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Thin Skinned?


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I think for the most part it's that the articles are ignorant and don't acknowledge the good things going on. If an article were to say that it's disgusting that we've been horrible for 7 years but we're at least positioning ourselves well to be winners within a year or two, I'd be fine with that.

If papers said Chris Paul could have been our franchise PG, but that we still would get killed on D, and Marvin could still be better than him, I'd be fine with that.

Basically if reporters did their job, I'd be fine with it

But what happens is that the papers know that the hawks are a "safe target", that no one (nationally) will care if they are unfair to us. So they see our record and roll their eyes, throw the "lowly" out there and add a corny recycled joke. They see Paul doing well and say that he could have turned our team around just like the hornets when that's not the case unless he came with PJ Brown and David West. But in most cases they don't even know that defense is our problem, they assume that it's our lack of PG, which, to my surprise, has not been the problem.

I have no problem with negativity at our expense, I have a problem with people printing ignorance with a holier-than-thou attitude. Either put the work in to really analyze what is going on (good and bad), or keep your mouth shut.

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I get annoyed not by the criticism but by the analysis behind the criticism. When there is incorrect discussion of how we got here (i.e., Babcock) that annoys me. When someone trumpets Marvin Williams as the only potential franchise player in the draft and the #1 overall prospect and then tries to rewrite the draft and bash the Hawks that annoys me. When writers say that people like Erik Dampier suck and are overpaid and then blast the Hawks for not signing them to the overpaid contracts that annoys me, etc.

I don't mind criticism (I'm not excited about it but...) but when they can't get the players or the facts right that chops my hide. And most writers don't care enough to get their logic and/or facts straight.

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I think at this stage with this team...more than we need a PG that can pass and handle and run an O, we need a PG that can defend and disrupt other PGs...keep PGs out of the lane.

I think Foye would be able to do that. He is a bit of a chucker though.

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Also, it wouldn't actually hurt anyone within the stupid media to actually recognize the progress the Hawks have made. This team already has 19 wins and will likely win 30 games this season, which is a 17 game improvement. Not many teams make that kind of improvement within one year.

The media shows its bias too often as well. The New York Knicks are a team that has three times the payroll that the Hawks have, yet they are a much worse team. Yet, you don't see the media constantly bashing them.

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The New York Knicks are a team that has three times the payroll that the Hawks have, yet they are a much worse team. Yet, you don't see the media constantly bashing them.

This is BS. There are tons of stories bashing what Zeke has done

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Yeah, the Knicks get bashed way more than any other team.

True but at least they are in the paper and the news everyday, which fuels perception. I bet if they polled the fans nationally, they would probably ignorantly vote that the Knicks are better than us. Even the Clippers, who haven't made the playoffs in 20 years weren't treated as bad as we are in the press.

And if I see the effin word "lowly" in a Hawks article again I am going to go postal!

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Should we be mad right now? Hell no. Should we have been mad when we rolled out those overpaid "all-star" teams, hell yes. The Hawks of a few years ago tried to keep afloat by signing mediocre talent that couldn't possibly mesh and even went as far as to guarantee playoffs...THAT is embarrassing. What is not embarrassing is being patient, drafting good young talent, signing FAs who are on the UPSWING of their careers and are unselfish team players, and getting better year by year.

It is funny to read half the articles and realize that most writers look at the Standings, get the names on a roster, and print garbage like they know what they are talking about. It is obvious that a lot of them do not watch the Hawks, or they see one game and make snap judgements. Anyone who has endured enough to watch every game over the past two years (all but 6 anyways for me) can see that this team is getting better and better and is growing up together as a unit. Last year I expected to get blown out every night. This year is different. I think we can play with just about anyone. We're fun to watch, we have young kids making strides, we have likeable players who seem to like playing with each other. What's not to enjoy about this team? The wins will come as long as we keep the core together and plug in a few more good fits.

I can tell you that I enjoy watching this team far more than watching Shareef launch 20-footers all game and not hustle one lick. That team made me irate. I stopped watching because it was apparent that we had a heartless team.

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You've nailed it.

Young, inexperienced,under the cap Hawks.

Hustling, fighting, ready to win and in almost every game.

Terrible start ruined our stats for the entire season.

Improving??? You bet we are!

National media don't know this Hawks team. Not really.

They just assume they know all the answers and they

haven't even heard the questions!!

Telling it like it is, I can live with that. Telling it

like they THINK it is and them not knowing, that bugs

me - - a lot.


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when I do get pissed about some of the stuff, it has as much or more to do with people who don't pay attention and don't recognize the success we've had in the past. A lot of national media and even local "fans" will pretend that we haven't been a good team since Nique was here, as if the 90's never happened.

Beyond that, it's just that we get no respect even when we do good. It's hard to swallow when a guys opinion gets national pub and he doesn't have the integrity to at least get it right. We have to be one of the most routinely ignored, misquoted, mis-statted teams of this era.

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