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Watson's D


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man you shovel it deep don't you? Now watson is one of the best PG defenders in the league???

You talk about clueless man.. give me a break.. YOu really think that a backup level player, who has ONE STAT in his favor (-6ppg opponent scorer in his limited minutes in memphis) is really going to make a big difference for us?? For this team? He would NOT have a -6ppg differential here..

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verify how you watched all these memphis games for yourself? If you want to dig them up, go ahead.. vindicate yourself on THAT point at least...

It still doesn't change the fact that you think an offensively limited, career backup who can't get minutes is going to become a starting PG for us simply because he was able to make a -6ppg difference in one season for his previous team..

that's just noobish, fantasy basketball.

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Let's make a bet. You say I am lying about knowing that Watson finished the games while at Memphis. You say I am lying about pushing for the Watson deal weeks ago.

You are wrong.

The bet is simple.

Loser doesn't post on Homecourt for a month.

Of course you will chicken out like the loser you are.

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I said you're a liar about saying you WATCHED THE GAMES. Hell, I've read posts here about watson playing the 4th, you weren't the first. the point is, you didn't watch all these games.. you tried to lie and got called out.

And i know you were pushing for the Watson trade weeks ago.. because I was telling you it was a bad move because he's a backup talent player..

You're a childish troll who had a lie exposed and you do what all trolls do, you just keep coming with the lame cracks.. now I'm a loser?

How about I email your employer, or maybe call them, and tell them how much company time you spend on my website, insulting me.. I wonder if they would like to know that? Keep acting like a child on my site and I might do that..

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and tell them how much company time you spend on my website

haha i think i may already be on a short leash. And no i didn't watch a ton of Memphis games, but I watched enough to know what was going on, especially in the playoffs.

You accused me of lying about the Nene/Miller for Pierce deal, which was common knowlege and widely reported.

Since you can't make coherent arguments you accuse people of lying. That is just childish.

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I think the fact that Watson finished games in Memphis last year is more an inditement of Jason Williams then an endorsement for Watson. Williams is just not that good - as evidenced by his declining minutes.

Watson is a good player, but not someone the Hawks should rely on as a starter at one of the most critical positions on the team.

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Wrong again. here is my quote.


I watched as Watson finished the games in Memphis during crunch time while Jason Williams sat on the bench.

Even if I only watched the Memphis/Hawks games, then my statement would be true. obviously I saw more than that and was well aware of the situation.

The fact is that you have called me a liar several times in this thread when all i did was state what is common knowlege to most NBA fans. The fact that you aren't aware of the Pierce deal says it all.

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I don't really want to get involved with this drama, but Denver reportedly *did* bring Watson in to be the starter. Next to Pierce, they weren't too worried about his lack of an outside shot. Surprisingly, Watson has improved his perimeter game, and I think he should now be considered a "starter-quality" PG.

He still has his issues - he's a poor FT shooter and not a *pure* distributor, but he makes the team better when he's on the floor. What else can you really expect of a PG?

As far as BK goes, he was reportedly in love with Watson's D. What he doesn't like now (again, reportedly) is the *length* of Watson's contract. I don't blame him. Watson isn't enough of an upgrade to justify having both he AND Lue costing the team a combined $10M for the next two seasons.

I'd rather try and get Rondo, who should, at the very least, be Watson's equal for half the price.

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I do run this site. I do read most everything that comes across these pages. I do follow the NBA more closely than most people, by both watching the games and following the news. I knew about the rumors of Pierce being traded before most people here and that includes you. People were posting trade deals to get Pierce here almost immediately. I also read about the rumors of watson/nene for Pierce. When it finds its way to nearly every sports media outlet, it's nearly impossible to not see it.

Maybe calling you a liar was...harsh. You just exagerated.. ok, so you're not a liar, you're an exagerator.

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I don't have a problem with someone disagreeing with me. While I know bball pretty well I actually don't know everything. I can't see into the future and tell how good someone will be or who else the Hawks will get.

All I ask is that you make a legit argument. If you say Watson is being overpaid and isn't good enough on offense and that the Hawks can probably do better....that's fine. Reasonable people can disagree. But if you say i am just making stuff up then my responses won't be pleasant. Especially after that stunt you pulled before.

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a few percentage points on his 3pt%, when he's getting better looks now then ever, don't make a guy a starter quality PG. THere is absolutely nothing in his history to warrant it. He MIGHT be a starter quality player on the right team. A team that is stocked with shooters, has decent team D and has an inside presence. But that's not us. Especially if we traded Al.

When you talk about backup players, you have to look at all the factors. The team he was on, the players he played alongside, etc. He's not the kind of player who can just go to a team and reproduce the same results, much less improve significantly. That much is a given. With Al gone, we have no inside game, which is going to hurt his open looks. We'd only have one real finisher (jj), so his limited passing game is made less effective. We don't have good defensive personal, so the effect of his quality D is lessened.

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yet, every time I do, you ignore that and focus on something ridiculous (like me knowing about the nene/watson for pierce deal). As if that has any bearing on the conversation.. I've been around long enough to know that when that happens, the other person usually has nothing to say in reply.

I've posted numerous times, very coherently, why Watson (and Nene) are NOT a good deal for Al. I've done it in several threads and again in this one (in reply to Mrhonline). Somehow you seem to either not read them, or choose not to reply to me on the topic.

Maybe you should read some of those. I think I take the time to make my understanding of the game and how it is played obvious, at least on the most basic level. If you disagree and still feel that I'm clueless and incoherent, I guess we'll be at an impasse.

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If you disagree and still feel that I'm clueless and incoherent, I guess we'll be at an impasse.

My problem with you is that i can't tell when you are serious or when you are playing games. Since you readily admit that you knew about the Pierce deal, and yet you called me a liar when I brought it up, then that means all you were trying to do was play games.

I guess I should have known better than to respond to your post.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

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As usual you simply don't know what you are talking about. Denver brought him in to be the starter. They thought they had a deal in place with Boston to trade Miller/Nene for Pierce. They signed Watson to replace Miller.

I'm not reading the whole thread, so take this for what it's worth, but I believe Watson was believed because they thought HE would be moved in a deal for Pierce or someone else. He is clearly not the distributor that Miller is, although I would put him a notch above Lue

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