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Josh & Marvin = #1 and #2 in this year's draft?


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  • Premium Member

Just food for thought, but had Josh Smith gone to college, and Marvin Williams stayed at UNC, it's my opinion that they would both have been locks for top3 in this year's draft. (Aldridge is the only player in my mind who would have challenged them for top spot).

Too much potential for GM's to pass over IMHO...

...and it's nice to know that the Hawks have both.

(While it's hard to watch Chris Paul's success, it could certainly be a lot worse. At least Knight has secured two of the top players in their age group).

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Just food for thought, but had Josh Smith gone to college, and Marvin Williams stayed at UNC, it's my opinion that they would both have been locks for top3 in this year's draft. (Aldridge is the only player in my mind who would have challenged them for top spot).

Too much potential for GM's to pass over IMHO...

...and it's nice to know that the Hawks have both.

(While it's hard to watch Chris Paul's success, it could certainly be a lot worse. At least Knight has secured two of the top players in their age group).

That is assuming both did well in college. That is not always a guarantee - look at Rudy Gay.

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I believe Marvin would have been taken first due to his higher skill level and overall basketball I.Q. Josh Smith would have been taken second though. I don't really think LaMarcus Aldridge would have challenged either one of them for that top spot. Plus, I believe that Josh Smith would have clearly been playing power forward in college.

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Think about what that line up would have looked like had J.R. Smith went on to North Carolina instead of making the jump to the NBA.

I wonder if Mike Davis would have warmed up to the IU fans with Josh Smith on the team along with D.J. White and Robert Vaden. Chances are, if Josh Smith is at IU, Marco Killingsworth transfers to another school besides IU.

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And JamesOn Curry ended up at Oklahoma St. after being caught selling drugs.

It would have been another ridiculous team.

Had Marvin returned, he would have been the star player on the team. Hansbrough would have been a close second, with Terry and Noel a further 3rd and 4th. Marvin-Hans on the inside would have been impossible to deal with.

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I don't know if Marvin could have overshawdowed Hansborough's parade...

Thusly, Marvin would have become more a Rashad McCants type player... A guy who everybody expected to step up but eventually found himself some shade and carried the moniker good team player.

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Completely different scenarios.

McCants - by the start of his junior season he was labled as a selfish player with unlimited offensive abilities. He had to start paying attention on the defensive end of the floor, keep his emotions in check and stop dominating the ball like he tended to do as a younger player. He had to learn to find his game within the flow of the offense instead of trying to go one on one every time. He was coming back to a group of great individuals who had rarely played to their potential as a team, and he had to learn how to be a teammate as well as a star. His scoring went down, the rest of his numbers went up, he received less personal rewards but become a more complete player.

Marvin - an unselfish player with well rounded skills who wasn't afraid to do the dirty work, and who would be returning to a group that had just won a national championship by ditching their egos followed by mass exodus due to graduation and the NBA. Marvin would have been the only returning player who had played a major role on a championship team and had some time in the system to learn Roy's game. As Roy had planned, he would have gotten some minutes on the perimeter as well as the interior, and I think he would have meshed perfectly with the group of unselfish and unheralded players that we had this season. If anything, he would have made Tyler's job even easier by sharing the load as the go-to guy. Its silly to think he would have been overshadowed, what UNC needed more than anything else this season was at least one more star kind of player, and Terry and Noel couldn't consistently be that kind of a player.

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I really like the idea of Smoove with two years of real college coaching. He would be SO much better. I like him now - but he has been pushed along and not given a chance to really learn the game like he could have in a real good program.

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I don't know if Marvin could have overshawdowed Hansborough's parade...

Thusly, Marvin would have become more a Rashad McCants type player... A guy who everybody expected to step up but eventually found himself some shade and carried the moniker good team player.

I do know about this...mention Marvin with any type of a positive slant on this board and Diesel will always throw a negative shot in there.

When will you ever grow up and figure this out, "don't hate the player, hate the game".... by hating on the player at every turn, it really shows how much contempt you have for the game itself.

You are a a extremely negative fan .... I honestly doubt you will ever turn around and be a positive fan of anything except your wild ass trade ideas you dream up on a daily basis and even crazier predictions concerning a players success or failure...

So go find me your quote about Paul as ROY...then go find me the one trade you got right as well. I mean, hell you posted almost 14,000 times, surely you can do better that just 2 out of 14,000.

What is wrong with you? Do you hate this game so much, you have to hate on a player every day....

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