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The BK Philosophy...


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I'll trade the team down to draft picks.

In the process, I will make it possible for us to get High Draft picks.

This philosophy makes BK look good because it's like fishing in a barrell when you're always picking in the lottery!

However, BK F'd up.

Stern got us on the lottery and we had to choose 6th. BK picked Chillz over AI and Deng... That's not to suggest that those guys are better than Chillz but CHillz is more of a Jack of all things...versus being a true superstar type. It's like comparing Juwaun Howard to Webber.

Did the same thing the next year.

Stern got us on the lottery and we had to choose 2nd. Then BK picked Marvin over Paul...This was truly a F up... Paul is making pros look bad. Marvin is off to a slow start.

If BK were to trade AL for a pick, he know he'd be fired. But can the scorpion be something other than the scorpion?

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I know just about everyone on the board thinks picking Marvin over Paul was a mistake. I still thinks it will be two years before I can say the pick was wrong. The biggest reason is if we had picked Paul I don't think he would be thriving here like he is in New Orleans. A lot have to do with the offense and they freedom Scott is giving Paul. I think Woody would have found a way to play Lue most of the time here anyway. He would probably say we are bringing him along slowly or some over stupid sh%t like that.

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We needed a PG who could lead this team for the next 10 years.

BK picked a player who have skills that we already had in players we got.

Marvin is not a PF.

Marvin is not a great athletic freak of nature.

Marvin is a dime a dozen Sf.

We already had Smoove, Al, and Chillz here for that purpose.

So what now??

Hell, Al is leading the league in 3 pt shooting!!!

There's nothing that Marvin brings to the table that we don't have currently but hope. A lot of you hope that he will turn out to be better than Pockets for pants in 2 yrs.

Whereas Paul seems to be BPA and he would have filled a need.

It's not the Sf/Pfs that abusing us... It's PGs. It's not lack of good individual play that is causing us to lose games, It's lack of floor generalship down the stretch. Then I watch Paul and I see him taking it to the HEAT like a vet...

That's what makes you question BK.

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you give them freedom or they will simply take it by virtue of their talent. We don't have anyone of that caliber here. There is no way that Paul would be playing behind Lue on this team. It would take them no more than one or two practice sessions before Pauls vision and ability to find guys would set him apart from everyone on our roster.

Not to mention that his defense isn't bad. Heck, it's nowhere near being the liability that man pre-draft "experts" said it would be. He's actually a very solid defender and a great steals man.

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in the draft. People can say that there isn't anyone of Pauls caliber in this draft. But that is just an unknown. The thing that Paul had over everyone else, and everyone in this draft, is his experience. A PG with vision, talent and the physical gifts, will always improve over time. They may not be as good right out of the gate. But they can easily be just as good.

That doesn't make the disappointment of passing on Paul any less. But it also doesn't mean that we've completely screwed up either. It just puts us on a different path to getting better than many of us would like to see.

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Of course picking Marvin over Paul was messed up. Paul carried Wake Forest and was also their energizer. I watched GA Tech play NC and don't evan remember Marvin showing up. These GM's are sooooo in love with potential, they can't see a person's ability to carry his team or desire to win.

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I think we have already beaten the Paul/Marvin debate to death.

All i can hope is that BK actually does intend to bring in a pg at some point and not a shooting guard trying to play the point. The team's lack of success this year, along with the success of other pgs, hopefully will lead him in the right direction.

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We needed a PG who could lead this team for the next 10 years.

BK picked a player who have skills that we already had in players we got.

Marvin is not a PF.

Marvin is not a great athletic freak of nature.

Marvin is a dime a dozen Sf.

We already had Smoove, Al, and Chillz here for that purpose.

So what now??

Hell, Al is leading the league in 3 pt shooting!!!

There's nothing that Marvin brings to the table that we don't have currently but hope. A lot of you hope that he will turn out to be better than Pockets for pants in 2 yrs.

Whereas Paul seems to be BPA and he would have filled a need.

It's not the Sf/Pfs that abusing us... It's PGs. It's not lack of good individual play that is causing us to lose games, It's lack of floor generalship down the stretch. Then I watch Paul and I see him taking it to the HEAT like a vet...

That's what makes you question BK.

True, we need a pg now and the future and Paul could have filled that need. I am just holding my thoughts on Marvin until he's given enough time to show what he can do. We all knew Paul was more NBA ready coming out of the draft.

I am convinced BK made the pick which was safe. If BK had passed MW up and Paul stumbled then he would be taking big shots for passing up on what the experts said was the most talented player in the draft. At the same time, we had players already filling up the positions for MW. I am not so sure BK or the staff was sold on Chillz and Smooth as the future of this organization. And with Al's contract expiring and there is a good chance he is going to bolt there may not be a logjam at that position. I can see Chillz offered as trade bait.

I questioned the pick too but oce it was made I had to accept it and look at where MW would benefit us and I think it will be down the road a little.

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If he drafted paul, half the people would call him a fool for passing on such great potential. He drafts Marvin, a 19yo kid, and he's beaten up becuase he's not performing like a guy with 4 years of experience against high quality opposition.


I questioned the pick too but oce it was made I had to accept it and look at where MW would benefit us and I think it will be down the road a little.

That's pretty much how I feel about it. Yes, it's painful to see Paul being so damned good. It's hard to not complain about it sometimes, especially when we're losing like we are. But Marvin is here and he's not going anywhere. I want him to succeed just as I would if Paul were here, or any other player for that matter.

it's crazy for anyone to call marvin a bust or to say that he can't or won't be any good. I see no reason that he won't be better than Al, sooner than Al was as good as he is. It took Al four years to become a solid contributor and six years to become a player that anyone would consider for a starting role.

If you compare their early seasons. Al had two years of limited experience before he was getting the minutes and giving the results that Marvin is giving in his first season. Al also had no jump shot at all, it was non-existant. Marvin, on the other hand, has a beautiful jumper. He's also a much better athlete than Al and should be a vastly superiour rebounder. I honestly expect marvin to be where Al is now, by his third season. He could possible even surpass him by then.

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I will probably be an old man, when Marvin develops to the level of Paul...


Isn't the converse of your statement that all of you who hold an opposing view of what I have been saying should be eating crow..


How long do you give this Project picked 2nd overall??

5 years? 10 yrs??

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and it wasn't marvin developing to equal paul, it was to equal Al. Marvin can easily be as good as Al is now, and faster than it took Al.

The Paul thing looks bad only becuase we're losing. As the whole thing evolves, it may not look bad at all down the road. As in agreement as we are about it being bad to take Marvin over Paul. I'm not of the sentiment that it means we're going to be worse off long term. It sucks having to wait though.

Like I said, BK moves Al for needed players, marvin Becomes Al, we draft another need. There's no reason it won't work. It just won't be as fast as some of us know it could have been.

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from the point of his career where he was statting like Marvin is as a rookie. I suspect Marvin will be up closer to 10ppg by season end, if not better. No reason he can't be what Al is now, by then. I don't rule out that he could get there a lot sooner too. Only time will tell.

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During the NJ game they had the NJ announcers on LP and Mark Jackson was one of them. Mark was at Indy when Al was drafted and he said they really dogged Al when he first came there, so much so that Al thought about quitting. Jackson said Al was cocky and not as good as he thought he was so they made fun of him a lot.

He said Al could hardly make a free throw and had no jumper at all.

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The thing is Jackson also lauded Al's talent and skill.

I know. The point being that even though he wasn't that good when he came in he developed his game over time.

While picking a project at 2 is imo a bad call it is too early to try to say Marvin is a bust. Sometimes a lemon can turn into lemonade.

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