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Raptors fire Rob Babcock


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What is it about Marvin Williams's upside do you guys not like?

You know what I see in a team that has Chris Paul, Josh Howard, and Luol Deng as the key cogs? I see a team that will be the 8th seed every year and get put out in the first round.

With Marvin Williams in the fold, I see a team that has the potential superstar that championship teams are built around. Josh Childress is an excellent role player that is simply a better athlete and more versatile player than Luol Deng is. Josh Howard is also a one trick pony that has no versatility to his game, which is why BK went with Boris Diaw, who simply brought more versatility to the table than Josh Howard.

Like I said though. Babcock is available. Maybe he would draft the players you wanted, ignoring the better talent in the process.

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a Babcock is the only GM that would have taken Chris Paul over Marvin Williams.


Pete Babcock couldn't draft a good player to save his life. Paul looks like a very good player. He would not have gone after Paul. He would have traded the pick for Lorenzen Wright before doing that. Don't even try to bolster your insane bashing of Paul by linking it to legitimate bashing of Babcock.

Also, Villanueva was the one pick that Babcock got right. The only possible criticism of that pick is that Babcock might have been able to get Charlie with his next pick and thus wasted an opportunity to get Channing Frye in addition to Villanueva. It is too early to be conclusive with any pick but it sure looks like Rob Babcock pulled a great example of being smarter than the critics with that pick.

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I'm not defending the guy.

I want the Hawks to be in NJ's position where people would say HOW we STOLE JJ away from Phoenix for 2 1st and Diaw.

About his picks.

I like the Charlie V. pick. Charlie V. has yet to disappoint and who else would you have gotten? Frye said that he would not play for the Raps... Granger... How does he help?

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Maybe some of you can get your wish. There's another Babcock available. Maybe we can get him and go back to our drafting ways of old, where we ignored talent and went for what was considered to be the more ready player.

Check out Billy's caeer win/loss record as a gm.... I doubt it's any worse than BIlly's. I hope you enjoy the Hawks losing because they are going to continue to do it for years.

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That is one of his mistakes, he also took Diaw over Josh Howard

I'm not sure that that is a mistake. At the time, ownership would not let him rebuild and wanted him to work with what we have. If he had to keep JT, Diaw was a great pick to make up for JT's shortcomings (lack of playmaking). He then got the green light to rebuild and got rid of JT, who was basically the reason for Diaw. I still think Diaw was a good pick. If anything, he failed to put Diaw in a situation where he could succeed (different coach? more freedom?). The pick is good though


let Terry Stotts walk for no reason

This franchise was a mess and he got the green light to scrap it all and start over. Firing Terry Stotts was part of a "get rid of anyone who ever met babcock/kasten move meant to send the league a signal that this is a new place worth considering once again. I think that that made sense as part of an overall overhaul to attract FA's by convincing them to give us a second chance, that we are committed to winning in the long run. I don't think Stotts is all that good anyhow. Now he has a good team so he's doing pretty well, but I don't think we let a gem get away or anything. If there's anyone I wish we had held on to, it's mussleman. Sure Stotts is better than Woody, but that's not saying much


and took Marvin over Paul.

time will tell that one. If Marvin turns out to be the stud that he can be, it won't be a mistake. If Marvin never improves, this is certainly his biggest blunder, but it is not fair to judge Marvin now when we knew he was a project player. More risk, more potential. Nobody knew how good Paul would be

My only problems with BK are:

-picking Chill over Iggy

-sticking with Woody even though it is increasingly obvious that he is bad

-refusal to acknowledge our need for a PG to facilitate the growth of our youth

I think people will be looking much more kindly on BK a year from now, as we should do much better if we can beef up our lineup, with or without a PG.

That being said, he is certainly not the flawless revolutionary genius that KB thinks he is.

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What is it about Marvin Williams's upside do you guys not like?

I don't have a problem with Marvin, I simply feel that Paul was a better pick, and will have a greater impact on his team.


You know what I see in a team that has Chris Paul, Josh Howard, and Luol Deng as the key cogs? I see a team that will be the 8th seed every year and get put out in the first round.

You know what i see in a team that has Marvin Williams, Joe Johnson (Diaw), Childress, and owing the Suns two first round picks? Well we already know the answer because we are currently watching it. See, but the difference in you and I is I understand both versions would be incomplete, but I like the way the pieces in my version fit better than the current pieces. My vision could still include Joe Johnson because Howard is "versatile" enough to play the 2 or the 3.


With Marvin Williams in the fold, I see a team that has the potential superstar that championship teams are built around.

I don't see Marvin as a championshp caliber superstar, but simply a very good player (shareef/Jamison) who could be a piece to a contending team. I have seen nothing in two years of watching Marvin that would make me believe that you can build around him.


Josh Childress is an excellent role player that is simply a better athlete and more versatile player than Luol Deng is.

Yeah, and that is why in fewer minutes per game Deng is averaging more points and rebounds than Childress. Deng is by no means a finished product, so I'm not understanding why the potential word is not used with him.


Josh Howard is also a one trick pony that has no versatility to his game, which is why BK went with Boris Diaw, who simply brought more versatility to the table than Josh Howard.

Yeah, but the fact of the matter is he is a better PLAYER than Boris Diaw. Diaws defense is overrated, so the only thing he is truly better than Howard in is passing ability. Howard is a much better scorer and their rebounding is about the same. Again, a dumb pick by Knight.


Like I said though. Babcock is available. Maybe he would draft the players you wanted, ignoring the better talent in the process.

I don't want anybody named Babcock ever associated with the Hawks again, but with that being said the jury is still out on whether we received the better talent so far. Right now we are on the short end of the stick.

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I don't want anybody named Babcock ever associated with the Hawks again, but with that being said the jury is still out on whether we received the better talent so far. Right now we are on the short end of the stick.

Better talent than what?

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I'm not sure that that is a mistake. At the time, ownership would not let him rebuild and wanted him to work with what we have. If he had to keep JT, Diaw was a great pick to make up for JT's shortcomings (lack of playmaking). He then got the green light to rebuild and got rid of JT, who was basically the reason for Diaw. I still think Diaw was a good pick. If anything, he failed to put Diaw in a situation where he could succeed (different coach? more freedom?). The pick is good though


The pick was horrible for this team. If ownership was not letting the Hawks rebuild, then they should have went for the guy who was more ready to contribute, which was Howard. The Hawks needed a 2 or 3, and Howard would have fit right in.


This franchise was a mess and he got the green light to scrap it all and start over. Firing Terry Stotts was part of a "get rid of anyone who ever met babcock/kasten move meant to send the league a signal that this is a new place worth considering once again. I think that that made sense as part of an overall overhaul to attract FA's by convincing them to give us a second chance, that we are committed to winning in the long run. I don't think Stotts is all that good anyhow. Now he has a good team so he's doing pretty well, but I don't think we let a gem get away or anything. If there's anyone I wish we had held on to, it's mussleman. Sure Stotts is better than Woody, but that's not saying much


Still don't get the hype surrounding Musselman on this board. In my opinion Stotts was just as good as Musselman, who did nothing with the Warriors for me to understand the hype. I also don't see how firing Stotts was going to help this team attract more free agents, because the fact of the matter is by firing him the Hawks simply looked like a team in flux. Now guys are calling for Woody's head after two seasons, despite the fact that the talent on this team is young and the Hawks are not even close to a playoff caliber team.


time will tell that one. If Marvin turns out to be the stud that he can be, it won't be a mistake. If Marvin never improves, this is certainly his biggest blunder, but it is not fair to judge Marvin now when we knew he was a project player. More risk, more potential. Nobody knew how good Paul would be


If Marvin turns out to be the player that most people expect or the stud that KB21/Billy Knight expect, because they seem to be two different things? At best Marvin will probably be a 20-22 ppg guy with about 7 boards per game from the small forward position. Good, but not the type of player that will lead a team to the championship. I see Paul as a 18-20 ppg 8-9 assist guy who will make others around him better. In the long run, I see Paul having the bigger impact.

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I don't want anybody named Babcock ever associated with the Hawks again, but with that being said the jury is still out on whether we received the better talent so far. Right now we are on the short end of the stick.

Better talent than what?

If the players we picked were better than the talent available.

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I don't want anybody named Babcock ever associated with the Hawks again, but with that being said the jury is still out on whether we received the better talent so far. Right now we are on the short end of the stick.

Better talent than what?

If the players we picked were better than the talent available.

Gotcha. That is an impossible standard, though. Even the very best GMs can't consistently take guys who are better than the talent available. A lot of the times even with the #1 overall pick you'd rather have "the field" than the pick if you have to get the best guy from the class.

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Marvin Williams and Joe Johnson give the Hawks a foundation they can build a championship team on.

Marvin Williams put up the best freshman season on a per minute basis in North Carolina history. Better than Jordan. Better than Worthy. Better than Jamison. Better than Carter. Better than Wallace. Better than Stackhouse. Marvin's per 40 minute numbers at North Carolina were right around 20 ppg and 12 rpg. That's as a true freshman. He averaged 1 point fewer and 2 rebounds more per game as a true freshman on a per 40 minute basis than Carmelo Anthony did as a true freshman at Syracuse. Marvin is also a much better shooter, ball handler, defender, and is a lot more athletic than Carmelo. He will be a much better player than Carmelo in time, and Carmelo is currently averaging 25 ppg.

Marvin Williams will be a small forward that gets 25+ points per game and close to 10 rebounds per game within the next 2-3 years. He will do that because of several key skills needed to do that:

1. He's got the long range shooting ability.

2. He's got the ability to dribble penetrate and pull up for the jumper.

3. He's got the ability to take his man off the dribble and drive the lane.

4. He's got the ability to post his man up and score inside.

5. He's got the ability to be a tremendous finisher in the open court.

6. He's got tremendous instincts for moving without the ball.

These skills only add to his 6'9", super athletic frame that has a 7'3" wingspan.

Marvin Williams is a rare player. You simply don't find many players that has his size, his athleticism, and his skill level.

I've seen nothing in Chris Paul that makes me think he will be any better over the long term than a slew of other point guards...Damon Stoudamire, Kenny Anderson, Terrell Brandon....you don't win championships with point guards. You win them with great players.

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Marvin Williams and Joe Johnson give the Hawks a foundation they can build a championship team on.

Marvin Williams put up the best freshman season on a per minute basis in North Carolina history. Better than Jordan. Better than Worthy. Better than Jamison. Better than Carter. Better than Wallace. Better than Stackhouse. Marvin's per 40 minute numbers at North Carolina were right around 20 ppg and 12 rpg. That's as a true freshman. He averaged 1 point fewer and 2 rebounds more per game as a true freshman on a per 40 minute basis than Carmelo Anthony did as a true freshman at Syracuse. Marvin is also a much better shooter, ball handler, defender, and is a lot more athletic than Carmelo. He will be a much better player than Carmelo in time, and Carmelo is currently averaging 25 ppg.

Marvin Williams will be a small forward that gets 25+ points per game and close to 10 rebounds per game within the next 2-3 years. He will do that because of several key skills needed to do that:

1. He's got the long range shooting ability.

2. He's got the ability to dribble penetrate and pull up for the jumper.

3. He's got the ability to take his man off the dribble and drive the lane.

4. He's got the ability to post his man up and score inside.

5. He's got the ability to be a tremendous finisher in the open court.

6. He's got tremendous instincts for moving without the ball.

These skills only add to his 6'9", super athletic frame that has a 7'3" wingspan.

Marvin Williams is a rare player. You simply don't find many players that has his size, his athleticism, and his skill level.

I've seen nothing in Chris Paul that makes me think he will be any better over the long term than a slew of other point guards...Damon Stoudamire, Kenny Anderson, Terrell Brandon....you don't win championships with point guards. You win them with great players.

The problem with the Hawks and your hope for a championship one day...is you have the worst NBA Head Coach that I have ever seen. Woodson couldn't win a title with the Pistons. So, it really won't matter who we bring in as long as your best buddy Billy keeps his best buddy Woody.

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Let's see...

Chris Bosh... Check.

Charlie V.... Check.

Graham... Check.

Had he not picked Arajuo?? Maybe he'd still be there.


I wish Wayne Embry Good fortune. I kinda saw this coming miles away..

Arajuo was a horrible selection, but I started to buy into the vision Babcock had after this past draft. Overall, I don't think he's makes a good GM, so I hope to see both Babcocks out of the GM business.

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Marvin Williams put up the best freshman season on a per minute basis in North Carolina history. Better than Jordan. Better than Worthy. Better than Jamison. Better than Carter. Better than Wallace. Better than Stackhouse. Marvin's per 40 minute numbers at North Carolina were right around 20 ppg and 12 rpg. That's as a true freshman."

Like that means jackshyt in the NBA. Josh CHildress was able to actually play good defense in college... In the NBA he doesn't have the footspeed to do it. College and the NBA are two different games.

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Marvin Williams and Joe Johnson give the Hawks a foundation they can build a championship team on.

Man, I hope you are right, but right now I don't see it.


Marvin Williams put up the best freshman season on a per minute basis in North Carolina history. Better than Jordan. Better than Worthy. Better than Jamison. Better than Carter. Better than Wallace. Better than Stackhouse. Marvin's per 40 minute numbers at North Carolina were right around 20 ppg and 12 rpg. That's as a true freshman. He averaged 1 point fewer and 2 rebounds more per game as a true freshman on a per 40 minute basis than Carmelo Anthony did as a true freshman at Syracuse. Marvin is also a much better shooter, ball handler, defender, and is a lot more athletic than Carmelo. He will be a much better player than Carmelo in time, and Carmelo is currently averaging 25 ppg.

Please stop with the per minute nonsense. Marvin Williams and Carmelo Anthony should not be mentioned in the same sentence right now. Anthony led his team to the National Championship as a freshman, and also helped turn around the Denver Nuggets as a rookie. Marvin Williams HELPED his team win a title as a role player, and so far is coming off the bench as a rookie. Right now, he isn't doing anything better than Carmelo. Hopefully in the future Marvin will become as good or better than Melo, but right now stop with the nonsense.


Marvin Williams will be a small forward that gets
25+ points per game and close to 10 rebounds
per game within the next 2-3 years. He will do that because of several key skills needed to do that:

1. He's got the long range shooting ability.

2. He's got the ability to dribble penetrate and pull up for the jumper.

3. He's got the ability to take his man off the dribble and drive the lane.

He's got the ability to post his man up and score inside.

5. He's got the ability to be a tremendous finisher in the open court.

6. He's got tremendous instincts for moving without the ball.

These skills only add to his 6'9",
super athletic frame
that has a 7'3" wingspan.

Marvin Williams is a
rare player
. You simply don't find many players that has his size, his athleticism, and his skill level.

The same stuff I've heard about Lamar Odom and Tim Thomas, neither of whom can lead a team anywhere.


I've seen nothing in Chris Paul that makes me think he will be any better over the long term than a slew of other point guards...Damon Stoudamire, Kenny Anderson, Terrell Brandon....you don't win championships with point guards. You win them with great players.

In this era of the NBA you don't win championships with 6'8" small forwards either, but that didn't stop the Hawks from drafting Marvin did it? Name the last championship team that was built around a 6'8" small forward?

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We only owe the suns one pick

The Suns will get two of our picks from the deal. Lascar, you might want to seperate yourself from the Boston/LAL pick.. BUt that pick was ours. We had paid for it. It was ours. We traded it away.

It was like if you had bought a car from a friend and before you had a chance to drive it, you sold it to another friend. Even though we didn't use the pick, we gave up a player for that pick. It was ours.

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I really don't know if Rob Babcock was a lame duck for this past draft or what. I mean, I wonder if Wayne Embry called the shots. Similar to BK and Pete Babcock. I want to believe that they brought in Embry knowing that he would be the next GM of the Raptors... and were hoping that Babcock would either tune up or Resign. They should have fired Babcock at the beginning of the season when he told the reporter that he doesn't expect his team to win.

I am a fan of Wayne Embry. I loved the Cavs team he built. I had heard that BK goes to him for advice from time to time. I would hope that he would tell BK that you need a PG and a C. I mean, he had Mark Price and Brad D.

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