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Kobe is not the best player in the NBA.


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People don't realize how much Kobe Sacrificed for the Lakers to win those 3 championships. Kobe could have been a 30+ scorer 4 or 5 years ago. During this time period when shaq was in his prime no way he would have made those types of sacrifices. The only reason he is playing the back seat to Wade is because he know he has lost a step!!!!

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I don't like Kobe but its hard to say he's not the best right now. He's won championships playing with other great players and he can take over a game on his own. If they get the right role players on that team they will be scary.

I like Lebron a lot but he needs to show that he can will them to victory every night. He's got enough help where there is no way they should miss the playoffs.

But there are two ends to the court. They are both great offensive players in different ways but who is better on D. I think you have to give that to Kobe.

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like a person 7'2 360 should the lakers would probably be celebrating their 6th championship by now!!!!1

Or if Kobe hadn't told the cops that shaq cheated on his wife and paid them hush money, maybe Shaq would still be there and they'd have 6 rings. But hey if he had a heart he wouldn't be kobe

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Lebron James is better... At just about everything. Scoring is equal but assists, rebounds = James....

The thing that stands out is that King James makes players around him better. Kobe does not. It's easy to be selfish and get big points, but to be a great team player is hard.. That's why King James is better.

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Lebron is great. But he's still a notch below Kobe. AI is the only person in the league that is Kobe's equal. Lebron doesn't play defense on the level of either of those guys and he hasn't yet learned how to will his team to a win. If his teammates are stinking it up and he has to score huge, the Cavs never win.

Lebron makes those around him better because he has more talent around him. They started building that team for him before he ever got drafted.

The fact that he's young doesn't mean anything. Since he's putting up nearly 30 per game now, does that somehow mean he'll be putting up 40 per game when he's 28? No. It's a neat sideline. But it doesn't mean anything in the greater scheme of things.

Kobe is the best backcourt player in the league, period. He has been for years now.

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Lebron has Gooden, Big Z, Marshall, and Hughes.

Kobe has Odom, Parker, Mihm, and George

If we continue down the line, I think that it's probably closer to even than an outright win for Lebron. After the big 4, who does Cleveland have?? Ira? Gooden came out 3 yrs ago and has already played for 1-2-3-4 teams... He's been like Jim Jackson with less respect.

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Actually, I rate Kobe on the same level with Tmac, Ray, AI, James, and Vince.

I don't give Kobe an automatic pass because he can be selfish and will his way to big points... All of those guys are capable of doing the same.

Also, what I told you is still true. WITHOUT Shaq, what have the Lakers done?

They are slightly above .500 right now and it's questionable if they make the playoffs... Just like last year.

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How do you go from saying "king james is better" to suddenly saying they are on the same level?

No they can't.... Lebron still hasn't learned how to score big and still win a game. His record when he scores 35+ is horrid. Tmac is about the same. He scores big but his team still loses. AI is the only one who has learned how to do that and it took him a few years to do it too.

What has Shaq done without Kobe? It's a team game and when you don't have the team, you don't win. Shaq has probably his most talented team he's ever had and he will not come close to winning another championship.

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It's not even close, Big-Z, marshall and Hughes are a much more talented than what Kobe has. Kobe basically has Odom, who sometimes shows up, sometimes doesn't. Mihm, Parker and George are bench quality players or 4th-5th option type players.

big z owns Mihm

Marshall owns George

Hughes and Odom don't play the same position, so the comparison isn't fair. But odom is better, clearly. He just doesn't show up sometimes.

The cavs clearly have more talent in their starting lineup and they have been assembled around Lebron and what he can do. It's not even close.

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If I had my choice I take James because he's better at Rebounding, Passing, and making his teammate better.

The talk after the 81 points is that Kobe is the best in the league and has seperated himself. I say NOT SO. I think that all of these guys can do the same thing that Kobe did. They are all on that Level with Kobe...

I don't know if you can see what I mean but Kobe is not a level ahead of these guys... ON that same level, Lebron is better.

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