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Kobe with 74!


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retired, in regards to the Raptors feeling like they just cant stop him. Hopefully this season is putting to rest anymore of that non-sense that McGrady is equal or better than Kobe. IMO Kobe is the best player in the NBA, capable of completely taking over at both ends unlike nobody else in the game today.

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from a talent perspective- i always thought they were pretty even (just a matter of preference), but the thing that set them apart is that DRIVE. Kobe, call him selfish or watnot, has that look on his face that says "im going to win, whether or not u help me"

but McGrady doesnt seem to try as hard day in and day out.

however, after all is said and done- i think VINCE CARTER can do anythin he wants offensively and match Kobe. he just doesnt care, and rather just put up his typical 20-something points with ease and collect his paycheck (not this year, but his career overall).

seems to me, someone wants to prove to the world that they can WIN w/o shaq!

as of right now though, definitely- KOBE is the best player in the world. hands down! and if u guys dont see it now, hes going to prove it to the rest of the world in the olympics.

somebody wants to be MJ!


*EDIT* - isint there a part of us thats sayin "D@MN, raptors... thats a close one... good thing it wasnt against us!"

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Last year, it was proved very well that Kobe is not the best player.

He can score a lot.. But hell, so can Iverson.

Moreover, Kobe's offense is a matter of conditions. If it's not Phil's offense where Kobe gets all the shots, Kobe is just average.. Again, refer to last year.

Lastly, how many wins does the best player in the game according to you account for?

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You think that if it werent for Phil that Kobe would be average? Even last year with a barely mediocre team and no Phil he was far better than average. He was far better than any player we have on our team. Kobe can take over a game on offense AND on defense, something very few players can do. Now that Kobe is back in a system where he is more comfortable he is putting up incredible stats and for you to compare him to AI and try to make that seem average is laughable at best considering that AI is having a monster season himself.

What has your hero Tmac done? He has proven to be injury prone and has proven that he can make the fans question his heart. He has proven jack squat. He has never lead a team to anything, while Kobe has proven he can put the team on his back. TMac sure cant do that because he would probably pull a muscle trying.

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Average is the wrong word.

I don't see much difference between Kobe, AI, Ray Allen, and Vince.. other than difference systems. For years Kobe was sheltered by having Shaq and the system. Last year without Shaq and the system, Kobe's FG% dipped to what(Like 41%)??

I think if you gave Tmac the green Light, he could put up big scoring numbers too. He did it in Orlando. Remember him having a streak of 50 point games...but just like the Lakers, Orlando didn't win a whole lot with one guy out there ball hogging.

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from a talent perspective- i always thought they were pretty even (just a matter of preference), but the thing that set them apart is that DRIVE. Kobe, call him selfish or watnot, has that look on his face that says "im going to win, whether or not u help me"

but McGrady doesnt seem to try as hard day in and day out.

however, after all is said and done- i think VINCE CARTER can do anythin he wants offensively and match Kobe. he just doesnt care, and rather just put up his typical 20-something points with ease and collect his paycheck (not this year, but his career overall).

seems to me, someone wants to prove to the world that they can WIN w/o shaq!

as of right now though, definitely- KOBE is the best player in the world. hands down! and if u guys dont see it now, hes going to prove it to the rest of the world in the olympics.

somebody wants to be MJ!


*EDIT* - isint there a part of us thats sayin "D@MN, raptors... thats a close one... good thing it wasnt against us!"

I agree, Kobe is the "best" right now but he is such a little b!tch that his chances of winning a championship without Shaq are slim to none. If I could pick any player in the league to build a franchise around I don't think I would have Kobe in my top ten just because he appears to be so difficult to work with.

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for a guy that builds himself up to be a font of basketbal knowledge, you sure pretend to be clueless when you need to. It's not surprise that in his first season without shaq, that Kobe would shoot 43%. He was playing by himself in a new system with players who weren't there because they fit with what the Lakers wanted to do (around Kobe). Actually, early in the season he was shooting far worse than 41%. But by seasons end he had found his game, despite having low quality teammates and picked his average up to 43% by season end (which means he was probably shooting around 48% over the last month or so). This season he's shooting right at 45%.

You know this, you're just a Kobe hater. Stop playing the town rube for the sake of carrying your Kobe isn't that good arguement.

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I have mixed feelings about Kobe but when a guys scores .....81.....you have to give him his due.

It was pretty comical, since the Raps were really trying to stop him, even doubling him towards the end of the game.

This is the same team that beat us 3 times.

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keep in mind that Shaq hasn't won and won't win a title without Kobe either. Shaq, over the last three years, is the most overrated player in the history of sports.

Shaq has unquestionably slipped. If dedicated himself to conditioning and dropped 30+ pounds to restore his stamina, durability and mobility it might be a different story.

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Kobe looks good in the system that Phil has built around him. Kobe went through 2 coaches in the absence of Phil and neither one of them made him look good.

Still... I don't see the separation of Kobe from:

AI, Tmac, Vince, Ray Allen.

That's the discussion...

When offenses are built around these guys they look good too.

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Kobe can take over a game on offense AND on defense,

I'm not so sure about the defense.... I'm not going to do it

again, but I had a whole list of guards that went off on him

last year. He shut down Redd a few times, but Redd is a fairly limited scorer as far as skills go... He isn't extremely athetic or anything.

Taking away from his game last night is CRAZY. About systems.

People don't think Shaq was helped by Phil? What did MJ win really before Phil got on board?

To say that there is little difference between Ray Allen, Vince Carter is crazy.

For one... Kobe isn't a quitter like Vince Carter.

Number two... Ray Allen just isn't as gifted as Kobe. He isn't as athletic and he doesn't get to the basket like Kobe

can do.

Why are people blaming Kobe for the Lakers record? They have

a crappy team.

Chris Mihm-Not an NBA starter

Smush Parker-A career journeyman that couldn't even make the

Hawks roster.


The Lakers lineup has two NBA starters on the entire roster.

I'm amazed that they are 3 games over .500!

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right now. I have never been a big Kobe fan but I have always appreciated his talent and the kid has game. No one is playing better ball than he is right now - it's not even close. If he has a weakness in his game, I don't know what it is.

That said, I think LeBron has as much talent (maybe even more) - just not as much desire to be the best - yet. Of course LeBron only just turned 21 and he is a better player at his age than Kobe was. Right now though, Kobe is in his prime and clearly the best in the business.

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I would say that KING JAMES, KG, Steve Nash, Allen Iverson, TMac, & Vince Carter are all on the same level if not better than Kobe. Kobe just scores a lot but look at the overall game and what it means to the team..

Iverson is racking up Assists and putting up Points for God sakes...

I mean damn, King James is ALL WORLD!! He's KG like at the SG position.

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