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and now JJ with his first career triple double


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I'm not asking you why you don't like the hawks anymore. I don't give a sh!t. There are millions of atlantans who gave up on the hawks and stopped thinking about them, much less posting about them

I'm asking you what pleasure you derive from talking trash about them to hawks fans specifically. Do you enjoy bringing others down into depression with you? Do you think it makes you cool that you hate the team you used to love?

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The Hawks win 3 in a row, it doesn't matter, they still suck. The Hawks match last seasons win total, it doesn't matter, they still only have 13 wins. The Seahawks make the superbowl, it doesn't matter, the NFC sucks and they beat mostly mediocre teams to get there."

Who has the worst record in the league? Oh that's right, they're better than a team that is missing 3 starters and is fielding a CBA team. It's a fact that the Hawks stink and not an opinion.

I don't like the Seahawks. I have nothing againest Pittsburg. They're a good franchise and have been for a really long time. On the other hand, Seattle had not won a playoff since 1984 until this year. Even Hasselbeck said all of this himself.

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I'm not asking you why you don't like the hawks anymore. I don't give a sh!t. There are millions of atlantans who gave up on the hawks and stopped thinking about them, much less posting about them

I'm asking you what pleasure you derive from talking trash about them to hawks fans specifically. Do you enjoy bringing others down into depression with you? Do you think it makes you cool that you hate the team you used to love?

Well, I try and understand how people aren't angry at the choices the franchise has made. Marvin Williams appears to be improving some and that's a good sign... But Smoove and more so Childress are looking like busts. Woodson is still the coach, Billy has thrown away picks, and hasn't addressed either the whole at PG or C...

Granted, the Hawks have had bad luck... Very little has really worked out, and until that changes, I'll expect the bad.

I know it's hard enough being a fan of the Hawks, but when I see sports programs continue to rip the team and there is really no way to argue againest it, it makes me even more angry.

The Hawks make their fans look bad time after time. And that's why I bash them so much. If I say something good about them, they'll f*ck up. I actually made a bet last year that the Hawks would be better than the Lakers in two years.

It's early, but I'm sure to lose that one at the pace Billy is improving the team.

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I said JJ isn't worth 70 million bucks, 2 first round picks,

and Diaw. He's a second tier SG... But then again, the Hawks best players have been 2nd tier players since 1995... So I guess it isn't surprising.

Belkin? Is that you?

You small, lost, little boy.

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I said JJ isn't worth 70 million bucks, 2 first round picks,

and Diaw. He's a second tier SG... But then again, the Hawks best players have been 2nd tier players since 1995... So I guess it isn't surprising.

Belkin? Is that you?

You small, lost, little boy.

LOL. Somebody that lists drinking as a hobby shouldn't be trying to talk trash. Must be some reason you like to get wasted.
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I said JJ isn't worth 70 million bucks, 2 first round picks,

and Diaw. He's a second tier SG... But then again, the Hawks best players have been 2nd tier players since 1995... So I guess it isn't surprising.

Belkin? Is that you?

You small, lost, little boy.

LOL. Somebody that lists drinking as a hobby shouldn't be trying to talk trash. Must be some reason you like to get wasted.

Duff_Man drinks because you cry.

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I said JJ isn't worth 70 million bucks, 2 first round picks,

and Diaw. He's a second tier SG... But then again, the Hawks best players have been 2nd tier players since 1995... So I guess it isn't surprising.

Belkin? Is that you?

You small, lost, little boy.

LOL. Somebody that lists drinking as a hobby shouldn't be trying to talk trash. Must be some reason you like to get wasted.

Duff_Man drinks because you cry.

I just noticed where you're from... No wonder.

Don't like what I say? I never asked you to comment on my opinion.

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I can somewhat appreciate what Hots is saying. I was as positive as anyone until this summer (go back and check my posts if you want) when BK lost his marbles. I just have been very disappointed with the way the team and organization have been put together.

I understand that Rome was not built in a day but the Hawks are still lacking in the two most critical areas on the floor (the positions that arguably take the longest to develop - center and point guard) and all 3 of the first round draft picks in the past two years have been used on players who play the same position. In addition, the coaching and defensive effort is terrible.

There hasn't been an NBA champion in over twenty years that lacked good interior defense and yet the Hawks have not addressed this area - unless Josh Smith can harness his raw athleticism into something more than a weak side shot blocker.

As fans we need to question the direction the team is taking. I will give BK one more off season to put this team in the right direction, but if he pulls more of the "JJ is our point guard" type of BS then he has to go.

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do you take pleasure in demoralizing people when they are celebrating one of the very few positives for hawks' fans this season? Because that's what you're doing. You're not convincing anyone that JJ isn't much, much, much better than Diaw, because that's the truth and we are hawks' fans. All you are doing is sucking out the fun and happiness out of a rare positive for us.

Why would you do that? Honestly, why? what's in it for you?

If you don't like JJ or the hawks, no need to post here, and especially not in this thread.

If you ever get married I'm going to show up at the reception and continually ask you if you really think your wife is all that hot, if you couldn't have found less of a bitch, or if you couldn't have at least found a rich girl if you were going to marry an ugly bitch.

Wow--burn. That was a classic.

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These are your opinions from this thread:


My response:

Diaw was an UFA who was leaving anyway, and hadn't contributed to our team at all. He played soft, didn't listen to the coaching staff, and was generally a malcontent. We received a young player who is on the edge of being a star in JJ.

Smoove = bust

My response:

The 16th pick in the draft is an amazing shot blocker, has vastly improved both his jump shot and his man to man defense, and still has amazing upside potential.

Chillz = bust

My reponse:

Is quietly becoming the young leader of this team. Plays his heart out every night, and brings a well rounded game to the table. Will be a nice bench player for us in the coming years.

Chris Crawford = worst player ever

The poor guy had two busted knees. I thought he could have been a servicable player had he been able to stay healthy. And you clearly don't watch basketball if you think Crawdaddy had no talent.

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I said JJ isn't worth 70 million bucks, 2 first round picks,

and Diaw. He's a second tier SG... But then again, the Hawks best players have been 2nd tier players since 1995... So I guess it isn't surprising.

Belkin? Is that you?

You small, lost, little boy.

LOL. Somebody that lists drinking as a hobby shouldn't be trying to talk trash. Must be some reason you like to get wasted.

Duff_Man drinks because you cry.

I just noticed where you're from... No wonder.

Don't like what I say? I never asked you to comment on my opinion.

Seriously, have you ever talked to a girl without having to give your credit card number?

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I think Daiw has a couple this season.. Oh yeah, he only is paid a small price of what JJ is paid.

Diaw is a QUITTER when the situation is not perfect. Joe is not. That is not measurable via stats.

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My response:

Diaw was an UFA who was leaving anyway, and hadn't contributed to our team at all. He played soft, didn't listen to the coaching staff, and was generally a malcontent. We received a young player who is on the edge of being a star in JJ.

What about the picks? Isn't it likely the Suns will get a lotto pick also from the Hawks? And no, JJ is not really a star. Also, Diaw could have probably been used to help fill the PG or

center spot... That's right, JJ filled it for like 2 games.


Smoove = bust

My response:

The 16th pick in the draft is an amazing shot blocker, has vastly improved both his jump shot and his man to man defense, and still has amazing upside potential."

He shoots like 42% and I don't think he's made a 3pt shoot

all year.... Besides, as bad as he was... Up is the only way to go.

Perhaps it isn;t fair to call him a bust, but he'll never made it past a role player... Which isn't totally a terrible thing for a 16th pick I don't guess... But if people get their hopes up that he will be more, they likely will be let down.


Chillz = bust

My reponse:

Is quietly becoming the young leader of this team. Plays his heart out every night, and brings a well rounded game to the table. Will be a nice bench player for us in the coming years."

Childress is Stacy Augmon without the defense... It's not all his fault... He doesn't really have the footspeed to keep up with NBA players... That's really on Billy Knight.


Chris Crawford = worst player ever

The poor guy had two busted knees. I thought he could have been a servicable player had he been able to stay healthy. And you clearly don't watch basketball if you think Crawdaddy had no talent."

Poor guy? He got millions for giving the team nothing. He had talent, but just not NBA talent... CBA guy.

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I said JJ isn't worth 70 million bucks, 2 first round picks,

and Diaw. He's a second tier SG... But then again, the Hawks best players have been 2nd tier players since 1995... So I guess it isn't surprising.

Belkin? Is that you?

You small, lost, little boy.

LOL. Somebody that lists drinking as a hobby shouldn't be trying to talk trash. Must be some reason you like to get wasted.

Duff_Man drinks because you cry.

I just noticed where you're from... No wonder.

Don't like what I say? I never asked you to comment on my opinion.

Seriously, have you ever talked to a girl without having to give your credit card number?

Hey, don't blame me because your probably hung like a light switch and the chicks laugh at you.

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JJ isnt that much better than Diaw (who the hell are you watching when they play) lets trade their places and put Diaw in JJ place and vice versa what would happen. Diaw has stars around him causing him not to face double teams he has teams weak defenders at him because their often defending the better players. JJ is the number on option he gets team oriented defense keying on him. What would diaw do faulter in that instance (proven last year when he was with the hawks). He had his chance last year never showed heart he is in a good situation that all.

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JJ isnt that much better than Diaw (who the hell are you watching when they play) lets trade their places and put Diaw in JJ place and vice versa what would happen. Diaw has stars around him causing him not to face double teams he has teams weak defenders at him because their often defending the better players."

The only difference would be the scoring.

You're giving up a 12/6/5 player, 70 million bucks and worst of all two first round picks for a second tier SG... I'm tired of repeating this. How can you really feel JJ is worth all of that?

The Hawks always seem to help everyone but themselves.

1.Deke for Theo/Toni/Nazr

What happend?

It got Philly to the finals the Hawks continue to suck

2.The Hawks trade Rasheed Wallace to Detroit for scrubs.

What happend?

The Pistons won the tile and the Hawks are still losing.

3.Hawks trade Steve Smith to Portland for JR Rider and Jim Jackson.

What happend?

THe Blazers almost went to the finals and the Hawks were losting.

4.The Hawks trade Boris Diaw and two first round picks for the rights to sign Joe Johnson.

What's happend?

The Hawks have the second worst record in the league.

See a trend that has went on since 1999?

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