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We need a Center


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I am on board with BK. While a PG would squeeze more offense from our roster, a real defensive force in the paint would get the Hawks more wins. If we can add a tough guy in the middle, we would stand a better chance of signing a FA PG in the future.

Aldridge has gotten the early press, but his dominance in the middle has not lived up to expectations. The kid out of Italy has moves and decent offense, but is not known for his defensive toughness in Europe....that means that he will get abused in the NBA.

That leaves one guy that can help us in this draft.....Sheldon Williams. He is listed as only 6-9 but his wingspan is huge. He is a top shot blocker and has the wide body to handle most Centers in the league right now. His character on and off the court is impecable.

If anyone has any concerns about S Williams' game, let me know. I have not seen him enough to feel certain about him. I am just going on what I have read about him.

My early guess is that Sheldon Williams is the guy BK will most likely draft.

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I too think Seldon Williams would be a good addition to this team, but over Lamarcus Aldridge?

Sheldon Williams plays with the best shooter in college basketball in JJ Reddick, and one of college's best distributors in Greg Paulus. Not to mention having one of the best coaches in basketball history.

Sheldon gets lots of help, and already has had great coaching.

I don't see how many more improvements he can make.

Aldridge is playing with Daniel Gibson, and some other guard I forget.

Daniel Gibson does nothing but look for his own shot, and isnt anywhere near the pg that Salim is. Yeah, that damn bad. Last game he had 37 pts and 3 assists.

Aldridge is 6-11, only 20, long, athletic, often times guards perimeter players, and is putting up better rebounding numbers than Shelden.

Plus do we really want another 6-9 player?

I'll take the guy closer to C. Bosh/D. Howard than the guy closer to a less athletic Emeka Okafor.

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Assuming Aldridges back isn't too bad he will probably go at 1. Even if the Hawks finish with the worst record the odds are against them getting the first pick, just like last year.

And if they do draft Aldridge, they will still need a pg and a defensive center. I think Aldridge should be a good player but he is pretty weak and can't play D like Williams.

Even if the Hawks do get the first pick they could trade down and get Williams. For example Portland may be willing to give up their pick and Jack to get Aldridge.

It is pretty sad that we are focusing so much on the draft in January. Thanks a lot BK.

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Shelden Williams would be a mistake to draft. He is a typical Duke player who looks great in college but will be an average pro. Brand and Battier are the exceptions...here is the truth. This year Williams has been abused by the three guys he has guarded that have NBA potential...ABUSED. Killingsworth is 6'6 and just ate Williams alive. Williams is a 8-20 pick, not a top 3. He is also said to be smaller than the 6'8 that they have him listed. Shelden Williams is the last thing that we need...another forward who isn't as athletic as Marvin...Shelden has his potential capped due to his smaller size and lack of great athleticism.

Having said all that Billy Knight, in his infinite wisdom, will probably take him. We know how much he hates point guards. Our team is run by and coached by nitwits.

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NY already has Curry and Frye

Charlotte couldn't pass on Rudy Gay with their two best wings being Gerald Wallace and Kareem Rush. And already having Okafor and Sean May.

Toronto already has Bosh/Villanueva/Arujo

Houston eventually will pick it up and start playing well, and would probably take Adam Morrison to help T-Mac if they got a top pick.

Orlando would take Gay or Morrison, with Grant Hill ready to retire.

Chicago has two chances to get the #1 pick, but after Chandler, I wouldn't expect them to take another long, lanky big man.

Portland already has Travis Outlaw, Martell Webter, Sergei Monia, and Viktor Krhypha, no way they take Morrison or Gay.

Portland would take Aldridge or Bargani, but after Portland got lucky last year, its not likely to happen again.

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Shelden has his potential capped due to his smaller size and lack of great athleticism.

Lack of athleticism wtf. How is he blocking almost 4 shots a game at 6'9"? he is 3rd in the NCAA in blocks. how is he doing it, magic?

Like i said in the other thread Duke has several players who are poor 1 on 1 defenders and it is Williams job to help when they get beat. Then someone is supposed to rotate back to cover his man. However this usually leaves a guard covering a big which leads to easy baskets for the opponents.

Of course people who don't watch any games assume that those guys are scoring on Williams which isn't the case. Of course sometimes guys will make tough shots from 5+ feet out but they rarely get to the basket on him.

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NY already has Curry and Frye

NY doesn't have a 1st round pick, they traded it to Chicago to get Curry.


Chicago has two chances to get the #1 pick, but after Chandler, I wouldn't expect them to take another long, lanky big man.

Why don't you go to a Chicago board and look at who they would pick. They need inside scoring and would take Aldridge for sure.


Houston eventually will pick it up and start playing well, and would probably take Adam Morrison to help T-Mac if they got a top pick.

Houston has Swift and Howard playing the 4. They are looking to trade Swift already and Howard is......Howard.


Orlando would take Gay or Morrison, with Grant Hill ready to retire.

orlando has Battie and Cato playing next to Howard and they both suck.

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It is good news that NY doesn't get a pick

Chicago may need inside help, but they seem to be wanting a proven vet, seeing how they keep begging us for Al. They already have Sweetney, Chandler, and Songalia. They need inside scoring, and I don't think they would rely on a lanky, 20 year old to provide that his first year in the NBA.

Juwan Howard is no scrub, and they already have Yao Ming, plus I haven't heard of any of these Swift trade rumors.

With Orlando already having Dwight Howard, Grant Hill aging, and Steve Francis probably leaving soon, why would they pass on a wing for another big man.

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The post is titled "We need a center." If we're talking about Sheldon "Blockhead" Williams, we are talking about an undersized PF whose feet were casted in concrete so that he can't jump more than two inches off the floor. Great college player--don't get me wrong on that. But an NBA force on the inside? I think not.

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The post is titled "We need a center." If we're talking about Sheldon "Blockhead" Williams, we are talking about an undersized PF whose feet were casted in concrete so that he can't jump more than two inches off the floor.

That is just a joke. He wouldn't be the career blocks leader at Duke at 6'9" if he couldn't jump well. How is he 3rd in the NCAA in blocks if he can't jump? If he can't jump then neither can Ben Wallace.

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There is one other team with a center the same size as Williams and they have lost 5 games so far this year and also have a ring.

So Shelden Williams is the next Ben Wallace?


So let's assume he IS the next BW...he will take 5 years to develop and be on his third team by the time he does it? People here will want to trade him after 30 games like marvin and totally give up.

Ben's first year in the NBA: 1.1 pts, 1.7 rebs...we need more of an impact than that right off the bat.

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