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Diesel's Hawks draft 2006.


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1st rd. pick..

J. Noah. (UF)

Consideration also given to T. Thomas and P. O'Bryant.

2nd rd. pick...

Craig Smith (BC)

Consideration also given to E. Williams and J. Batista.

In short, we need some bigs who can play defense and offense.

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At this point I agree with you. Focus on young bigs in the draft, focus on point guards in free agency?

I like Noah, and I think the Hawks are one of the most patient franchises in the NBA, (or just the most inept? wink.gif ) he would be worth the time Noah needs to bulk up. He'll never be a huge body, but his athleticism and energy are a perfect fit for a high tempo offense. I don't think he'll back down to anyone. He and Zaza should have some heated battles in practice.

If we could get Craig Smith in the second round, I would love it. He's a beast.

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All we have is the race for potential.

There are some bonafide star type players like Morrison and Carney.. but it just doesn't make enough sense for us to take them. Us getting Marvin was a huge miscalculation.

Also. As far as us getting a PG in FAcy.. I don't know who?? There are none. My hope is that we can find one somewhere... I would even consider trading Marvin for one... If you think about it.. Marvin will never really develop playing in the shawdow of the Joshes...

Until we face the reality that Smoove is a Sf and that whoever we pick will be a Pf for a few years, we won't go anywhere..

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I meant to include trades along with free agency for PGs.

You know I disagree with you on Marvin's abilities and his future, but I agree that we won't be successful if we consider Marvin and the Joshes untouchable. We MIGHT be able to build a complete team and keep all of them, but it would be a lot easier to build a complete team by trading one or more of them.

I'm a huge fan of all three (1-marv, 2-smith, 3-childress, but barely), but I wouldn't be opposed to trading ANY of them for the right piece. I think Marvin and Smith can be All Star level players in the league, and I think Childress is a perfect glue guy/utility man on a championship level team. But for the right trade, they're all expendable.

At least we have some valuable assets.

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Yeah. Let's deal a guy who has true Superstar potential...A player that is currently only 19 years old, is 6'9" tall, has elite level athleticism, has a silky smooth jump shot, has above average ball handling ability, can penetrate into the lane at will, draws fouls, has shown above average rebounding ability, has the potential to be a lock down defender, has tremendous scoring potential, and has gotten better as the season has gone along.

I've said it from the beginning. Four years from now, this will not be known as the draft that Chris Paul fell to the 4th pick in. It will be known as the draft where Milwaukee should have taken Marvin Williams with the top overall pick. Marvin Williams is the only player that was drafted last year that has the ability to be a top 10 player in the NBA, period.

I continue to be amazed at people who want to criticize that pick when every god damn general manager in basketball would have taken Marvin Williams if in the same position as the Hawks. I'm even more amazed at those that want to deal a 19 year old player with superstar potential.

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My gut is telling me that as of now, the Hawks are going to end up with Noah in the draft. So that looks pretty realistic to me.

I agree. He's not so full of potential that everyone will be clamoring over him regardless of position. Plus of the other teams in the mix for the top picks, Chicago has Chandler, Charlotte has Okafor. And people will still probably want aldridge over noah.

So I think the odds of him being there when we pick are excellent, and I think that's who we'd probably go with.

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while I don't discount your statements, I think that many on this board (and yourself included in this instance) misuse terms such as, 'elite level athleticism' without taking into account body control and ability to absorb contact.

For the latter, a player who I don't like much but respect, Vince Carter...or even DWade.

For the prior, take slam dunk champion Jones, or nearly anyone else who can 'jump out of the gym'

sidenote...I think Marvin has 'great' athleticism, but I wouldnt' call it 'elite,' as I reserve such a term for player like Carter, JSmoove, Kobe, TMac, Howard, etc.

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First, I haven't suggested we trade Marvin for anyone other than KG. I brought up his trade value to say that I think he would rank very highly in this draft and could command a premium pick in this draft.

Second, I haven't given up on Marvin being the top player from last year's draft but the edge is to Paul right now and it is a pretty big one - especially when it is clear we could start Childress or Josh Smith at SF and be set for the next decade. I also agree that the reports from scouts indicated that GMs would take Marvin over Paul. That doesn't make it right, though. Kandi went #1 overall while Paul Pierce fell to #10 overall. Just because the GMs agreed at the time of the respective drafts that someone should be a top 1-3 pick and someone should be around 7-10 in the draft doesn't mean that picking the guy who is perceived to have a lower value is the wrong pick if in fact the lower rated player is a better player.

That is too early a call to make on Marvin right now. Although he is only one year younger than Paul, he has a lot more growing to do (in every sense of the word) than Paul who isn't a finished product but is much closer to his ceiling, IMO.

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Say we pick 3rd, I think that Noah and Aldridge will be gone, leaving us with Bargnani.

1st Bargnani

2nd J.P. Batista

And I don't care what you all say about it but in every one of my lineup cards I am SNT Harrington for Franchise. I am going to hype this lineup to either 1) All of the Squawkers vomit 2)Billy Knight does what I say




Bargnani/J.P Batista

Zaza/Kelvin Cato

Damn that lineup looks good

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while I don't hate marvin, one has to admit that there is a difference between wishing that we'd taken Paul or the other Williams rather than Marvin...

in light of this year's cropand what this team needs, Marvin appears to be a less-than-wise decision. that's nothating (as I 'like' him as a player), only simple truth.

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Calm down KB, go drink some more gin.As far as what this draft will be known as, it will be know as the draft that 3 teams passed on a franchise point guard in Chris Paul. Bogut and Marvin will both be good players, I think Deron Williams will turn into an excellent NBA point guard. I think Chris Paul will be an allstar for years to come.

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Yup, I would trade Marvin, but only for a proven commodity. Trading him for another project is a miserable idea.

Diesel Disclaimer to Avoid This Post Being Used Against Me In The Future: I don't WANT to trade Marvin, but I understand that we could get a great player if Marvin is included in a trade. If we trade Marvin to a good team that has a proven vet but needs to shed payroll and get a young future star, then its a win-win. We get better, Marvin blossoms for a winner.

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Yup, I would trade Marvin, but only for a proven commodity. Trading him for another project is a miserable idea.

Diesel Disclaimer to Avoid This Post Being Used Against Me In The Future: I don't WANT to trade Marvin, but I understand that we could get a great player if Marvin is included in a trade. If we trade Marvin to a good team that has a proven vet but needs to shed payroll and get a young future star, then its a win-win. We get better, Marvin blossoms for a winner.

That's the first positive post that Diesel has written about Marvin, and he is basicly saying that we need to trade him like in every one of his posts.

and he wants to pick Thomas as #1 pick even tho we already have that player in J-Smoove who was selected #17 and trade Marvin who just got his feet wet at 19 and get unexperienced Thomas so we can watch his rookie mistakes next season just like Marvin had this season. I like Thomas but, Billy needs to stay away from another 6-9 tweener.

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unless someone is traded, I completely agree. And, as I do NOT think (strongly) that adding another youngster with Smoove/Marvin (and even Chillz) at the swing positions is wise (GIVEN EVEN that we trade/ don't resign Al)...

it's either draft Thomas or trade MWill or Smoove. there are few in betweens in my book, it simply comes down to who you 'like' more for this team and in the future...Thomas vs. Marvin vs. Smoove.

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OK.. KB..

If Villanueva's 48 isn't speaking to you.. How about Rookie of the year Chris Paul bringing you back to reality. Marvin is not the best pick out of last years draft.

Maybe you need to attend some more games...

O wait a minute... You didn't go.


You don't watch..

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OK.. KB..

If Villanueva's 48 isn't speaking to you.. How about Rookie of the year Chris Paul bringing you back to reality. Marvin is not the best pick out of last years draft.

Maybe you need to attend some more games...

O wait a minute... You didn't go.


You don't watch..

I put as much stock CV's 48 as I did in Jaque Vaughn's 50. It means nothing. You need to at least give it a couple of seasons before we evaluate the draft. And no one would have argues that CV was further along in development than Marvin was anyway...Marvin was a freshman, that didn't even start on his college team yet, so who besides an idiot would have expected more from him than you got this year?

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