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Royal, Zaza, Al, JJ, JS, and even Marvin =gb


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Royal = Defense on Fisher/BDiddy helped a lot. BDiddy could not get past the outstretched hand of Royal. He caused the offense fits because they couldn't get past him. Game ball.

Zaza = Zaza exploited GS's major weakness.. No rebounding. Zaza, JS, and Marvin rebounded strongly tonight and it just tore GS up.

Al = Mr. Big play. When we needed some big plays, Al was there. Steals on defense. Great passes on offense. 3 pters. Finishes.. Hell, if Leon would get his ass out of the way, Al Makes a monster dunk and gets JJ another assist.

JJ = Mr. Do everything. He played every minute and he did everything possible. I looked at the game as being: JJ vs. JRich for the rights to be on the Olympic try out team. I think JRich felt slighted and JJ had to come out and prove why he was choosen. I think JJ showed it!

JS = Mr. Block and Pass. I was noticing how much better Jsmoove was than Dunleavy Jr. Even though Dunleavy Jr was bred for this, JS did everything you want to see out of the Sf position... Plus the blocks plus the 3 pter (Bank) shot!

Marvin = Still got a long way to go but at least his head is in the game. Good steal, good rebounding.

This was definitely a team effort.

like I said before, Salim gave up a 3 pter with a hand in his face to give Al an open 3 pter... I said>.... WHAT???? He passed!!!

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and way to go for recognizing Marvin. His game, role and effect has gone up significantly over the last few weeks.

Honestly had Childress been playing, I think we would have put this one away in the 3rd quarter. He's become some an integral part of our success (when we have it).

One thing about Josh Smith, someone needs to tell him to stop trying to drive into the paint and then kick the ball out. They also need to tell him to stop leaving his feet and THEN looking for someone to pass to. With the ball in his hands, in the open floor, he has to one of the easiest offensive foul draws in the league right now. That's not a condemnation of him. He's playing great overall lately. But someone needs to inform him of his horrible limitation in this respect, FOR NOW.

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My only knock on the game was our horrible D. Only Ivey, Smith, and JJ played any D at all. Zaza and Al were horrible defensively last night. When Smoove got into early foul trouble the Warriors had a free pass to get any shot they wanted. Even Smitty was laughing at how bad the D was. Against most teams we cannot play this "style" of D and win. I agree with you otherwise and especially on Leon Wood's interference with Al's breakaway late in the 4th. That could have been tragic if we had lost.

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I think we had some stretches of bad defense and we had some stretches of good defense.

You say that Al and Zaza were horrible, however, Al had one of the best defensive series of the game. And Zaza too... with the big block.

I think earlier on in the game, we didn't play good defense. I think neither team did. It wasn't until the 3rd that we began to turn up the intensity.

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His first three rebounds ....he pushed the ball and got 3 assists...which were 7 points for JJ....he should not stop doing this, he should do it as he works on his ball handling. Only practice makes him more comfortable....just imagine a PF, because that is what he eventually will play, that can take the ball off the rim and start the break.

This is the year for Chillz and Smoove to grow, they will make mistakes but the more plays they make like this the more they learn and become confident.

Marvin draw fouls left and right...you have to respect that beautiful jumper.

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...I think earlier on in the game, we didn't play good defense. I think neither team did. It wasn't until the 3rd that we began to turn up the intensity...

Yeah Deisel...but it's tough to play good D when the other team is shooting lights out from all over - same for GSW though. We did seem to give up some pretty easy fast-break dunks though.

I haven't seen a show like that 1st half between two hot SG's in a long time.

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