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Diesel's New Plan for 2006 offseason...


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1. In this years draft...

The Hawks draft:

Rodney Carney & Eric Williams (2nd round).

In FAcy..

The Hawks sign Jackie Butler.

The Hawks sign Chris Wilcox...

The Hawks sign AL Harrington.

IN trade..

The Hawks trade Tyron Lue for Damon Stoudamire.

Memphis does it because they get a more reliable PG.

We do it because we get a real PG with Experience.

Trade Salim for Steve Blake.

Our squad:




JSmoove/Al/E. Williams


The motive is to get some real ball handlers on the court.

The second motive is to get some Size.

I really like Wilcox. He's becoming a beast. In order for us to contend with Bosh, Frye, and D. Howard, we will need some size.

I like Carney because he's a good natural shooter and he's very athletic and Long. His defense is also top notch.

Aside from Carney, the only other player that intrigues me is Noah... But I wouldn't pick him this high..

But just imagine:

JJ/Carney/Marvin/Smoove/Al on the floor at the same time.

That's got to be BK's dream..

Eventually, Al will be traded. But not until one of the young guns at Sf is ready to step up.

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I'll blow a gasket if we draft another small forward. I love Carney's game. He can flat out play, but damn, do we really need another swing man??? If we're drafting in the 5-8 range, I'd like us to get Foye or Noah. I feel Noah will likely move into this range given the lack of anything resembling a quality big in this draft. I am also interested in Bargnani, but at this point he looks to be #4 behind the top 3.

As for E.Williams, I think he's a great college player, but I don't think he'll be all that great trying to play the 4 in the pros. Isn't he like 6'8? In hindsight, I'd be alright with burning a 2nd round pick on him. I'm just not crazy about him.

As for the trades...

I'm not crazy about Damon. If we trade Lue (which I doubt we'll do) I think our best bet would be to send him back to LA. Besides, why would the Hawks make that trade? What does Damon do significantly better than Lue?

I haven't seen alot of Wilcox. He is explosive on offense, but does he play defense? I know this much, he's challenging Cassel for ugliest man in the league.

I like Blake, but I'm not sure Portland goes for this though.

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Just because he chose to go BPA the last 2 years doesn't mean that's all he'll ever do. He drafted Boris specifically to adress JT's weaknesses.

Trust me Bernie made it clear that he and BK were on the same page and he won't be drafting a SF type

When you rebuild I think there are 2 stages. First you acquire talent and then you adress needs. I think we are at the stage of adressing needs and making the pieces fit

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BK has ALWAYS drafted BPA over need..That is his belief..Until he proves otherwise I don't see how you can say its BS..If we had the 1st pick, and Gay, Morrison, and Carney were the projected top 3 there is a 100 percent chance we would take one of them unless we traded down..Hell, he has spent our last 4 1st round picks on 6'8"/6'9" wing players..

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he said before that he drafted diaw specifically to help alleviate JT's problems - i.e. because he could help with the ballhandling. How is that not drafting for need?

He drafted BPA in the first 2 drafts of a complete rebuild, which makes sense to me.

The man wants bigs

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Just because he chose to go BPA the last 2 years doesn't mean that's all he'll ever do. He drafted Boris specifically to adress JT's weaknesses.

Trust me Bernie made it clear that he and BK were on the same page and he won't be drafting a SF type

When you rebuild I think there are 2 stages. First you acquire talent and then you adress needs. I think we are at the stage of adressing needs and making the pieces fit

we have a winner!

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Talking about BK.

I understand you build in two stages, but BK has never admitted that we were out of the talent acquisition stage.

If the draft goes:

1st pick Aldridge.

2nd pick Gay.

Third pick Bargani

fourth Pick S. Williams.

and Atlanta is on the clock...

Let's consider Noah deciding to go back for 1 more year at UF.

and all that are available are:

Foye, Carney, Riddick, Morrison, Rondo, Brewer...

Out of all these guys which one fits our montra?

BK is not going to reach down and grab Aaron Gray or Hilton Armstrong because they are the only bigs that are available. That is far beyond BKs type of thinking.

He's going to take BPA because he can find a trade for a big man.

Carney fits our build better than any of those others.

I know that there are some proponents of Foye and Rondo and Brewer however, BK hasn't looked to get a PG with a high pick yet. Moreover, none of these guys have the shear ability of Carney.

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and all that are available are:

Foye, Carney, Riddick, Morrison, Rondo, Brewer...

And Spliter (sp?) the big from Europe....If this is really how things fall and Morrison test out as BPA and not a big or a PG/SG (Rondo or Brewer come to mind). I guarantee you we take Morrison or we trade our pick....

BK is not going to pass on BPA if the separation in talent is noticeable....he may trade but he want pass on a possible franchise type player.

I would really like to see Brewer just blow up during tourney time and during the combines. Him and JJ in the same backcourt would be great providing he can take over some of the ball handling duties...but all that is just wishfull thinking (maybe more like dreaming) for now.

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Trade Salim for Steve Blake.

Portalnd is playing Blake big minutes right now. Either they have lost confidence in Sebastian or maybe they are show-casing him as trade bait.

Blake has looked very good since getting the playing time and he would be a great additrion to our squad.

Definetely worth the risk...

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Blake has looked very good since getting the playing time and he would be a great additrion to our squad.

Definetely worth the risk...

His stat line against PHX was impressive to say the least. 16 pts, 13 dimes, 3/3 from deep. I wonder if the Blazers have officially given up on Telfair and maybe we can pick him up. I watched the game the other day and he was looking like more of a distributor and since Blake is playing lights out, we could prolly get Telfair for much less.

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Lofty dreams but PTL has no need for another Sf or Pf. They need someone who can shoot the ball.

Seeing that Telfair and Jarrett are the future as I have heard so often, I would love to trade Salim (who can spread the defense) for Blake who can run our offense.

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BK's handling of the point guard position is puzzling..There have been several inexpensive decent options available that he has passed over..It wouldn't surprise me to see him trade to trade for a big, young point..I think either Jack or Livingston might be his targets..I just don't see him going after a traditional point like Blake.

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If JJ could be a PG, then BK would be Genuis.. I just don't think we can put the ball in JJ's hand all the time and expect him to produce like a PG and a SG. Take a note from the Ray Allen Page. It would be better to let him focus at SG..

That said, I would like to see us address PG through trade and Bigs through FAcy/Draft.

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