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Marvin, Smoove, Chillz, and Al


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Lately it has been very nice to watch the developement of Smooves game..However, there is one concern, it seems he is developing as a 3 much more than a 4..He plays the perimeter defensively, and his offense is more and more long range..At least for me. the whole key to BK's master plan was for Smoove to eventually man the 4..If Woody refuses to put him inside how does this work?..With Smoove, Marvin, Chillz and Al, we without a doubt have 4 starter quality players whose best position at the moment is small forward..Three of the 4 will be here longterm..Three of the 4 were 1st round picks the last 2 years..This makes so little sense that it boggles the mind..If BK really thinks Smoove is a future 4, why doesn't he tell Woody to develope him there?..Simply shift Smoove and Al's positions to get Smoove more time at the 4 spot..

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that's been my concern too. Actually last night was the first night that I've seen them put him in the post. That's why I hate it that Woody has given smith the green light to shoot 3s. Either Al stays and someone has to get traded, or Al goes, and Smoove will have to play in the post. Smith needs to be in the paint, learning what does and does not work in the NBA in the post

Yet another frustration with Woody. It's like he has no foresight at all

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Im wondering if Woody has been given a victory total he needs to hit if he wants to keep his job..Lately he has coached every game like its the 7th game of a playoff series and he is wearing his starters out..Why not see if Edwards, Donta, Esteban and Lang can play?..We know what Zaza and JJ can do, playing them 48 minutes a game doesn't seem to serve any purpose when wins are actually undesirable for the longterm goal.

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Remember that last year Smoove seemed like he was trying to bank shots in off the glass from the top of the key. Now he is raining jumpers in from 3 like it is no big deal.

I think he will develop a post game but he will be somewhat limited by his small hands. Personally I a more interested in seeing him beat guys off the dribble and finish. Last night he got to the rim twice off nice drives but couldn't finish.

At the 4 i think he will have a quickness advantage over most 4s and, since they will have to honor his shot, will be able to beat them off the dribble easily. I already know that he will be able to make good passes when help rotates to stop him but I want to see him drive in and finish.

Bottom line is that Smoove has talent and heart. When a player has those two things generally their weaknesses don't stay weak for very long.

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I am not as concerned about that as I would have been a few years ago. The reason is because of the rules changes.

Now that the hand check rule is in effect the players who can beat their men off the dribble have a big advantage.

Marvin can beat his man whenever he wants he just doesn't know how to finish. Put Smith at the 4 and I think he will have an easy time beating his man off the dribble. Obviously JJ can beat his man.

The top 2 offensive teams in the league right now are Phoenix and Dallas. Neither rely on post play.

Think about the players who have had big years the last two years; Nash, Wade, Parker, AI....etc. It is the guys who can beat their men off the dribble that have the advantage now much more so than in the past.

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I've said this a dozen times and I'll say it again - none of us know yet what position Smoove will end up playing when it is all said and done. The kid is just barely 20 - let him get better at ALL aspects of his game and at some point it will be CLEAR where his primary strengths and weaknesses are. Right now, he has found a nice little groove playing primarily on the perimeter. That is GREAT as far as I'm concerned. Why try to FORCE him to play inside if he is not comfortable playing in the low post right now? He's CLEARLY not comfortable there yet. Last off season, he added a solid J to his game. Let him work on his low post game this off season and add another brick to the foundation of becoming a good player.

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I pretty much agree Trace. He has a nice niche. Really the only place he is deficient is in the low-post on a set offense. He has an outside shot now, runs the court well in BOTH directions, can defend reasonably well and is a force as a shot-blocker. He also shows some fire. Much more positive than negative for this point in his career.

The things he does well (ally-oops, blocks) he does at the top level of the league.

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