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When the Hawks resign Al... What then?


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i think BK will do what he can to resign Al.

Thus far, no other Hawk seems capable of stepping up and putting up the points that Al puts up and where he puts them up.

It didn't cross my mind until reading Sekoe's article the other day. Bk will find a way to keep Al and will probably engineer a trade for our other need... A big Body.

I think HS at the least will be a funnier place when this happens. Get your hate BK threads together.

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Would you guys rather keep Al so Marvin can learn on the bench or fully let Marvin learn the ropes by letting him be the starter from day one next season?

I have mixed feelings on this. I don't want to risk breaking the chemistry that Al and JJ were developing and throwing the raw MW out there.

But on the other hand, think of how much faster Marvin could develop if he was a starter from day one next year. He could develop in 2-3 years for sure.

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Marvin and Smith averaged a combined 29 ppg in april. When Al was out they had big games, so Diesel's nonsense about Al creating opportunities for them has been exposed.

Al was the worst defender on the the team this year. The Hawks gave up 4.5 more ppg when he was on the floor.

In comparison the Hawks gave up 3 ppg fewer when Marvin and Smith were playing.

Also Al kills the ball movement on offense and takes everyone out of the game by constantly holding the ball and pounding it into the floor.

I don't think even BK could be dumb enough to resign Al.

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i think BK will do what he can to resign Al.

Thus far, no other Hawk seems capable of stepping up and putting up the points that Al puts up and where he puts them up.

It didn't cross my mind until reading Sekoe's article the other day. Bk will find a way to keep Al and will probably engineer a trade for our other need... A big Body.

I think HS at the least will be a funnier place when this happens. Get your hate BK threads together.

i PUKE , that's what happens!

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BK will only resign him to a very reasonable deal--he's not going to overpay for Al.

If we do resign him, I think Al will still only stick around for one more year to continue tutoring Marvin and scoring points for us, then we could still trade him--especially if his deal is reasonable.

But really expect to see a SnT this summer.

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Knight said the Hawks' feelings about Harrington haven't changed a bit since they traded for him two summers ago, when he was coming off a breakout season in Indiana.

"We like Al and we'd like to keep him," Knight said. "We're very happy with him and what he's brought not only to our team but to our franchise. He's been the consummate pro. Al's been great for the two years he's been here and we'd like it to continue in the future."

First of all, Knight doesn't usually gush over any player. Secondly, Al is a prototypical BK guy.

However, in this case, you have to look at what the Market will offer.

All year long, the only teams with needs for Al that can go over the MLE are us and Chicago.

I think BK gets Al resigned with a 9 to 10.75 million dollar deal.

I don't think there's that much interest for Al in Chicago. I think they are more interested in a Bigger Body like Nene..

This offseason could be all about: Al, Draft pick, and Butler?

But I believe BK has a trade in mind already..

I just can't wait to see the posts here when BK resigns Al.

It's going to be classic.

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I could definitely see us resigning Al, but I probably won't like it. He's too valuable for BK to let him walk, but he's not valuable enough to build around. It's a really tough situation.

Everyone's assuming Al will be part of a SNT, but those type of trades are pretty rare. What do you want to take back salary-wise? Any big contract worth having is likely staying put with his team. We'd probably be looking at ending contracts and picks, but that smacks of rebuilding, and we're supposed to be "in it" next year.

Too bad the Knicks already got raped by the Bulls last summer. They don't have anything to give us in a deal for Al.

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BK better be damn savvy with Al's contract if we do that. If we want to move him in 2 years, he needs to have a cap-easy contract for the team that takes him.

If we give him some sick 63 mil over 6 deal, it's gonna be ridiculous to try to move him. I really don't know what we could conceivably sign him for that would make me happy. I see 2 most likely options:

1) overpay

2) let him walk

BK will make a believer out of me if he works this Al situation to our benefit somehow.

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In order to get Al to do the "sign and play here another year, then we'll trade you to a winner" deal, I would guess the Hawks woould have to really give him a top-of-the-line payday on this next contract.

As far as the approach of other teams that want Al...who knows. It's not likely they would want to send us a real contributor if they didn't have to. Of course the cap status comes into play - ?? I guess we'll see.

If I were Al's agent I sure wouldn't try to do any team any special favors contract-wise.

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You may wish that Al doesn't want to be here, but if you read comments from both Al and BK recently.. it sounds like a love fest going on.

Bk has never been one to gush over players he plan to trade.

he didn't gush over SAR. He didn't gush of JT. He didn't gush over Walker.

I think if the money is right (and mainly I don't think Al can find a deal higher than 10 million) that Al will be a Hawk in NOV.

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Look at it this way.

How many 18-20 ppg players can we get for 8-10 million??

After we have Al signed, he can be points until we get that third consistent scorer...

Then we can think about finding a trade for Al after we have more consistent play.

However, I look at it like this.

When Indy had Davis, Davis, McKey..

That's sorta what we have in the making.

With Marvin being like McKey.

Antonio being like A Davis.

I haven't committed to Smoove being like anybody yet. He's the wildcard.

We have Zaza playing the role of Smits.

All we need now is some guy to be like Dale Davis.

Long, 6'11" PF/C.

Dale Davis was a defensive stopper who might get you 10 points, 10 rebounds on the year while playing less than 30 minutes at both the Pf and C position.

Davis' defense made up for Smit's defense and he played really well with Antonio's offense/defense.

But in those days, the game revolved around Reggie.

or in our case.. Joe Johnson.

So, I think the next step for BK is to find a defensive stopper who can play PF/C.

As I look around the league...

That's a hard order...

Tyson Chandler.

Jermaine Oneal

K. Cato

A. Foyle

I don't know what BK is going to do but it will be interesting.

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I think some fool team will overpay for Al, and we will be shockingly compensated.

Considering that Ben Wallace is most likely resigning with Detroit, Al is perhaps the best available player out there. You are more likely to see people overpay than underpay for the top available guy.

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