value is getting lower by the game.

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I don't see how trading Al Harrington is the answer to anything then. Al Harrington wasn't the one letting Derrick Martin/Mike James bomb us from outside. Mike James has had 2 career games against us. Allen Iverson scored 53 points against us. I think you are wrong to think that trading Al Harrington will solve our problems. All that would do is make us worse offensively. Wasn't Al Harrington our lead scorer last night?

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Hell no, our players seem to like Woody alot. They havnt played great, but they have been much better ever scince BK said we are keeping Mike Woodson.

if they like their boss that much then you could make an even better argument for Woody getting fired. he's not supposed to be their friend, he's supposed to coach them up to win ballgames. especially the ones in which they have a 4th quarter lead.

the post halftime swoon is getting old, real old.

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On the first point about loosing him would mean loosing some offensive punch, that is wrong. Yes, we would loose some offense, but basketball is not all about leading scorers. We have JJ, and I beleive Smoove, Chill, ZaZa, Slim, Marvin and T-Lue can pick up the slack. A balanced scoring offense would be much better than the selfish game we have been playing, especially late in games.

On the point of Woody, not to many people have seen that he has done a good job coaching latley. His decision making is much improved. He is no longer the reason we are loosing games.

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Trading Harrinton in no way means we loose offense. Yes, Harrington can score and grab a few rebounds, BUT he plays no defense and slows ball movement down. Your post actually argues against keeping Harrington. If the Hawks can get a defensive pg for Harrington then that is exactly what the Hawks should do. We get killed by quick gaurds who drive to the hoop night in and night out. Harrington is always late on his rotation or makes the wrong rotation.

A guy, ala Miller, would stop a lot of the penetration that is killing us. On the offensive side a real pg that himslef drives and dishes will only IMPROVE our offensive flow. 18 points a game can be made up by what we have and what ever we get for Harrington. Smoove is showing signs of becoming a consistant offensive threat, Childress could be if he would just be aggressive, and Z can score as well. So trading Harrington doesn't, IMO, reduce our offense if we get the right player in return, which I am sure BK is looking for.

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