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Noah will be Billy's Pick


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Noah fits the mold of what Billy is trying to build in Atlanta. Long, Athlectic,and quick post players who can run all night long. Here are some the reasons that Noah is a fit:

1. Passing Ability- He knows how to pass out of the post

2. Wing Span- Noah has a 7'4 wingspan that allows him to block shots

3. Chemistry- He is a combination of Josh Smith and Josh Childress. He has J-Smooth's ability to block shots and J-Chills ability to slash to the basket.

4. He's Long- Although he is the same height as ZaZa, his reach makes him 7'3.

Noah is the only player in this draft that resembles a billy player except for Tyus Thomas. We all know that there is no reason to draft Tyus when he is a poor man's Josh Smith. The only other option could be that Joe Johnson clone in Randy Froye fron Villanova.

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I could live with that. I don't think Noah will be a bust, but also am not sure he has the potential to be an All-Star. (And that's O.K. if all the Hawks are asking him to be is a soild post presence to compliment Smoove and Marvelous.) Is there a pro to which you compare his game? Also, all things being equal, do you see Billy taking Noah over Alderige?

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The other 3teams(Knicks,Portland,&Bobcats) aren't doing anything to move pass the Hawks in the win column. I could potentially see the TrailBlazers with the worst record and they will definetly take Aldrige. I think by the time the Hawks pick 3rd or 4th it will be between Tyrus Thomas or Joakim Noah. I think the Bobcats should address their perimeter shooting and draft Adam Morrison since they already have a shotblocker in Okafor & a center in Brezec.

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Yeah but odds are one team will get lucky and jump up into the top 3 (like the bucks last year). I'm expecting to pick fifth because we never get lucky. I would expect Aldridge to definitely be gone by 5, and the same for Morrisson. By 5, you should have at LEAST one of Noah-Bargnani-Thomas left.

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Noah is the missing link to the Hawks. I thought it was Sheldon Williams, but he lacks the height and speed. Noah has the ability to block shots and grab rebounds. Those are two things that we are currently missing. People say that we need an enforcer but I see Estaban having that potential to be the bruiser down low. Once Estaban gets a summer under his belt and learn the language, I see him as player that can off the bench and gives us 8pts and 8 rebounds.

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I agree on Noah. He ain't the perfect center, but there aren't many out there that are. I love Aldridge's physical qualities, but Noah fits the profile a little better as the long athletic type and he's more assertive at the same point in their careers.

Get Noah and Nene and you have some good pieces in the post, and some versatile guys all around.

C - Zaza, Edwards

PF/C - Nene, Noah

PF - Batista

SF/PF - Al, Josh, Marvin

SF - Donta

SG/SF - Childress


SG/PG - Salim, Ivey

PG - Lue

Add another PG and I'm a happy guy no matter what happens with the Al/Smith/Marvin saga.

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I think he's smart enough to realize that he's not ready for the NBA. He needs more experience, more size and more game to be anywhere close to what he is in the college game. If he's not smart enough to realize that, hopefully his agent and advisors will have the stones to tell him.

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He's not NBA ready, but if he's a lock as a top 5 pick, he'd be absolutely crazy to pass it up with a deep draft next year.

If that is the case, he either returns to college to work on his game against college players, or he accelerates the learning curve and starts working on his game against NBA players. If a guy as slight of frame as Channing Frye can come in and contribute, so can Noah. Not as a dominating force, but a solid bench guy from the start.

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Yeah I don't think he's ready to start in the NBA, but I think he's ready to make the jump, and start working out at an NBA pace. I think he's ready.

He was sounding like he wasn't going to go, but I'm a little more optimistic now that they won. Most big time prospects who win the title realize they have nothing left to prove on that level

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Do players come out only when they think they will be good NBA players?

I always thought it was more of a business decision. Perhaps college coaches tell their players to stay and work on their game, but certainly agents give different advice. If he's gonna be a top 3 pick, he can only lose money by going back to school.

The best advice is go into the draft when your stock is high. Rookies are not really expected to contribute much in the NBA anymore, anyways.

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I hope the Hawks do not draft Noah. He's not ready for the NBA...yet. Sure he had a great tournament, and exploded the last ten games. But, he came out of nowhere. Remember, this guy sat the pine last year. He played 3 total minutes in tourney last year. I think everyone is just infatuated with his great play of late, and I think it's silly to make him a top 5 pick already! He needs more time to develop into an NBA player....Lord knows we DON'T need another player that needs 3 years to mature, we already have plenty of those players. It's already hard enough watching Smoove, Chillz, Marvin, Royal, hell, everyone but JJ and AL become solid NBA players....

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So you're saying that he will pass up being the first guy drafted this year to come out next year where he will be 5th through 12th?

Next year is already set to be a much stronger draft. With OJ Mayo and Oden and possibly McRoberts and the guys from UNC coming out... It doesn't matter how well Noah did last night.. if he waits till next year, he will be picked 5th or worse...

That is not smart.

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I think you can say the same about Aldridge. When you look at this draft, it's basically a 2 horse race as far as big men are concerned.

If he's there, I hope the Hawks take Noah. You don't have to worry about him staying overseas. He has good size. I think that he's a guy that we can mold into our big man of the future.

If we don't take him, who else is there??

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The best advice is go into the draft when your stock is high. Rookies are not really expected to contribute much in the NBA anymore, anyways.

Unless your name is Marvin Williams.

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So you're saying that he will pass up being the first guy drafted this year to come out next year where he will be 5th through 12th?

Next year is already set to be a much stronger draft. With OJ Mayo and Oden and possibly McRoberts and the guys from UNC coming out... It doesn't matter how well Noah did last night.. if he waits till next year, he will be picked 5th or worse...

That is not smart.

Those are all possibilities. Besides, I could care less if Noah comes out, my point was the Hawks shouldn't take him because I think he's not NBA ready, and we already have a plethora of Hawks who still aren't NBA ready....

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