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Al/Marvin for Francis/Frye/ and #21


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If we did that, that opens the door for us to pickup Noah or Thomas in my mind.

I like Frye... (as I did last year at this time)... I think that NY is going to move one of their PGs in the offseason. I think Zeke really wants Al but in order to give up Frye, he needs something like Marvin. PLUS we get #21...


as the future.

but we play Zaza until that time (Thomas is ready to play Pf full time)..



But we play Zaza.. Until Noah is ready..

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If we did that, that opens the door for us to pickup Noah or Thomas in my mind.

I like Frye... (as I did last year at this time)... I think that NY is going to move one of their PGs in the offseason. I think Zeke really wants Al but in order to give up Frye, he needs something like Marvin. PLUS we get #21...


as the future.

but we play Zaza until that time (Thomas is ready to play Pf full time)..



But we play Zaza.. Until Noah is ready..

Knicks have #21 pick?

Thomas is ready to play PF full time?? maybe in college

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No way on Francis and his bloated contract and ego. Frye is good, but he is nowhere near good enough to warrant taking on Francis and all his baggage. Plus it seems the Knicks are way more intent on jettisoning Marbury - and there is no way the Hawks should consider Marbury.

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No way on Francis and his bloated contract and ego. Frye is good, but he is nowhere near good enough to warrant taking on Francis and all his baggage. Plus it seems the Knicks are way more intent on jettisoning Marbury - and there is no way the Hawks should consider Marbury.


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Why Marvin? Why not Chillz?

Because, the trade would probably persuade NY to give Frye, but I would rather we include Chillz instead. I also wouldn't really mind getting Marbury or Francis here to fill our PG gap, even with their issues. I DON'T PREFER EITHER, but to get Frye and a veteran PG, I'd welcome one of them.

Marbury: headcase /spoiled / egotisitcal

- has history with JJ and history with Atlanta from his GT college years

- would have more freedom

- contract is up in the same year that the Joshes option expire

- the most likely because of his battle with LBrown

Francis: spoiled / cancerous off court, but hasn't shown inability to play with guys

- is a more athletic, versatile, all around PG than Marbury

- is also cheaper than Marbury

- would compliment JJ better

LINEUP: I'd even go with this lineup for toughness, balance, defense and depth on the bench.

ZaZa / Batista / J-Edwards

Frye / #LP - Noah or Shelden or Thomas

Smoove/ Marvin /

JJ / Salim / Donta

Marbury or Francis / Lue / #21-Rondo or Gibson -if no Marcus W.

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Frye is good, but he is nowhere near good enough to warrant taking on Francis and all his baggage.

Let's think about this realistically.

Frye is a very good Big man with lots of potential, especially as he gets stronger. He has shown the propensity to be a scorer on this level... He has already had a game where he has scored 30 points. Actually 2 games.

He has shown more strength in the post than he was originally given credit for.

Who knows how good this guy can be in 2 yrs with more tutoring. HE has shown potential.

You might dislike Francis, but Francis is good at what he does. Penetrate/dish or Penetrate/score. Either way, He's a guy who adds a component to our game that we need.

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Frye seems to be regressing as the season goes on. I picked him up in fantasy early in the season when he was getting 14 and 6, and thought he'd keep on climbing. His minutes and production has slipped since the day I grabbed him.

I like him and would love to have him. He helps us build depth, but I don't think he's our big man of the future.

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That's the Larry Brown of it all.

Brown is searching for a rotation.. Any rotation and he's not happy with rookie production when he has players on the bench with experience. I believe that if you get Frye, give him 28 minutes continuously, let him work out with real big men.. He might turn out to be really good.

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I know it's your mission to ship marvin out of town for anything. Now you are trading him for Francis and an injured rookie. Francis for Al might work. I don't like Francis but I agree that he is good at what he does and I don't put his lame-ass-ness on the same level as Marbury. I would do that just on the idea of how good he and JJ could potentially be together.

But why Marvin for an injured Fry? It doesn't alter the salaries enough to matter. You're just trying to get rid of the guy you don't like in exchange for one of the guys you do like. The chances that we do that deal are slim to none. The chance that NY does it is also Slim to none.

as a side note, I love how Frye has shown "potential" and you just can't fathom how good he might be in two years. But Marvin, poor poor Marvin, he's capped out already. He doesn't have much potential and practically out of the NBA already.

You should change your name from Diesel to Ethanol. I can see right through you.

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He has that chance, especially if he bulks up. I would agree about Larry Brown, but he's been playing his rookies a LOT this season. He seems to rather use the guys that play the right way than deal with the cancers, even if they are dreaded rookies.

Frye's gotta be hurt or something. He hasn't played since the 21st.

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It would be Marvin for Frye and #21.

As far as Frye's injury... I'm sure he will get over it.. But let me ask..

What good does Marvin do us once we find a real Pf? You know Marvin will be pitted against Smoove like I have always said would happen.

Right now, there are people hoping that we don't get a Pf just to play Smoove out of position.


They put Marvin before the team.

The truth is that Smoove's game is becoming more of a Sf's game. His shot blocking works better coming from the Sf position. He gives us strength advantages against most Sfs and Chillz is coming along equally as well with Sf being his best position.

My thought is this clears up the logjam. Gives us a needed piece. And helps us in this years draft. It's more of a good answer than us continueing to duplicate positions for no reason.

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You know Marvin will be pitted against Smoove like I have always said would happen.

Very well may be the case, and if so then let the best man win, and the second best man come off the bench or be traded. No one seems to be outraged that our #6 pick in last year's draft is a bench player. I won't be worried if either Smoove or Marvin are bench players as long as it translates into a lot of wins.

Marvin and the Joshes will be battling for the SF position, which is a good thing in many regards (I understand the ways this is destructive as well). But in order to determine who is better long term, they ALL need more time doing what they're doing. It would be DAMN foolish to look at Smoove right now and decide with certainty that he will be better for us long term than Marvin.


What good does Marvin do us once we find a real Pf?

Great trade piece. Just like Smoove will be once Marvin establishes himself after he's given enough of a chance to acclimate himself to the NBA.

Bring something new to the table.

What's your next turn...there have to be "expectations"???

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...Frye's gotta be hurt or something. He hasn't played since the 21st.

I was watching the game he got hurt in - took a head to the front of the knee by a diving guard. At first I was hoping the guy didn't have a concussion (can't remember who it was), then he was up and they showed Frye. Poor guy was in SERIOUS pain and had to be carried off. It was a head-on whack around the top of the knee cap (not a twisting injury).

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Hmm, what good does talent do?... hmmm. that's a good one... I'll have to think about that. What good does it do us to keep talent around when we can get a now injured rookie and a typically unproductive pick? Say that one to yourself a few times, please.

The logjam will clear itself up. If we end up with two 20ppg SF/PF tweeners in our starting lineup who both play defense, rebound, shoot and score I guess we'll just have to live with not having a "true" power forward. But wait, there I go again. Projecting that Marvin might actually be a good player with some more time.. How silly of me.

If NY would do that deal, it tells you who they think is getting the better end of it.. and it ain't us.

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What's silly of you is thinking that two tweener forwards will work.

When in the history of basketball has two tweener forwards ever worked?

Moreoever, when was the last time that a team without a dominant low post offensive player won anything?

Yeah.. There you go again, buying into the theory that all Sfs is a good thing... tsk tsk tsk...

Championships are won with teams that can always go to the post and get points. Or better yet can score points in the halfcourt set.

Why do you think everybody wants a Duncan or a Shaq or a Sheed Wallace on their wish list.

Nobody wants a team with two guys gunning from outside playing in the starting forward spots...

Soon enough, you will learn respect for positions.

until then, your hopes for the Hawks is not a championship calibre team, but just a worthwhile diversion.

I wonder if when Micheal Jordan went out of basketball during his rookie year/sophomore year if people thought... he's threw washed up...

Chillz, this is not the middle ages...

Technology is a wonderful thing.

I'm sure Frye will be back to playing and probably playing more dominantly next year.

By then, I guess your new line about Marvin will be...

" Awe, he's just 20 and really hasn't had enough time on the court. "

or maybe you will start blaming the coaching staff.

Just realize, that if we had waited, we could have gotten Chris Paul and this offseason, we could have gone out and gotten the real Tim Thomas instead of this imposter named Marvin.

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