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Anyone else disappointed with JJ?


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first off i want to say that overall i think he is a very good player. however when we got him, i was lead to believe he was a very strong shooter. pure shooters dont miss so many mid range shots, shot 75 percent from the ft, and shoot an average 3pt percentage.

also does anyone else think he lacks explosiveness? now maybe he is a throwback, but i never see him even attempt to dunk. you would think at 6 8 with that body type he would be looking to dunk a lot. also he just doesnt seem to have that blow by you ability. he seems to make a nice move alot only to get caught behind, when a guy like kobe or lebron would have put in your face

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You must be talking about JJ Reddick, because you haven't really been watching Joe Johnson in Atlanta, have ya? Though he's not quite the Kobe/ T-Mac, he is pretty explosive at times and does dunk here and there. He just has to continue to grow into the role of leader and learn how to play like a $12M+/ year allstar, all while keeping Al happy and manning the point 40-50% of the time.

We need a pure PG that will allow JJ to play like he did last night more consistently. He commented on that very topic, saying that it takes a lot of pressure off him. It allows him to play SG and be more aggressive scoring-wise.

So start watching more than just the tip off and the boxscores.

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no, i'm not

i knew there would be an adjustment period and that he'll also not do as well until we get a true pg next to him or he gets more time to get used to his new role

he can stop the kobes of the league

he can score like the elite sgs at a better % (when has a true pg next to him)

he can handle the ball and dish it better than the elite sgs

he is an above average rebounder for his position

etc etc

i feel that if we get a true pg next to him, he'll be on the level of the kobes/tmacs/etc in a year or so

only a few players put up 16/4/4 like he did last year and like he is doing this year (i think he'll put up 20/6/5 by the end of the year)

even without nash, all of his numbers are up except rebounding

points up 1.9

assists up 2.2

steals up .35

blocks up .12

his ft% is up

his fg% is down just a little from .461 to .448

his only thing that is down is 3pt% but that's struggled with our stagnant offense and his trying to do more than he was used to and getting comfortable here

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I think JJ is playing at the level we expected.

The other thing about JJ is that he eats minutes, and doesn't tire easily. He has been at the top of the league in minutes played for a couple years now.

He is not a Kobe/Tmac, but I hope most fans did not expect that. He could probably be described as a poor man's Kobe.

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The other thing about JJ is that he eats minutes, and doesn't tire easily. He has been at the top of the league in minutes played for a couple years now.

He is not a Kobe/Tmac, but I hope most fans did not expect that.

Agreed. He is also second in the league in consecutive games played.

This is his first year being the franchise player and he is probably still trying to figure out the limits of his abilities and how he can best contribute to the team.

It is very apparent that he isn't a pg though.

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Only fair to say that yeah, I'm a little disappointed. I still think he was a good pick up, but in hindsight I thought he was gonna be better.

Maybe he'll meet the expectations I had for him with time (I'm sure he's dying to appease me), because I think the reality check of going from the team with the most wins one season to the team with the most losses the next would be difficult for anyone to handle.

For him to be what I thought he would be he doesn't need to be on that Kobe-AI-LeBron level, but he does need to be on the current Vince level, where he could explode for 30 on any given night.

edit: and I'm not talking athletically speaking with vince - i'm talking game changing and production wise

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I'm not all that disappointed. He hasn't put up huge numbers, but he's a very good player on both ends of the court (I've been very impressed with his defense) and we have him for 5 more years while he's in his prime. He'll be great alongside Marvin, we just need a good big man (hopefully LaMarcus Aldridge), a decent starting PG, and some more time.

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you guys are missing the point. i said he is a very good overall player. however hi shooting and athelitcism disappoint me. when we got him, i think everyone thought his shooting was the best part of his game. well i can agree that his 3pt percentage is somewhat because of our offense structure, his ft percentage is unacceptable for such a "great" shooter.

i also dont think he looks that expolsive to me. and im comparing him to the kobe,lebron,wade, etc because thats the level i would like him to ulitmately reach.

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I don't think anyone who saw him play previously expected him to be a Kobe/Tmac type of player. That is an unrealistic expectation - he just isn't that good. If nothing else, the very fact that he needs a quality point guard to fully exploit his abilities is evidence of that - remember his shooting percentages were not great pre-Nash. Guys like Kobe, Tmac, Wade etc. can dominate with junk at the point position.

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He wasn't in phoenix. So why expect him to be one here?

His shooting? Well, he's not playing with a team stocked with proven talent, led by a MVP caliber PG. It's foolish to not expect his shooting % to drop a good bit. It happens to every player who changes their team or role that significantly (see also, kobe). He has steadily improved his shooting as teh season has gone on though and I see no reason why he won't be back close to where he was in phoenix by season end.

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You must be talking about JJ Reddick, because you haven't really been watching Joe Johnson in Atlanta, have ya? Though he's not quite the Kobe/ T-Mac, he is pretty e at times and does dunk here and there. He just has to continue to grow into the role of leader and learn how to play like a $12M+/ year allstar, all while keeping Al happy and manning the point 40-50% of the time.

We need a pure PG that will allow JJ to play like he did last night more consistently. He commented on that very topic, saying that it takes a lot of pressure off him. It allows him to play SG and be more aggressive scoring-wise.

So start watching more than just the tip off and the boxscores.

worthless post

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no, i'm not

i knew there would be an adjustment period and that he'll also not do as well until we get a true pg next to him or he gets more time to get used to his new role

he can stop the kobes of the league

he can score like the elite sgs at a better % (when has a true pg next to him)

he can handle the ball and dish it better than the elite sgs

he is an above average rebounder for his position

etc etc

i feel that if we get a true pg next to him, he'll be on the level of the kobes/tmacs/etc in a year or so

only a few players put up 16/4/4 like he did last year and like he is doing this year (i think he'll put up 20/6/5 by the end of the year)

even without nash, all of his numbers are up except rebounding

points up 1.9

assists up 2.2

steals up .35

blocks up .12

his ft% is up

his fg% is down just a little from .461 to .448

his only thing that is down is 3pt% but that's struggled with our stagnant offense and his trying to do more than he was used to and getting comfortable here

His talents don't match what was given up for him. The Hawks paid the price of a 70 million contract, Boris Diaw, and 2 1st round picks for a weaker shooting Steve Smith.

JJ is NOT an above average rebounder... He gets about 4RPG and that's not above average for a starting swingman playing


he can stop the kobes of the league"

LeBron got 38 tonight, so it's probably safe to say that JJ isn't that much of a defensive player. LeBron is more or less a junk basket take it to the rim type of scorer.

"i feel that if we get a true pg next to him, he'll be on the level of the kobes/tmacs/etc in a year or so"

No he will not... Why? He simply doesn't have the explosiveness... He's a second tier SG like Steve was... That isn't bad, but it isn't worth what was given up for him.

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