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The Hawks tried very hard to lose that game to the


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Jazz. I started to remember those days of sitting at the edge of my seat with a couple of minutes left in the game and all the disappointments. We were well ahead and no-way would we have lost that game, or could we? The Jazz never stopped trying until there was probably less than a minute left. What happened to our players? Does it make us think that they still don't know how to close out opponents? Surely, this team still needs to mesh and learn each other a little better, but we need to learn how to put team down for the count. Still, I am hopefull, even confident, that we will have a very productive year. I am just tired of saying how good the Hawks look on paper. PEACE 10-4.

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I'm willing to chalk that up to the time of year. He's feeling out what everyone can bring to the court in a REAL GAME situation. I agree that the subs are WACK, at best. But it's early. Antonio Harvey has no business being in the game. He's bringing ZERO to the team, as is E-mail. Give Mcaskill a chance at least. If the sub patterns are this way 10 games from now, I will join you in the "fire Kruger" chants. But as of now I'm on "wait and see" mode. Go Hawks!

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The subsitution patterns are ridiculous, and I hate when he takes the starters out of the game, gets interested in the game, and forgets to bring them back in.

If ya'll can remember, the Hawks was a playoff team, but exited in the 1st round every year with Lenny at the helm. He was too good of a coach to let us lose too many games, but didn't really have the talent to go all the way. Lon was not the best coach for the job, but I think he was the best man.

We needed to bring in a bad coach to get high draft picks. This plan has worked out pretty good to this point. I think they will let him have the team for this year, but if they don't do well in the playoffs, you could see the Management buying out those final two years.

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How long do you think it will take Big Dog to get tired of carrying the team? Remember Manning? Remember Rider? Sure, this team with SAR and Theo (JT and others) is a lot better than in recent memory, but quality players such as SAR and Big Dog want to play for a team that knows how to win (WINS!). I am happy Big Dog is now a Hawk, I just hope we don't [censored] up such a good (trade) move. 48 and 34...wow! what a reachable goal, I hope. Lets make Sir Charles eat his words. PEACE.

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Well Big Dog and Reef are in a very exclusive club. They have scored 50 pts in a game before. For a guy to score 50, he has to like to shoot the rock. I don't think GR is going to get tired at all. I think he looks at this team, just like Milwaukee. With the exception, we have the size in the middle. The Bucks just needed a talented big man (Ratliff) to have a great team.

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First off, Lenny would get us to the Second round and lose it.

Secondly, I don't think that Lon was brought in to Lose games for us. Because we had a debt to pay to LAC one way or another. I think Babcock has done will with One pick and Mutombo. He has made some good deals recently. But in order to fulfill the expectation of the playoffs, we need better coaching.

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Actually, I think Big Dog loves being the first option. Remember one of the things he said about playing in Milwaukee is that he was not allowed to be the man on offense. Well, he has come to atlanta and put up numbers that we haven't seen since Nique. I'm glad. I would love to see him go for 30 every game.

For years, I talked about us trading for Big Dog. many thought and said bad things about him. But now, we are seeing that they were wrong. Big Dog is able to carry us the same way Nique did. And once Reef gets back to 100% and once Theo is 100%, it will be very hard to deny us.

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I think the offense flows a lot more smoothly because Big Dog is a MUCH better passer than Reef. Reef struggled last year at passing the ball out of the double team but Big Dog has no such problem. He also seems to be able to get his shot with much less physical effort than Reef can. I don't think it will be a problem because both guys are going to get more than enough shots and JT will get enough as the 3rd option as well.

As for not wanting Big Dog, I always thought he would have been a good fit for the right price, I just wouldn't have traded Theo for him. Kukoc, Leon and a pick was a no brainer. Big Dog brings something special to our lineup but so does Theo. Theo is averaging 5 blocks a game in less than 30 mpg and our interior defense is VASTLY improved with him on the floor. By making that trade, we would have been robbing Peter to pay Paul. Now, with both of them in the fold, we are really close to being really good. If DJ hadn't been injured, MAN!

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