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Noah will be Billy's Pick


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Honestly, just about anyone we could draft out of this draft is not NBA Ready.

TThomas = Not NBA Ready

Noah = Not NBA Ready

Bargini = Not NBA Ready

Aldridge = Not NBA Ready.

Morrison = Not NBA Ready. But it's close.

SWilliams = Not NBA Ready

Carney = Not NBA Ready.

I just think when you consider styles of play and body types, there are a whole lot of prospects in this draft. Our GM has to pick the best prospect for us.

That may be either Noah or the Bargain man. I just think that whoever it is, they will need some time to develop..

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Noah is high energy, hustle player with decent athletics. However, I still doubt his skill level and he does not have the frame to get bigger. I don't see him being a 5 but a 4 instead. He will likely be a good role player in the NBA but will not be a star and maybe not even a starter quality player. If BK believes Noah will solve our interior D problems then we are in deep trouble.

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I don't know what scouts look at, and how they distinguish between a great college player and great pro prospect. I just don't see many big men who move, handle the ball, and have motors like Noah.

It's hard for me to fathom him not being a game changing player. He will have problems with dominant big men, but who doesn't? The other question is who is going to keep up with him? Not half the oafs that play center in this league from what I can see.

Somebody said he played guard in high school, until he grew 6 inches in a couple years. That reminded me of Charles Barkley. He also played guard, maybe even point, in high school. Barkley was able to handle the ball like a guard because of it.

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I think Noah = Camby. Camby is 6-11, 230. They block shots, have incredible athleticism, somewhat limited offensively, but are hustle players. Noah is probably a better passer.

Heck, having Camby right now would probably improve our team through rebounding and shot rejection. Therefore, if we have the chance, I'd be all for taking a shot with Noah, and he can play the 4/5 depending on the opposition.

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If BK believes Noah will solve our interior D problems then we are in deep trouble.

Which alternative in this draft will solve that problem?

Agreed. Noah, Aldridge, etc. would represent one piece of what would hopefully be a multifaceted approach to trying to solve our interior defense.

Diesel is right that there is no big man who is NBA ready. That means you just do the best you can with the people available in the draft.

Also, I agree with everyone who says Noah would lose money by returning to UF this year. He won't be so much more highly rated in the draft next year as to make up for losing an additional year of unrestricted free agency in the prime of his career.

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That's the problem. There really isn't anyone in the draft that will solve the Hawks interior woes.

If the Hawks draft Noah they will still need a defensive center. If they sign one in the offseason what that really means is that Zaza may be the odd man out. I am sure they will keep him but his minutes will be greatly reduced, which I am all for.

Zaza is such a weak defender that I don't think the Hawks can win consistently with him playing a major role.

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AHF said it well, it's going to take a multi-faceted approach to help our interior D. We can get a piece in the draft this year, and should.

Zaza is a great asset as either a sub or a trading piece. He has deficiencies just like a lot of players, but for his price he is an asset.

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If you want money and 5 minutes of fame. Then focusing on draft position might be important. I've never heard anything out of this kid or about this kid that suggests he's concerned about that. He's hardly shown any interest in the NBA and has never said anything to make me think for a second that he's excited about going to the NBA or concerned about being picked #1. His heart simply is not in the NBA at this time.

People may talk money. But he doesn't need money and never has. It's hard to tempt a guy with money when he's seen it before. Besides, any advisors will tell him that his money will still be there. If he's a legit #1 this year, as you think, He won't drop to #5 unless he comes out a bombs next season. a seven footer who goes #1 on hype IS NOT going to drop to #5 by playing another season and improving his game and body.

Second, I don't think he will go #1 this year anyway. He's a low skill player who is what he is at the college level because of size and hustle. Anyone who can look past the hype has to see Marcus Camby. Camby even had a more polished offensive game at the college level and was a more explosive player.

For someone who calls Marvin a bust as a #2 for the reasons you have. I'm shocked that you would call Noah a #1.

Now, that said, if he does come out this year and The Hawks have the #1 pick. I would probably use it on him. Simply because he fits what we need, he cares about playing defense and he's a legit 7'. I say that without knowing what else the draft may hold though. Another player at PG or C who offered more would make me change my mind.

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Simply because he fits what we need, he cares about playing defense and he's a legit 7'.

this is all that really needs to be said

where else are we gonna find this?

you draft for the future, no one in the draft is clearly ready for the NBA, someone will emerge as a rookie but its a hard thing to forecats right now

if you want a player to help us RIGHT now, you have to make trades and sign free agents

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well the thing is, 2 of the 3 teams ahead of us have a big man (Chandler for Chicago, Okafor/Brezec for Charlotte). So if Aldridge, Bargnani, Noah, Ty Thomas, maybe even Splitter all come out, we should have excellent odds of getting one. I would like to get any of those. Thomas would be last on my list just because of duplication with Smith, but still.

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Heh. Just got done messing around with the draft simulator on ESPN.com. That thing is wicked addictive. cool.gif

Anyways, I probably ran the simulator about 40 times. Exclusively, when we finished with a top 3 pick the simulator had us choosing Noah. Anything lower than that, it was split pretty evenly between Aldridge, Bargnani, and 2 sims where we ended up with Josh McRoberts.

I'd be pretty happy with any of those results, to be honest about it. Because we would FINALLY be addressing our need for bigs, and hopefully augment that in further in FA with Nene or Przybilla.

As far as the draft goes, it's alright if Seattle or Portland ends up higher than us, because either one of them is almost certain to take Morrison. So we don't have to worry about them so much. It's Toronto, Golden State, and probably Chicago we've got to watch out for as far as going after bigs in the draft.

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