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This team plays better with Childress.


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Why is Marvin's defense always a offense toward Al??

Marvin is the most Lackluster lacksidaisical player ever... I mean, Demarr had more fire in him than Marvin. Marvin Sleep walks through games. He's another #2 pick laughingstock.

Yet, Hawksfans are supposed to remain Mussled and Hopeful that this guy who plays like he'd rather be at home watching the Smurfs... will all the sudden become a superstar.

Where's the determination?

Where's the want to be better??

Where's the drive of a superstar??

I really dislike Salim, but Salim has more desire in his left pinky..than Marvin has in his whole body.

Just like last year, Marvin is just happy to be on the team...

But because I'm a Hawksfan, I'm suppose to be blinded to this fact.

Marvin's attitude rivals Eddy Curry's. You remember.. So gifted but plays the game with no urgency, no desire, no fire... That's Marvin.. Last night and most nights...

now.. You can continue attacking Al.. At least, Al wants to play. Al may screw up.. He may not be a perfect defender, but at least he wants to play...

Anyman who will stand in and take 2 charges from big Jackie Butler wants to play.

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In addition to being a basketball savant, you also have the ability to measure a persons desire and determination by simply looking at them? Is this your basketball equivalent of Gay-dar?

Because Salim kicks the ball into the stands or cusses under his breath after being called off the floor because his man went by him untouched 5 straight times, that means he has determination? please..

The same goes for Al. I guess he's loaded with determination and desire because he pumps his fist after making a big shot. But the five straight times that he let his man go to the rim without putting up a hand or making an effort to stop him doesn't count against that?

I really love how you go from saying "star" and upping it now to "superstar". You called Al a star and you don't have the nuts to say that Marvin can't and won't be as good as Al. So now you have to up the ante to "superstar".

You've dogged the guy since before the pick was ever made. I questioned his lack of a dominating attitude myself. But after seeing him play, I have zero questions about his determination to be succeed. Making rookie mistakes doesn't mean anything and you know it. I haven't yet seen him hang his head because he missed a shot or take the next play of because he made a rookie mistake... like I saw Smooth do many times last year (and earlier this year). You weren't questioning his determination though? What gives? LEt me tell you: You like Smooth, you don't like Marvin.

Stop being a p*ssy and acting like you haven't hated on him since day one.

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He's never given me a reason to like him nor has he validated himself as the second pick.

All day long, I read these threads about how great Marvin is going to be... Yet, when I watch him, he doesn't look like anything special.

Now all the sudden Chillz, we're supposed to not be able to see that a player is determined.

Let me describe what will happen tommorow night.

Okur will be at the three point line sometime during the game, he will go up for a shot, Marvin will foul him and raise his hand and walk around in the circle looking at his feet.

Okur will grab a rebound in traffic.. Marvin will foul him, and raise his hand and walk around in the circle looking at his feet.

JJ will make a clean, beautiful pass to Marvin, Marvin will blow the lay in.

And you're right... Marvin won't get down on himself the next play.....

Because Marvin doesn't care.

He doesn't care if he blows the layup.

He doesn't care if he holds the ball for 8 second while being pressed by the invisable man.

He doesn't care about become more than a jump shooter with a pretty form.

You hit it on the head. Smoove would mess up last year and he would get down on himself. He would hang his head... But then somewhere in the summer, Smooth remember all those people who said he would be a bust and Smoove would go and work on his game. Comes back this year with a better handle. With a better jump shot. With better passes...

What about Marvin...

Let me give you words from one of the greatest movies ever...


Apollo Creed: Now, when we fought, you had that eye of the tiger, man; the edge! And now you gotta get it back, and the way to get it back is to go back to the beginning. You know what I mean?

Marvin don't have that...

He's not hungry.

Marvin is full and sleepy.

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Let me tell you two things that will definitely happen;

Al will be standing underneath the basket and a Utah player will drive in and shoot a layup right in his face. Al will not move and will not try to draw a charge or even raise his arms over his head. This will happen several times.

marvin will be standing under the basket and a Utah player will drive. marvin will either cut him off, challenge the shot or give a hard foul and make him earn his points at the line. This will happen several times.

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Let me tell you two things that will definitely happen;

Al will be standing underneath the basket and a Utah player will drive in and shoot a layup right in his face. Al will not move and will not try to draw a charge or even raise his arms over his head. This will happen several times.

marvin will be standing under the basket and a Utah player will drive. marvin will either cut him off, challenge the shot or give a hard foul and make him earn his points at the line. This will happen several times.

Exactly! Marvin is already a better defender than Al in just his 1st year. Everyone who has ever watched Marvin play understands this except Diesel.

The other thing most people understand, is that Marvin has a great shooting stroke for someone his size and will easily be as good as Al offensively in a very short time.

It just blows my mind that anyone would want to pay Al, 8 to 10 mill a year, to not play defense, when we already have someone who is a better defender at a much more reasonable price.

Trade Al, get a big and lets move on...

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Because Chillz wants to redirect the conversation..

Come on...

My Comments are about Marvin. What do you say about Marvin?

Many of you are happy that Al stayed so you can have someone to bitch about other than Marvin. But truth be known... Marvin will never live up to the 2nd pick overall.

So keep[ Bitching about Al... It doesn't make Marvin Better!!

Marvin still doesn't do anything well... Not well enough to be considered a good pick at #2 overall.

Why not compare Marvin to Chris Paul or Deron Williams or Charlie Villanueva or Channing Frye or Danny Granger or those other guys we passed over???

Can your brain not function that way?? You give Marvin the Rookie pass... well, Chris Paul is a rookie that we should have picked... Why is it that he doesn't need a pass and Marvin do?

Yeah, keep trying to change the subject by talking about Al. I can't wait til Al is gone so that you all can choke on your Marvin ain't s--t sandwhiches...

Or then maybe it will be JChill's fault that Marvin ain't s--t.

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So Luefan... The subject is Marvin is not a star... and all you can Come up with is....

Al this and Al that...

You know, you haven't changed one thing since you've joined in Nov. You still kiss Lue's arse and hate Al...

And that's all you ever post about?

I mean, to a thread dedicated to Marvin Williams all you can talk about is Al?

You're like the retard that only spouts one phrase all day long.

I guess for you, as long as Al is in Atlanta, the sky will be falling huh??

Maybe Hawksqauwk should just save you the energy and post in the corner of every posted thread that Luefan loves Lue and Hates Al...

Maybe then, we can stop your rainman like Commentary?

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My Comments are about Marvin. What do you say about Marvin?

Here is what I said:

Exactly! Marvin is already a better defender than Al in just his 1st year. Everyone who has ever watched Marvin play understands this except Diesel.

Just take Al out of the comment and what I am saying is Marvin is a solid defender for a 19 year old rookie.

Here is my other point:

The other thing most people understand, is that Marvin has a great shooting stroke for someone his size and will easily be as good as Al offensively in a very short time.

Again take Al out and I am saying he has a great shooting srtoke that will only get better.


Marvin still doesn't do anything well... Not well enough to be considered a good pick at #2 overall.

Obviously I disagree and think he does the above two things well. Now #2 pick or not does not matter. But since you think that means something now...as if we can change it when the draft was almost a year ago.

Here's my thoughts on that:

Maybe he will be a franchise player or maybe he will just be a all-star some day, then again what if he just turns out to be a starter for us. All three of those options are good and since we can't change our pick a year later, we as a team need to develop him.

And finally:

I really think your issue is whenever someone states that Marvin will be better than AL, you see that as bashing Al. When really what we are doing is giving Marvin a pretty good compliment....

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I agree with Diesel for once I dont think Marvin has superstar talent at all. When you watch him out there is there anything he does that makes you say wow this guy is gonna be awesome. Nope I dont see it at all the Marvin Williams pick was a bad one and theres no other way to say it. You guys wanna say ya hes young blah blah but right now hes not even a top 5 pick from last years draft. Alot of people are hoping he pans because we got alot invested into and we passed up on way better players. But right now Marvin isnt doing anything at all to warrant the 2nd overall pick Since Chilldress has been out Marvin has been down right dreadful and dont even say cause hes not getting the minutes. He looks dis interested out there when hes on the floor and seems like he rather be doing something else. We need alot more from him because he is getting minutes and not producing the numbers we had hoped. Like I said before I would have taken about 5 guys if this draft was done all over again. We drafted cause of talent which was stupid were taking about a guy who came off the bench in college whose proven nothing I dont know how you consider that great talent. Guys like Villanueva, Paul, Felton and Frye would have been much more of an impact then Williams had this year. I will keep saying Marvin was the wrong pick until he proves to me wrong.

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for the simple reason that you are so against him. You have been wrong about EVERYTHING ALL YEAR.

The latest example is your call that the Hawks should win out so they can make the playoffs and give the Suns their pick. Hawks have lost 3 straight since then.

Every call you have made has been wrong.

You talk about Marin's so called lack of fire yet Marvin is a guy who refuses to allow uncontested layups. Nobody on the team is more passive under the basket than Al, so what does that say about his "fire". The only time Al shows any interest in the game is when the ball is in his hands.

And you say Marvin does nothing well, yet he is already a better foul shooter than Al. And this month Al is averaging only .4 rebounds more than Marvin even though he plays over 10 more minutes per game. And Marvin is already a better defender than Al, which admittedly isn't saying much.

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Al is a horrid defender..He simply is not quick enough to defend the 3's, and not big enough to defend the 4's..His defense is pretty much limited to attemting to take a few charges..

Marvin is a nice young player..Yes, he is probably already better defensively than Al, he may also be a better rebounder already..If Marvin was drafted 12th, or 14th, or 20th, we would all be thrilled..I think the automatic expectations and comparisons that come from being drafted so high are the source of frustrations from some of us..The fact we didn't draft Paul, the fact that if we had we might be a playoff team this year is a source of frustration.(Go look it up, I wanted Paul)..All the people on THIS board comparing Marvin to Garnett, saying he was easily going to be better than Carmello have fueled the anti_Marvin fire..

All that being said, Marvin will be a nice player..I think he can turn into a 18/9 type of player..I don't see him being a major star, he simply doesn't have the fire that the stars always have..He is happy being a complimentary type..Marvin is getting good minutes, his numbers are ok, not bad, not good. NO part of his game is overwheming..I think his improvement will come by adding strength..He is just not strong enough to finish inside..

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Yep. JJ's the man, but Chill's my favorite Hawk and has been since we drafted him. I love his game, his hustle, and his maturity. All he really needs is strength and a little more assertiveness in his game. It's about time a few more people give the guy his due. He's not a scrub and I'll say it again...

If any of you are sickened by Boris' performance in Phoenix, thank God that it wasn't Chill that we sent; and you had better hope we don't let him leave us and fall into "the right environment." Because we WILL regret it.

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Obviously I disagree and think he does the above two things well. Now #2 pick or not does not matter. But since you think that means something now...as if we can change it when the draft was almost a year ago.

Obviously, you live outside of reality. You actually believe that where he was picked doesn't matter?? He's the highest pick in Atlanta Hawks History. For that, we should have some reasonable expectations. However the only expectations you seem to have is that he plays defense better than Al... well whooppeedydamndoo... Donta plays defense better than Al and plays offense better than Marvin...

Just think, all that we got in Marvin we already had in Donta according to your unrealistic expectations.

When you wake up and come back to the real world where standards are in place, let me know!

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I would have taken Deron or Paul over Marvin... Check the recrd... i know you wasn't a Sqauawker back then so you really have no say in this matter anyway... You have no record on the matter so you should simply keep out.

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Keep out? LOL you are just mad because I am right. all the guys who were here then said Deron was your pick. He hasn't done squat.

The next Jason Kidd? LOLOLOLOL

You may not know this but when you pick at number 2 you are only allowed to pick ONE PLAYER. You can't pick one and then say, oh but I like that one too so let's switch.

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Well, if you want to quote me completely, I SAID that Paul would be ROY and that Deron would be the next Jason Kidd.

I said that you have no say in the matter because you have no record other than we can't get your lips off of lUE's ass and your hands off of his Balls.

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