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NY trades for Jalen Rose; no Al there next year.


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You do know that Marbury has missed several games and that is most of the reason why they have been bad recently?? I'm sure somewhere along the way, Davis mattered to somebody.. Maybe the Ball boy couldnt do his Job right without Davis, but Marbury being out for 5 game + the last part of that Minny game is probably more of a reason for their slide than old man Davis being out.

Secondly, NY has to have tradable talent at all times. Zeke has messed up but this is not one of those times... You will never see NY do what we have done so don't try to imagine that Zeke is wrong for doing it the way he's doing it...

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Marbury doesn't mean squat. He was playing when we blew them out, he was playing when the Lakers blew them out and he was playing when Philly blew them out.

They have lost 11 of 12 since you were singing their praises a month ago.

Funny how you make a big deal about someone being out on the Knicks but when the Hawks beat Denver or Houston when they have 5 regulars out you act like it doesn't matter.

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This actually, surprisingly, wasn't a bad move by Isiah. NY was not going to be under the cap next year anyways, so AD's expiring contract would not have meant anything to them. In trading away AD they essentially paid 34 million (JR's 17mil contract plus luxury tax) for a 20-22 pick. NY's owner is a billionaire and is clearly not too worried about what they spend, if past history is an indicator.

Now for the downside - Jalen Rose called his year in Indy wih Larry Brown the worst year of his professional career, and said there was animosity from Larry Brown the minute he stepped on the court.

NY needs someone to play defense, and they just traded away their best, and only, interior defender for a wing who dominates the ball and hasn't played a minute of defense since he came into the league. Ny has the second worst record in the league, and I don't see their collection of "And1" players improving that record too much. (Good time to be a Bulls fan seeing as we have NY's first round pick - the reason I have been following their team so closely)

Ought to be interesting to see how two of the leagues most selfish players can co-exist next to each other on the court.

Heres hoping AD returns home and re-signs with the Bulls.

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Knicks potential lineup:

G - Marbury

G - Rose

F - Q-Rich

F - Frye

C - Curry

The one thing I see about this trade is this. Rose is being brought in not to help the Knicks, but the stabilze them at the guard position. Brown obviously doesn't trust Nate Robinson to get heavy minutes, and A. Davis was basically doing nothing for the team.

And Rose coming to the team instead of keeping Davis and letting his deal expire does nothing for N.Y.'s cap situation.

So why not get a player like Rose to try to keep the Knicks respectable, while acquiring another draft pick.

Personally, I was afraid that BK was going to bring in Rose for Harrington, and try to once again force feed the "big" lineup. A move like that would make no sense for us.

But for New York, it isn't a bad of a deal as people would think. And I think this is more of an indictment on Jamal Crawford than anybody. He's the guy that should be the #2 guy on this team, yet, he still plays like he's in Chicago.

One other thought. A deal like this makes you wonder what exactly we can get for Al in a trade?

AH... A lineup of underachievers and losers


Q Rich-This guy is a CBA player! He shoots 34% from the field. That's not NBA quaility.

Eddy Curry-Baby Shaq? LMAO

Rose-Other than his stint in Indy is career hasn't been worth a shyt.

As much as I dislike Billy, I would even have to say:


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AH... A lineup of underachievers and losers


Q Rich-This guy is a CBA player! He shoots 34% from the field. That's not NBA quaility.

Eddy Curry-Baby Shaq? LMAO

Rose-Other than his stint in Indy is career hasn't been worth a shyt.

As much as I dislike Billy, I would even have to say:


No doubt now that Babcock is gone Isiah is the worst GM in the league.

Anyone else notice that Zeke is building the 2002-2003 Chicago Bulls? How many games did that team win? 30?

Isiah has traded for Jamal Crawford (6th straight losing season) Eddy Curry (15/6 in his fifth season!) and now, career cancer, Jalen Rose. I can't wait to see what a mess this turns out to be. Do me a favor Atlanta, keep winning. That NY pick is looking better and better every day...

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I might be the only one that thinks that this was a good trade for NY. If you think about it, what did the Knicks lose? Capspace next year? They weren't going to have that anyway. Antonio Davis? He wasn't doing much. It's obvious the Knicks aren't going to play defense, so the only hope they have is to outscore their opponents. Rose will help with that. They got a draft pick out this too, which anyway you look at it, that is value. The Knicks aren't going to get out of the luxury tax anytime soon. The only way I think they can get out of luxury land is to start offering draft picks to other teams to take those ridiculous contracts off their hands. (like Toronto did here) Other than the players Isiah drafted, their isn't one reasonable contract on their roster. To me, this deal made sense for the both teams. Toronto clears cap space for Bosh and NY gets offensive help & a draft pick.

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That's there is a trade in the works.

Something like Marbury leaving NY...

I would say Marbury to Minny. Wouldn't that be fun.

However, getting Rose, means that now you have a guy who can play in the backcourt with Robinson.

More than Likely, they move Rose to 2 and 3 position.

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So since they are already screwed as far as the cap goes, that makes it a good idea to keep making the same mistakes that got them in this mess in the first place?

That makes sense. NY isn't a team so much as it is a rest home for underachieving, no defense chuckers with bloated contracts.

They might as well just buy out all of those overpriced bums, taking a huge loss but avoiding the luxury tax, and just start over building around their young guys. They will suck for awhile but they already suck and will continue to suck the way they are going.

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If I'm Zeke and anyone offers me a chance at getting out of that Marbury contract, I'd do it. I'm not sure Minny has the tradeable pieces to get it done at this point. Hudson/Jaric/Hassel for Marbury/Lee/Ariza/1st from Toronto works under the cap, but I doubt Minny would do it. That would be a great trade for the Knicks though as all 3 players coming from Minny would probably do well under Larry Brown.

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NY could care less about capspace..Hawks fans seem more worried about it than the Knicks owners. An extra 17 million to their gigantic payroll is like a bucket of water in the ocean, it just desn't matter..If Rose does not work out, then next year he will be a large expiring contract that can be used to make more deals..The basically traded a player they didn't need, for a player that might help, and gained a 1st round choice in the process..Isiah might blow money, but the Knicks don't seem to care..The Jerome James signing was awful, and he definately overpaid for Curry, but Curry is a rare talent if it works out..In the draft , Isiah has few peers..He has an excellent record of drafting impact players, a far better record than BK in that area..

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it matters because you have to be under the cap to sign free agents. Almost everyone on their roster is way overpaid and very hard to trade. They are not that good and have no flexibility.

Zeke easily could have gotten them in much, much better financial shape right now and they'd be looking much better. He has drafted pretty well and they would have money to spend to get the right free agents.

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The capspace isn't the issue.

The real issue, which Diesel refuses to address, is that the Knicks are, as the French would say, LE SUCK. They blow.

You cant improve if you keep bringing in overpriced players who suck.

And NY doesn't get the benefit of high picks in the draft because they traded away their pick this year and gave the Bulls the right to swap picks next year.

Basically they are just helping the Bulls much more than themselves with every moronic move they make.

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NY is not getting under the cap in the next 6 yrs... so why try now? Moreover, NY has been pretty successful at signing free agents.. Even restricted ones...

1)NOW, they aren't getting under the cap for 5 years. If that was a priority of Isiah's, they already would be. Look at all the horrible contracts and ask yourself how many of them he inherited

2)I don't know who all these big free agents that they signed are. All I've seen is trades for the most part. They got Curry as a SNT, that's probably the closest thing. And it cost them their 1st rounder in the year they were going to hit rock bottom. That's not signing a free agent, it's trading. Just about all their tradable assets are gone. Look at their contracts man. The only tradable assets are their young draftees. They're screwed.

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