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Deal BK Should Think About


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I am someone who thinks we need to ship Al Harrington for expiring contracts and/or pick(s). Seattle seems to be playing slightly better now that Bob Wiess is gone, and might want Al to make a run at the playoffs, clear more cap room when his 6 million plus doller deal comes off the books, or try have a better chance in the offseason to sign him because they would have early bird rights.

Even if Seattle were to make the playoffs, it would be in a 7th or 8th seed so there is still much value in their first round pick. When I looked at the Sonics' expiring contracts two names I saw were quite interesting to me, Reggie Evens and Vladimir Radmanovic. I like Radmanovic, but I'm not a huge fan of his complaining and I don't think we need another athletic, perimeter shooting Power Foward when we already have Marvin Williams. Evens, on the other hand, I am a big fan of. The Hawks need a big man off the bench that can do as much dirty work down low as ZaZa Pachulia, and while I think John Edwards has done that to the best of his ability, Reggie Evans would be a major upgrade. He may not have as big of a contract as Harrrington has coming off the books this summer but we have so much cap room anyway that I dont see it being a big deal to sacrifice 3 million dollers, especially when we can get another possible lottery pick. He may also not be the scorer that Harrington is but I am much in favor of that because I feel Al has taken away a lot of points from our future stars(Smoove, ZaZa, Chill, Salim, and especially Marvin), and this deal will open up more experiance and most important scoring oppurtunities for our youngsters.

So if you are confuse as to what deal I am proposing here it is...

SEA Gets:

PF/SF Al Harrington

ATL Gets:

2006 1st Round Pick(SEA)

PF Reggie Evans

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The point is that Al's contract is expiring...

Do you think Seattle would rather have Reggie Evans 3 Million doller contract or Al Harrington's 6 Million doller contract come off the books this summer.

Also Traceman, did you just say we should trade our own lottery pick??? lol your kidding, right?

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Do you think Seattle would rather have Reggie Evans 3 Million doller contract or Al Harrington's 6 Million doller contract come off the books this summer.

what are you talking about??

(making up numbers)

Let's say they have a $53 mil payroll, that means that next offseason with Evans off the books they will be committed to $50 mil. If they dump Evans for Al, their payroll becomes $56 mil, so once Al comes off the books they STILL are committed to $50 mil. So it doesn't matter to them, either way their cap figure will still be whoever they have minus Evans (i.e. $50 mil in this example)

So why would they give us a pick to be in the exact same situation they would be in anyhow?

They would only do this if they plan on re-signing Al or trading (SNT) him for players/picks

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I would do Smoove+#1 for Bosh in a heartbeat. And I like Smoove a whole lot. I wouldn't be so quick to throw Marvin in, but I would give it a good think. When you are talking about the next generation of inside players, there's basically Amare, Bosh, Dwight, and maybe Oden for the future. I'd give a lot for Amare, Bosh, or Dwight.

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Well with the Hawks recent luck - if we keep the 1/2/3 pick, the player we get won't turn out to be an all-star. If we traded the pick for Hinrich, the pick would surely result in an all-star selection.

But even with that pessimistic outlook - at least if we traded it for Hinrich we'd have him smirk.gif

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You have to remember that he has been spending a lot of time out of position at the 2 because they don't really have a 2. Just this month they began starting him at the point and he has been playing very well, averaging 17/7 this month, and that includes a 3 pt, 2 assist game to start the month before the switch.

Plus he is a much better defender than Paul. He has even been doing a good job guarding 2s.

He may just be an All-Star if he plays full time at the point.

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I have watched Kirk Hinrich play for 3 years and he is a very solid player but he is nowhere near an All Star caliber player. The EC All Star guards will likely come from LeBron, AI, D Wade, Arenas, Billups, Vince Carter, Paul Pierce, J Kidd and Michael Redd. Hinrich is solid but he does not belong in that group.

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Hinrich is a waaayyyy better defender than Paul. Not even close. Opposing pg's regularly beat their averages against Paul because they can shoot over him easily.

So therefore Paul has to be waaayyyy better than Hinrich on offense and that is simply not the case. In fact Hinrichs numbers this month, now that he is starting at the point, are the same as Paul's.

How do you think Paul would fare if he was in Chicago playing the 2? He probably wouldn't look as good as he does now.

It is a moot point anyway. BK as much as said he is going big with his pick.

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Just to clarify, you would rather have hinrich than paul?

I find that absurd. Under no circumstance would I trade the #1 pick for hinrich, and I would trade it for paul.

Paul has already shown me that he is an all-star point guard. That is a rare commodity. We need bigs in the worst way, but I have no guarantee that Aldridge is an all-star center. Nor do I believe that hinrich is an all-star PG. He is a good notch below Paul

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