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What happened to the Chris Paul magic?


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Obviously you didn't read my first post so I will repost it for you.


The Hornets have lost 8 straight games and are 2 games under .500. So far this month Paul is shooting 36.7%.

Of course there could be good excuses for Paul.

-He could be playing hurt.

-He could have hit the rookie wall.

-He could just be in a normal slump.

However it could also be that teams are starting to figure out how to play him.

No what part of this do you not understand?

I havent seen them play this month at all so I don't know what the story is. I gave 4 possible reasons for him shooting poorly but you only focus on one. Why is that?

And where exactly did I blame him for their slump. All I did was point out his shooting percentage. Looks like we have another jockrider in the house.

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This is my DIRECT QUOTE from the thread you posted.


His ball handling skills are such that he can get past almost anyone guarding him
. The downside is that you take a beating. He will probably end up wearing a lot of protection on his body

I am not criticizing Paul if that is what you are implying.
I have seen a lot of their games and I would certainly love to have him here.

It is obvious from these quotes that I am a Paul hater. I confess.

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I agreed you said some good things, I also pointed out that you gave him no credit for the Hornets success..Both are true..You post about the Hornets slide and blame Paul..When they win, its their defense..You are typical of someone who is simply not intelligent enough to make your points so you throw out headlines..Go back and read your own posts..Its all there in black and white..If you can't comprehend what my point is then you can't be helped..

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You are almost as bad with your downplaying of Chris Paul this season as Diesel is with his hate of Marvin. I was not surprised to see you taking poorly veiled jabs at him. I'm just surprised that it took you this long.


And where exactly did I blame him for their slump. All I did was point out his shooting percentage



The Hornets have lost 8 straight games and are 2 games under .500. So far this month Paul is shooting 36.7%.

Of course there could be good excuses for Paul.

His team has lost 8 straight and he's shooting 36.7 this month. Yet you didn't suggest that any of it is his fault? It seems rather clear that you think their 8 game losing streak has more to do with his 7% drop in FG% than anything else.

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You post about the Hornets slide and blame Paul

Where did i blame Paul for their slump? All I did was point out that he was shooting poorly, but apparently that is too much for a jockrider like yourself to handle.

To summarize

Is Paul the runaway ROY? Absolutely

Has he been carrying them offensively? Absolutely

Would I trade him straight up for Marvin right now? Absolutely.

Is Paul the reason that they give up over 8 ppg fewer than the Hawks? Absolutely not

If you cant understand that then you have my sympathies.

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You are gutless man..If you have an opinion be man enough to admit it and not try to deny you said it..Go read Chillz post..He broke it down pretty well.

BTW, you know you can buy that spray on hair for the pair he suggested, that might make you feel like a big boy.

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you think that Pauls poor shooting has no relevance to their slump. Is that what you are trying to say?

As I have said repeatedly he has been carrying them on offense. In fact I have said repeatedly that he has too much responsibility on offense and is forced to try to create scoring opportunities when the clock runs down. That is why he is shooting only 43% on the season most likely, because he is a very good shooter.

I was the one who started the thread when he torched NY.

I was the one who started the thread when he got named to the Olympic team.

Here is what I said about him in the rookie/sophmore thread;


When Paul went to the bench that was when the sophmores made a big move. His ball handling and change of speed/direction can really make defenders look silly.


In the threads Tmac quoted I said his ball handling skills are so good that he can get by almost anyone off the dribble and that I would love to have him here.

However the groupie mentality is that nobody is allowed to point out anything negative about their hero, so i understand exactly where you are coming from.

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My opinion has been consistent all along. I think he is a great player. I just think he has gotten too much credit for the Hornets success.

When they were winning the board was bombarded with pro-Paul propaganda about how great he was playing. Now that he is struggling and they are losing it is wrong to point it out?


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I would put a portion of the blame on his poor shooting of late. But not all of it. Not even the majority of it. They simply aren't a good team. They were playing above their heads all season and were where they were primarily becuase of the floor leadership he brought, not his scoring. Yah his scoring was nice. But you can't say that from a scoring standpoint, that he was carrying their offense. He certainly does from a leadership standpoint. But from a scoring standpoint, DW is as responsible for it, or moreseo, than Paul is.

and yah it's ok to point out negatives about players. But when you go out of your way to create a post to place blame at the feet of a guy who you've downplayed most of the season. It's pretty clear to figure out your intentions.

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But you can't say that from a scoring standpoint, that he was carrying their offense.

Have you watched them much? Their offense really blows. Mason is horrible. Snyder is weak. PJ...ugh.

At the end of the clock the ball usually ends up in Pauls hands and he has to create something out of nothing.

Paul creates a lot of easy looks for West, but West isn't creating open looks for Paul.

The fact is I don't know why they are losing because, like I said, i haven't watched any of their games lately. And when I heard they had lost 8 straight i was shocked, as i was when I saw how Paul was shooting.

I don't have a problem with Paul but I do have a problem with the Paul-marvin comparisons. I have a feeling that it is bothering Marvin quite a bit also. Marvin is a Hawk and Paul isn't.

And if people are continually going to point to Pauls success to denigrate Marvin then you better believe I will be quick to point it out when Paul struggles.

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that me and tmac both used your name to insult each other. Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

I also noticed that you didn't actually respond to any of my posts. You probably didn't want me to embarass you like I did in this thread, which you still haven't responded to;

bucket boy

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From the Stein Line e-mailbag:

Nique (Atlanta): Why are you always busting on the Hawks for not drafting Chris Paul? The Jazz, if I'm not mistaken, passed him over, too.

Stein: You're right, Nique. The Jazz (who, incidentally, have to live with you holding out after the 1982 draft until Utah consented to trade you to Atlanta) are just as guilty.

Except for one thing.

Paul wanted to be a Hawk. Let me repeat myself: Chris Paul wanted to be a Hawk. He also told me back in December that he had his best pre-draft workout for the Hawks. Factor in the position Paul plays -- one of the two toughest to fill, remember -- and you run out of wiggle room. No matter what it saw in Marvin Williams, Atlanta had to draft CP3. Had to.

This was even before the Hawks knew they'd be getting Joe Johnson in free agency. But you'll recall that Johnson's strong desire to leave a title-chasing situation in Phoenix for the long, difficult climb confronting Atlanta is one of the main reasons Hawks management was willing to part with so much to get him: Boris Diaw, two first-round picks and a $70 million commitment to Johnson.

Now? Not only would Paul and Johnson have formed a killer tandem; Atlanta would suddenly have two marquee players proud to call Philips Arena home.

It doesn't sound like much until you try to come up with a few more marquee names who long to be Hawks.

Had Paul revealed a fondness for Salt Lake City after slipping to the Hornets, I'd be roasting the Jazz more regularly.

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All that is old news. I am not arguing that Marvin was a better pick. I have said many times that is not the case. But Marvin didn't pick himself, BK picked him. It isn't Marvins fault he was picked at 2 and holding that against him is wrong.

Marvin should be judged solely on how he plays, and he has been playing much better recently. The last two games have been weak but with his grandfather's health problems he may


Lately he has been rebounding well and showing good effort on D. early in the year he settled for jumpers exclusively but now he takes it to the basket more often, he just doesn't know what to do once he gets there.

It wasn't like he ran around hyping himself up to build up his draft status. Some of his haters here will never acknowlege when Marvin does something well, and that is just lame.

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