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Best AL Trade Out There is ATL/NO


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ATL Recieves:

Bostjan Nachbar

J.R. Smith

Maciej Lampe

Jackson Vroman

2006 1st rounder(better of two between NO and MIL)

2006 2nd rounder(worser of the two between NO and MIA)

New Orleans Recieves:

Zaza Pachula

Al Harrington

Donta Smith

Real GM Successful Scenario: 2872964

Why New Orleans does it: J.R. and Byron Scott aren't on same page, and they get similiar talent in Donta. With Birdamn gone they can use some big man help, and they get that with Zaza. Then Finally they get Al, who could really cement them in the playoffs. They still keep a 1st rounder, so they shouldn't have any problems letting it go.

Why Atlanta does it: They get a young talent with tons of potential with J.R. We get another shooter in Nachbar, and more frontline help with Lampe and Vroman. Most importantly we get another 1st rounder. Where we could pick up either a pg/sg or another big.

JJ may not be too happy about it, but long-term it is definitely in our best interest. We still have a core of JJ/Salim/Chillz/Smoove/M-Will/J.R./Batista. Adding two 1st rounders, two 2nd rounders, and free agent pick ups to that core, we look very good next year. Then Akyol and D. Andersen may come over, so it is a great deal and both teams are helped.

Possible line-up next year w/o free agents(just for kicks)

Marcus Williams/Salim/Dee Brown





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That is a terrible trade. Why do we need JR Smith? He will just sit on the bench behind JJ. Why are we giving up Zaza? He is the only big man we have.

There are better ways to get a draft pick. We don't need to go after swingmen. We need big PF/C and a pg and we need to breakup our 4 sfs.

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Why would NO give up so much for a player they could sign outright in the offseason?

NO does need him more than any other team because they lack scoring. Mason really sucks. I would expect them to pursue him strongly in the offseason.

A more likely scenario would be them trading Speedy and Lynch, both expirers, and one of their picks for Al.

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If we were to trade Al for expiring contracts and a pick (or picks), I would be *wicked* pissed.

What the hell good would expiring contracts do us at this point in the process? We've already got money available under the cap, and as we have all seen- free agents aren't exactly beating down BK's door wanting to play in Atlanta. So what good does having additional cap-space do you?

And enough with the picks. We're full-up on youth here, we need to get some actual established players- hopefully that will be here for a few years.

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If we were to trade Al for expiring contracts and a pick (or picks), I would be *wicked* pissed.

They won't trade him for expiring contracts without a first round pick obviously. And getting a first rounder would be better than losing him for nothing, which is a very real possibility. The Al fans are in complete denial about this.

Just look at the Larry Hughes situation last year. He had a career year averaging 22 ppg on a playoff team. He said many times that he intended to stay in Washington. Ooops. They lost him for NOTHING.

At least they had a reason for not trading him during the season since they were a playoff team. The Hawks have absolutely no reason to risk losing Al for nothing since they are in last place AND have quality young players at the 3/4.

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I would love to trade AL but come on man not for that piece of garbage

Who are you talking about? I was talking about Speedy and Lynch, both expirers, and their 1st round pick for Al.

Speedy is better than what we have at the point and Lynch would just ride the pine.

With their first rounder we might have a chance at Marcus Williams, who I think would fit in perfectly here.

That would be certainly better than letting Al walk for nothing. Judging by his comments about Chicago, and making no mention of wanting to stay in Atlanta, he seems like he is ready to pack his bags.

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I would love to trade AL but come on man not for that piece of garbage

Who are you talking about? I was talking about Speedy and Lynch, both expirers, and their 1st round pick for Al.

Speedy is better than what we have at the point and Lynch would just ride the pine.

With their first rounder we might have a chance at Marcus Williams, who I think would fit in perfectly here.

That would be certainly better than letting Al walk for nothing. Judging by his comments about Chicago, and making no mention of wanting to stay in Atlanta, he seems like he is ready to pack his bags.

I am sorry i was talking about the one included above including Lampe Vroman and Jr along with picks for AL ZAZA AND DONTA

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This is who you get:

J.R. Smith - Shoots way too much and has poor shot selection and we have JJ playing almost 40Min at SG and no spot at SF

Lampe - Similar to Araujo maybe little better

Vroman - look above

Nachbar - all he does is shoot and we dont need that if you saw the game against Chicago (we need a slasher)

1st round pick which will probably be from 10-14 unless Paul gets hurt.

And you want that for Al Harrington, Zaza and Donta

That is piece of garbage

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No... exodus.

That's just a dumb idea.

How good do you think N.O. becomes with Al playing Sf? Let me give you a hint... They would probably pass Milwaukee.. maybe even top 4 in the east behind Detroit, Miami, NJ.

That means that you would give up Al for about the 20th pick in the draft??

In a weak draft at that??

No. It's smarter to just hold on to Al and if we trade him trade him in a SNT where we can get more.

You talk about a realistic possibility that Al walks.... why do you think Al even mentions Chicago? Because they have capspace..i.e. Money. With that in mind, you know that Al is focused on getting money... So the question is does he get more money by walking.. or by getting a SNT done?

You can keep trying to change the facts Exodus... But your George Bush fear tactics don't work for people who know the truth.

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They would probably pass Milwaukee.. maybe even top 4 in the east behind Detroit, Miami, NJ.

NO is in the the West. Duh


No. It's smarter to just hold on to Al and if we trade him trade him in a SNT where we can get more.

Like what? You put crazy trade scenarios on the board every day but you have yet to put up a good sign and trade scenario with Al.


You can keep trying to change the facts Exodus

I actually know the facts. You don't. You think NO is in the East. You must live in a time warp. You think the 6th year and raises will force Al to do a sign and trade which is nonsense.

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But N.O. is still in the draft right. I'm talking about pick position (#20)... N.O. is barely under .500. They hold the last place in the west. However, Pickwise, they would be right up there with the top 4 teams in the east. That would make them about 10th overall recordwise and 20th overall pickwise...

Bottom line.

You want to trade Al for #20 overall in a weak draft.

That's stupidity.

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That is assuming they make the playoffs. In the west the competition will be a little tougher. Utah and Houston have had a bunch of injuries. When they start getting healthy they will pass NO.

And another thing you apparently haven't noticed (big surprise) is that ALL of the projected top picks are forwards. BK is unlikely to trade the pick since he won't have another high pick for a long time most likely.

Do you really think he will keep Al when they still have gaping holes at center and pg?

And getting the 20th pick in the draft would be better than getting what the Wizards got last year when Hughes walked.

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If you give them Al for the lollypop and meatlovers pizza that you're asking for, they will make the playoffs and they will be about the 10th team in the NBA.. And that pick will be WORTHLESS..

Who can you get at #20?

Maybe Mardy Collins.

Last year, Mardy was 2nd round material and he's not getting much better this year.

as far as your statement about getting the 20th pick?

I don't know.

I don't see it that way.

The 20th pick is like 4 yrs of paying somebody. Was the Hawks made better by their 4 yrs of Cal Bowdler?

I like the odds that we can get a SNT of Al.. so I'm not willing to trade Al for CRAP.

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That #17 pick turned out to be Josh Smith.

Al is no Rasheed, and to get a pick ranging from 15-20 along with young talent is a very good trade for this team.

Yes we are giving up zaza, but he is not the center of our future. He jacks up a ton of shots each night, and is nowhere near the inside presence we need on defense.

Why is everyone think this is such a bad trade.

No one is seriously considering the fact Al may walk. He has no obligations to anyone to do a sign and trade. You get J.R. Smith, who may be a little trigger happy,but still has superstar potential. You get a midrange 1st rounder, where there is no telling what kind of talent we can pick up.

As was said before, this trade can't put any more hurt than we already are in, so why not roll the dice.

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Only a team desperate for a SF is going to give us close to equal value for Al. At this point, I'm willing to trade Al for "need" players who collectively may have less talent than Al.

Portland, to me, is the obvious trade partner. But we're going to have to take a player off of their hands that may be counterprodutive to our "youth movement" in the short term, in order to get the player that we really want . . Jarett Jack.

Right now, the Blazers have 3 young PGs that they play every night. ( Telfair, Blake, and Jack ). That number could be 4, if you add the multiple skills that Juan Dixon brings to the table ( side note: hopefully Salim will be as good as this guy next year )

If we deal with Portland, we HAVE to get one of the PGs. Telfair is probably off-limits. So that leaves either Blake or Jack.

Blake is more of the floor leader/shooter while Jack is more of a floor leader/defender. In either case, one of these guys will still split time with Lue, with Ivey being completely out of the loop.

But we can't trade Al for one of the PGs solely. We'd have to take someone else.

And no, the Blazers aren't dealing Pryz, which would be the obvious choice in a 2 for 1 deal. So here would have to be the deal.

Jarret Jack and Ruben Patterson . .. for Al

( this could also be executed in a Sign & trade, but only if Portland thought that they could get Al at a relatively cheap price ( 7 - 8.5 million per ) . . signing Al to a deal would almost mean that they're willing to deal Miles to somebody, for a high scoring 2-guard )

I can see the board now, frowning up their faces. But that's why you have to go deeper into the deal.

Like I said, getting equal value for Al is probably out the window. So we may as well try to get a player that can address an immeadiate need. A young player that can play perimeter defense and run the team on offense. Jack could be that guy that could solidify the defense on the perimeter, without completely killing us on offense.

You wouldn't ask him to be a big time producer offensively, just a timely one. 8 - 10 points and 5 - 6 assists would be ideal for Jack on the Hawks next year, with a guy like Lue providing the offensive punch off the bench.

The kicker in this deal, is Ruben Patterson. I'm sure the Blazers would love to move him for Harrington because of two things. (1) It would give the Blazers a guy who can score inside and out in Harrington, seeing that Ruben is primarily a slasher. (2) He's probably worn out his welcome there anyway and probably would jump at the chance at acquiring an expiring contract like Harrington's

So what's in it for the Hawks?

Patterson is kind of what we need at the SF position. A guy who can go to the hole, score, and play defense. At 6-5, you could even match him up against the opposing team's 2 or 3. But there is always this with Patterson . . his attitude. Some may not want a guy with a chip on his shoulder to be on the team. I say that it may very well be what this team needs.

And one more thing about Patterson. If his stay in ATL the rest of the year doesn't go like he wants it, he has a player option in his contract for the 06 - 07 campaign. So if he decided to test the FA market, instead of opting to collect the 6.8 million he's due next year, then it wouldn't be a major loss for the Hawks.

Portland's lineup if the trade went down:

C - Pryz

F - Randolph

F - Miles

G - Dixon

G - Telfair

6th man - Harrington ( who would easily get 30 + minutes a game with this team, and could very well be in at the end of games. There would even be scenarios in the game in which this lineup would be used:

C - Randolph

F - Harrington

F - MIles

G - Dixon

G - Blake/Telfair )

Atlanta's lineup:

C - Pachulia

F - J. Smith

F - Patterson

G - Johnson

G - Jack

Jack's presence would eliminate the need to start Ivey at the beginning of games. In fact, Ivey would be completely out of the loop and should NEVER play if the deal went down.

Patterson would give us that much needed slasher on this team that can get to the hole. And with his defensive abilities, he could make the Hawks perimeter defense much better in a JJ/Jack/Patterson lineup. And in this lineup, JJ would get the chance to play completely off the ball and do what he does best . . shoot the jumper.

Lineup combinations:

C - ZaZa

F - Williams

F - Patterson

G - Stoudamire

G - Jack

C - J. Smith

F - Williams

F - Patterson

G - Johnson

G - Lue

C - ZaZa

F - Williams

F - Childress

G - Patterson

G - Johnson

With the loss of Al and the acquisition of Jack and Patterson, Smoove would have to play the 5 a little bit more than what he does now. More importantly, it would open up playing time for Marvin.

So basically you'd add about 5 more minutes for Marvin, reduce the floor time of Lue and Stoudamire by about 10 - 15 minutes collectively, and give Patterson a chance to play 25 - 30 minutes a game.

( NOTE: Patterson currently leads the Blazers in FT attempted ( 174 ) , and shoots 81% from the FT line. )

Plus, we'd still have MORE THAN ENOUGH money to make a run at a FA PF or C and still take one in the draft.

Hawks 06 - 07 lineup if Patterson stays:

C - Aldridge ( if we get lucky in the draft )

F - J. Smith

F - Williams

G - Johnson

G - Jack


G - Lue

G - Salim

F - Childress

F - Patterson

F/C - ZaZa

F/C - Free Agent

G - Donta Smith/Free Agent

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Realistically they would have to move Miles before pulling the trigger on a deal like this.

I mentioned this exact trade to some Blazer fans earlier in the year and they blew me off. That was before Telfair got hurt and Blake emerged though.

I still think it would be a longshot.

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You're right about the Miles aspect. You can't play Al in front of Miles or Randolph, so you'd have to bring him off the bench, and hope Randolph could play 5 - 10 minutes a game at center against smaller frontlines.

Blake is definitely playing well these days, making them have 3 quality PGs. It sure would be nice to have at least one of those guys in some sort of deal with AL.

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First of all, Al is a better player than Darius Miles. Period. He averages more ppg, rbg, and apg in fewer minutes. He does this while playing on a team who needs a true PG. According to you guys, Blake, Telfair and Jack are all terrific PGs so you would think that Miles would benefit tremendously from that.

If all we get for Al is Jarret Jack and an overpaid malcontent like Ruben Patterson, BK should be fired immediately.

Honestly, I don't want a young guy like Jack or a pick for Al. We are already too young. We need to look at ways to get more proven talent in here as we already have WAY too much youth to develop.

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