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This is interesting: Rivers to Atlanta?


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Rivers wanting a buyout?

This article doesn't mention Atlanta, but I am going to throw it out there as a possibility. He's making a lot of trips from Boston to Orlando to watch his kids play ball, according to this article. That trip is much shorter from Atlanta.

Is it unlikely? Probably. Remember though, the Atlanta crew of our ownership were watching the Hawks back in the '80s. They probably have a special place in their hearts for Doc Rivers. So, while it is unlikely, I wouldn't rule out the possibility that Michael Gearon Jr and Rutherford Seydel will push for the Hawks to evaluate Doc Rivers if he were to get the buy out in Boston.

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I don't think he's a great coach, but he's got the Celtics playing pretty well as of late. Doc seems to be the type of coach that does better with guys like Ryan Gomes, Orien Green, and Delonte West than he does with stars.

I have a soft spot in my heart for the former Hawks though, and I would love to see a guy like Doc come back and lead the Hawks.

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Doc is no upgrade. He's not a good coach. He's lucky to have a motivated Paul Pierce right now.

Well put. The only thing saving the Celts right now is PP. Doc is as bad a coach as Woody. Watch their games. You will scratch your head at some of the stuff Doc does.

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