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What the Hawks will do, what the Hawks should do.


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Davis is like the Charles Barkley of Centers. He will be very good on the offensive end.. you can see it in his footwork and the way he plays in the post... BUT he's undersized and overweight. Still he runs very well for a big man and his offensive game is monstrous.

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I've seen Oden Play on ESPN...( This is not a KB moment..).. and he was pretty impressive. He played against much smaller guys.. but he's big and he has some skill. I saw him run a coast to coast and make a darn good pass to his PG... He's going to be a superstar..no doubt. He's got Lebron James like freakish size and muscle. He's too strong for the guys on this level and maybe the next.

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Teams with two picks in the draft:

Chicago 2 and 12

N.O.: 15 and 16

NY: 21 and 29

NJ: 24 and 25

Phx: 20 and 27

I think these are right. Not sure I see a scenario that would be feesible to swap one for two.

Not sure you can trade down and get chicago's picks since our pick is lower but h_ll no to the others

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What the Hawks will do

The Hawks will draft Tyrus Thomas (if he comes out). He's a BK guy moreso than any other player ever drafted.

What the Hawks should do

Take a chance on J. Noah of UF. Noah is not the athlete that TT is but Noah has the size potential.

I feel that both players have a better mentality than Larmarcus Aldridge who redefined bithc against LSU. I really see no difference in TT and Smoove.

If we do get TT, we may consider finding a trade for Marvin. A trade that may yield a big man or a competent PG.

I would be interested to see if Marvin could be traded for the rights to Marcus Williams.

That would be an interesting team:

Marcus Williams/JJ/Smoove/TT/Zaza.

BK is going to get a big and unless he gets a top five lottery pick for Marvin forget about it wink.gif Even with that BK may not do it.

What GM wants to be known for trading away a player that is going to average 20 and 10 one day, when he could have traded away a player that stated he would like to go to Utah, Chicago, Denver etc.... and he only averages 17 and 6?

Diesel, I do understand trading away Marvin is on the top of your fantasy world to do list, but I doubt very seriously it is even a remote possibility in BK's real world.

Now reality, insert Harrington for Marvin and everything in here is a really good theory...

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It's possible that we trade Both depending on who we draft.

If you think about it.

If we traded Marvin for a 1st rounder and another player...

For instance...

Marvin to Minny for Marko Jaric and Their first..

That translate to us getting

Joakim Noah and Marcus Williams in the draft.

Those are some good pieces and almost makes up for last years passing of Chris Paul.

At this point, we could do a SNT of Al.

Hell, SNT Al for Frye/Crawford..

That means that we can play a starting lineup of:



Jaric/Childress/Crawford/C. Smith*/ and Zaza off the bench..

Who wouldn't like that.

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You look at how long teams hold on to their Top picks (Darko anyone) and I think you will see that they just will not risk a trade down in talent for fear of said pick blowing up and being next all star (read Chauncey Billups).

This is a weaker draft than last year, so trading last years #2 for this years #10 thru #15 is a even bigger risk than it would have been last year.

Only way anything remotely like this happens is with a proven talent being thrown in (starter who puts up good consistent numbers at a position of need) not a player like Jarik(sp) with unproven talent and a lot less potential than Marvin.

Unless BK gets a offer he cannot refuse, Marvin is here to stay for at least three years, just like Chilz and Smoove....thats my three cents worth.

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That means that we can play a starting lineup of:



Jaric/Childress/Crawford/C. Smith*/ and Zaza off the bench..

Who wouldn't like that.

According to you, JJ wouldn't like that, he'd be babysitting. When are we gonna stop getting younger and start getting some veterans, right??? wink.gif What happened to all of your concern about moving forward instead of backwards?

I wouldn't be upset if that lineup is what we trot out next season. I think trading Marvin for Jaric and #9 is a bit of a stretch, but that could be the Marvin fan in me more than the Hawks fan. Could Jaric run the show until Marcus is ready?

You're starting a rookie at PG, a rail thin rookie at C, a rail thin second year player at PF and a 3rd year player at SF. I love the talent in that lineup, but I'd hate to see the way you'd turn on Frye, Marcus and Noah by the first week of next season.

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You're right..

JJ would be babysitting..

But can you come up with a scenerio outside of Keeping Al where JJ won't be Baby sitting?

Let's face it... we're not going to pick up Cassell and I doubt we trade for Francis or Marbury so that only leaves the JJ babysitting service...


Zaza is coming along and Smoove is also.

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If you think about it....

Marvin has shown none of this superstar talent and giving him up for another lottery pick (and a player) who fills our needs... is probably a smarter move than holding on to him for so long and getting nothing back... Olowakhandi, Foyle, Curry, Thomas, Daniels anyone??? Don't let where he was picked determine if he's tradable.. That's a dumb proposition. If the right deal comes along, anybody is tradable.

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Right now, Marvin is not even as good as Smoove was last year at this time.

True. Smoove was better then than Marvin is right now, and Smoove had the luxury of getting a starting position due to injury.

Marvin's production since January looks pretty similar to the Josh Smith we saw at the start of the season. You can take any moment along their development and compare and contrast them, and you'll get different results. It doesn't mean much because we're analyzing incredibly inconsistent inexperienced guys. After a great finish to last season and a whole offseason to work hard and improve their games, both Joshes came back and looked like crap. Was that a good time to ditch the development plans and trade them away? No. We were patient and they got more comfortable again.

Apparently you're very quick to judge with rookies, I'm not. Some come in an dominate, others take time. Even the ones that come in and dominate don't end up going anywhere in the long run.

Where's Mike Miller now? From rookie of the year to bench player in Memphis. Yikes.

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I think we all need to remember that JS had his 'highlight' ability last year (obviously-he won the dunk contest)...but when it came to shooting he was tossing airballs and the like with regularity. His shooting accuracy is a fairly new phenomenon. I would definitley say MW is ahead of where JS was in that regard last year.

My gut feeling is that they are in about the same grade level comparing rookie years. The key for MW will be to advance as well his sophomre year as JS has.

You can say we are comparing a #2 pick to a #16/17 (blanking) but realistically where they are picked isn't up to them so not really a fair criticism.

OK stats gurus - blast away smirk.gif

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It's not about being quick to judge..

It's about having expectations.

Every Marvin lover does the same thing... See that Marvin doesn't approach the level of a #2 pick overall. See that our need for Marvin is less and Less every day that Smoove progress... Then they cry and Holler that the rest of us are quick to judge because we point this out.

I'll tell you the by-line of every Marvin lover..

But he's 19 years old. blah blah blah...

How much older is Smoove? 6 months??

I can't wait to June 19th so that I can stop hearing how much younger Marvin is than everybody else.

Marvin June 19, 1986

Josh Sm Dec 5, 1985

Thats the difference...

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Every Marvin lover does the same thing... See that Marvin doesn't approach the level of a #2 pick overall.

Too soon to tell. Marvin hasn't completed a full season yet. He has done better than some #2 picks, he hasn't done as well as others. He was drafted knowing it would take time for him to realize his potential. Apparently you believe 3/4 of a season is enough. I think that's too quick.


See that our need for Marvin is less and Less every day that Smoove progress... Then they cry and Holler that the rest of us are quick to judge because we point this out.

Really??? Do you consider me a Marvin lover? Because I've posted several times that I'm willing to trade Marvin if Josh continues to play like the star small forward he's been playing like recently. I'd personally rather trade Smith, but as a Hawks fan I know that trading Marvin might be better for our team if he can get us more in return.

Looks like another one of your theories is off, big surprise.

And as for their age, not only is Josh older, he has a full season of NBA experience under his belt. I'm fine with comparing them by age or by experience in the NBA, but we need a more complete set of data than just 3/4 of a season to make it worthwhile.

If we were drafting Marvin for this season alone, you can absolutely make a case that it was the worst pick in the history of the draft. But I don't think that was the idea.

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For every point of development, there must be expectations.

I'm not saying that he has to be Dwayne Wade... but what I am saying is that he must show something more than the ability to hit a wide open layup...

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