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Woodson will return as Coach


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The only thing some of those guys might not do that Woodson did was make inexperienced substitutions and the like. From an X's and O's standpoint, nobody is going to do better with this roster.

It's funny how D'antoni gets Steve Nash and is suddenly considered a bellwether coach. Prior to nash he was considered a pansy euro style coach who would never get it done in the NBA. It just shows that the effect of a coach is OVER RATED. There are bad coaches and great coaches. But the gap between them is not nearly as wide as records sometimes suggest.

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...In sum, BK's job is on the line. He has to bring in the correct players THIS summer for the team to make the playoffs. If he doesn't then the team will go in another direction.

It's gonna be tough...hard to come back from mistakes like passing on Deng and Paul. Zaza (El Matadoro) was a good pickup but not for a starter at center on a contending team (as of yet - he's still young so may improve on defense).

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Passing on Deng?...please nobody's job will hinge on passing on Deng for Childress. People act like Deng is setting the league on fire.

The only way BK will ever fire Woody is if his job appears the be on the line...and he gets desperate and needs Woody to take the fall.

We need a vet coach ...but if there are not any good canidates, we should fire Woody for the sake of change.

If we could get a good vet coach ...I would not hesitate to fire Woody.

Players have come and gone...many young and talented..but one thing has bee constant in the past few years, we have not had a proven coach.

I predict BK and Woody will be shown the door together....this is a big offseason for our young players as well as our management...if BK can get enough talented Bigs in here...we can be well on our way.

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Not watching the games, looking at the season stats and saying "this team gives up 102ppg, that means the coach sucks" makes him a NOOB. Why? Because you don't watch the games, you don't see the progress that was made and you make an off the hip comment based on one stat. A stat that is only about 3ppg off the league average and is withing 2-3 ppg of several teams that are in the playoffs. Hell, Dallas was a 50 win team giving up more per game than we are this year. So using that as a reason for saying the coach sucks, makes him a noob.

So don't pretend that I'm blasting him for not being on some imaginary bandwagon. I'm blasting him for making a statement based on stupid circumstance. It's on par with me calling someone an idiot becuase they own a red shirt. That type of commentary has been his M.O for years.

He's supposed to be a defensive coach, yet the team is the worst it's been on defense in many, many yeras. It doesn't go with logic. I don't care if you watch the games or you don't. It just doesn't make sense. You use the same old tired arguement "You don't watch games" What? I need to watch the games to be able to say that giving up 102PPG is bad???

That's what's stupid. Progress? The team didn't make much. They went from the worst record to the 3rd worst.... Hooray their better than a Portland team that has almost no real starter talent at all. They would counter the good things they did with bad things.. Beat SA and then lose to the Knicks backups. Sweep the Pacers and get their @ss kicked by Charlotte twice.

You can believe what you want, but the Hawks are the second worst defense in the league and I dare you to dispute that.

Not only do they allow 102PPG, but they also allow 48% shooting and 37%3pt shooting. You can call that progress all you want, but the numbers say otherwise.

Progress my @ss. Look at New Orleans. That's progress. They increased their win total by alot in the conference that is alot tougher.

Even more than the win/loss record, lets see the Hawks make some progress on the defensive end which is supposed to be Woodsons strong point. Then talk about how he is even a difference maker as a head coach.

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Passing on Deng?...please nobody's job will hinge on passing on Deng for Childress. People act like Deng is setting the league on fire...

I didn't mean Deng's the 2nd coming of MJ...it's more of a cumulative sort of thing. After a while these things add up.

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it just shows you are a noob. Yah, giving up 102 per game isn't good. But that doesn't mean that the coach sucks because of it. That's just stupid to say. It's the kind of noobish statements you've been making for years on every possible subject. Defense isn't easy to teach or to learn. It takes players who want to play defense, can play it and know how to play it. We have one or two players in each of those catagories right now. It takes several in each catagory to have a good defensive TEAM.

And yah, you wouldn't know about the progress because you're a noob and you don't watch the games. You comment based on static numbers or based on off the cuff emotions. If you watched the games you would see the progress. BUt you don't, so you'll comment based on what you have, numbers. You don't go from being a 13 win team to being a defensive force in one season. Even a noob should know that. Trying to look at one number and saying there hasn't been any progress is n00bish. Which is why you are a nub.

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About D'antoni...

He IS a Euro styled coach. I think he needed Nash just like Nash needed him. His style is Euro all day. They run continuously. Just about everybody can hit the three.. and the PG has to have the ability to dominate the ball.

The only other team that he coached was Denver with Billups, NVE, McDyess, Fortson, Stith, LaFrentz, and Clark.

He did the same thing with that team. He ran basically a 3 guard set and was shunned because he tried to make Billups his primary ball handler and NVE his OG.....

People believed that Billups was a bust and couldn't improve.... He also didn't use Clark or LaFrentz much but opted for the harder working Forston as his C.

His team lost a lot of games.. mainly because NVE didn't get it and he didn't have enough control to bench him and play Stith...

But he was given some room to work in Phoenix.

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After Iguodala's slump, people would love to have Chillz consistency.

Seriously, Iguodala packed it in after losing the slam dunk contest...

I hear Philly fans complaining about the other AI...

I think in the longrun, we will see we got the better player.

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Did I say "defensive progress". There are more measures of progress than just defense. Our defensive awareness did improve. But we simply didn't have the personel for it to matter much. There was progress there. But it's incremental progress. You're not going to go from being a 13 win team to being a defensive force in one season. It doesn't work that way.

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...Defense isn't easy to teach or to learn. It takes players who want to play defense, can play it and know how to play it. We have one or two players in each of those catagories right now. It takes several in each catagory to have a good defensive TEAM.

Looks to me like you were talking about Defense. Now as far as "defensive awareness"...well that's a different story. I suppose that means you play poor defense but you are "aware" of it so it's not so bad when the other team blows by you for a layup.

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uh read again. If you follow the conversation, I said "progress" I didn't say defensive progress. My mentioning of it in that instance was to show that there was incremental improvement on the defensive end as well as the overall improvement anyone who watched the game would have seen.

and if you don't know what defensive awareness is, well...

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Exactly, Chillz is just as or more valuable than both of those players...he can do more than both.

A lot of times I think fans let the media sway what they think about a player.

If Chillz played Philly playing with AI or in Chicago...many Hawks fans would be saying damn how could BK pass on Childress.

I feel cheated in some ways because we prolly won't ever see this group with a proven vet coach...all though we don't know what the difference would be...there may be a big difference...know what I mean?

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We really can't get a good coach right now due to the ownership problems.

It was interesting listening to Mulin in that he said that there was no way in hell that Darth would own the team, but it sounded more scared than anything else. So, I have no idea where the ownership will end up. I hope Spirit wins but I am affraid that Darth will prevail.

Now say that the Atl Spirit does finish with ownership rights sometime over the summer or early fall, then the coaching can be addressed. I would predict that if the team gets off to a horrible start, eg 4-16, then Woody is gone just to shake up the team. However, even if they start, say around 8-12 then Woody keeps his job. Those first 20 games are going to be very important to the team.

Ownership wants to win and they are growing impatient. you can hear it in the interviews. They were devestated by the Thrashers not making it. They won't settle for a poor start.

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I like your points about Chill, he is not recognized on this Board for his atributes the way he should be. Not only is he talented and productive, but he is part of the heart and soul of this team, if he were traded the team would be missing some of those intangibles.

One of the first things I would do this offseason, if I were BK, is trade Salim and our second for the highest first we can get. I would start asking GMs from the 20 spot on down and see which one would go for it. Salim and Josh will start competing for time and I would much rather have Childress on the floor than Salim.

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I would either try and move Salim/2nd for a late 1st (Rondo, Williams, Farmar, Foye) OR offer that to Portland for Jarrett Jack. Use our high 1st and Al in deals for bigs either in one sign and trade or actually draft and big and trade Al for a big. Salim probably looks more valuable to most considering he is more likely to blow up in a game on the statsheet but I think Jack would bring more cohesiveness and heady-play.

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