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Boris Diaw!


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I've been a Hawk fan longer than you have been alive so take your crap elsewhere!

Um, that's nice? And it's relevant to my assessment of Mr. Surrender how?

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Reading the posts on Nash, one thing occurs to me...I've heard squat about Nash's scoring while in phoenix, especially this year.

Remember when, not so long ago, Nash would light it up on occassion (outdoing finley, dirk, etc)? Now...rare is the day.

is this because of sportscenter focusing on his passing skills (and, admittedly, I'm not as diligent about checking box scores as I once was...a fiance being pregnant will do that to you)...but...

I'm curious.

how do defenses play him? respecting the pass or his outside shot?

yeah, the press ripped his contract, saying that he'd never finish it at that value...and he may not (per year); however, I'd be willing to wager that with one more solid year, suns' fans will care little.

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well Nash is easily averiging his highest scoring ever, so he certainly is scoring as much as ever.

As far as D's play him ... they just do their best. It's funny the other night they asked Popovich if it was really hard to prepare for Phoenix, and he said actually not at all, there's nothing to prepare for on D. They get out and run so much, you just have to react and do your best to keep up and make good decisions on the fly.

Nash seems to score in 2 ways. First off of a nifty dribble, he gets slightly ahead of his defender, and extends his arm out and uses his body to shield himself and get a layup. The second is the pullup jumper (often a 3) on the fastbreak, when everyone is so concerned about who he is going to pass to.

Honestly though they are the most fun team to watch that the NBA has seen in a long time. It should be even more amazing once amare gets back. If you have time to watch a suns game it is well worth it.

Also congrats on the baby and the wedding

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