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Ask Pete Babcock


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I asked Pete Babcock about Lon and what he thinks of him as a coach.

I don't know for sure that anyone in Pete's staff reads our post, but I know he knows we are here because he has granted us interviews in the past. Let's put this thing about how bad a coach Lon is.

Here is Pete's response. My question appears below his answer:

"Lon was simply the sole reason we played one game above .500 from last February 1 until the end of the season...which is no small feat considering the number of significant players he was lacking due to injury. He managed to keep everyone focused and positive even after we were mathematically eliminated from the playoff race....and that is extremely hard to do...most pro teams have a major letdown when they are eliminated....our guys had the attitude we were a 50+ win team...all due to Lon.

Pete Babcock "

Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2002 11:30 PM

To: askthehawksgm@turner.com

Subject: Ask the Hawks GM

"My question is on Lon Krueger. I am a participant on the Hawksquawk forum in which we make our feelings about the team known, provide comments on things the team should do, and show our pride in our team and how pleased we finally are in the things you have accomplished as GM of the Atlanta Hawks. I read a lot of negative posts in Hawksquawk on Lon's ability as a pro coach, especially when it comes to substitutions. You are probably in no position to openly discuss Lon as a coach, but could you provide any type of comment? Jester"

BTW, I re-watched 4th quarter of the Hawks vs. Bulls game and I do not see where Lon's substitution was so bad (besides, I don't think he's 100% responsible of when substitutions happen - he's getting input from the other coaches, etc.). The bench players (and SAR was in the game most of the time) not only kept the score as it was for most of the quarter, but they even increased it by a point at one time. He put the starters in just in time. The thing is that Emanual and other players failed to score and had a couple of turnovers before Lon? had planned to put the starters back in. Sure, our team sometimes seems to be trying hard to lose a game, but it is too easy for us to play Monday morning [coach]. I wish we could honestly ask Pete and Lon (Garth Heard and others) what they really think.

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IMHO this is a cover-up answer. Pete cannot be blind to the fact we have questionable coaching. I am sure behind close doors his opinion is very different. A few observations concerning our coach:Lon has to do a better job at game prep. Our offensive flow seems much too difficult at times for all the weapons we have now. I would like to see more plays run for the big three rather than all of the self creativity that dominates our play. Defensively the team needs to trust one another more. Lon needs to fix this now or we may miss the playoffs because of lost close games due to it. Lon's substitutions are hair pulling at key points in the game. Moreover,he needs to get on these guys about closing out games, we tend to let people hang around too much for my comfort. I'll be patient until the all star break......

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Babcock's blinding confidence in Kruger is scary to Hawks fans. It's pretty evident that even after 3 seasons in the NBA, Lon is still struggling to coach his players.

Now as bad as Lon is, he won't make us miss the playoffs. He's no Isiah Thomas, he has somewhat of a clue in the NBA game and knows enough that his team can win 40-50 games as long as he has the right group of guys in the game at the right time.

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I have to agree wtih his answer, somewhat. Lon did an AMAZING job of keeping the team focused and positive. I never saw them playing like I've seen the Clippers, Cavs and grizzlies play in the final weeks of the season. In that respect he did a great job. His players gave him props in that respect as well. So I take that as a good.

Now, I don't think any of us agree with his substitutions. But again, you have to look at what he had to work with. When you have a lineup that was constantly changing for the first 2/3 of the season, you really can't get a feel for who can give you what and when they can give it. Once our injury situation evened out and he got some healthy players back, we finished the season well.

As for the X's and O's, I don't think it's a GM's place to give his feelings on that matter. Well, unless you want to send a message to the coach that he's going to be fired. But I will say that once his lineup stabalized and they learned how to play together we got some wins. We did finish the season strong and it's not just raw talent doing that. You can't give credit to the players without also giving some to the coach.

This season we've seen some shaky lineups on the floor again. But again, we've had injuries to key players. PLayers that WOULD have been on the floor had they been there. Nazr would have been coming in for Theo instead of Harvey. Dion would have been coming in more for E-mail. Though I still think E-mail would get some minutes, they wouldn't be as significant.

lastly, you should be patient! We've seen this team play stretches this season where they were simply dominant. Again, that's not just raw talent. Give credit where credit is due. We've had enough of those good stretches to be 2/1. He can't be unfairly judged until he has his team. Plugging big holes with Emanual Davis and Antonio Harvey and expecting 48 minutes of prime ball is unreasonable. I'm willing to give it time. I like what i've seen so far and I feel it will only get better as the season progresses.

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I don't know what you or anyone else with a similar mindset would want from your GM regarding the work of the coach. PB was exactly right and candid that few coaches in the league could have done what Lon did in the second half of the season with the injury maligned unit having little or nothing to play for. Does that make him a good or bad coach? A Keeper? Don't know.

It's not like a GM in this league would paint an ax over their coach's head. Certainly Lon doesn't deserve it regardless. Still, the playoff guarantee is as much about Lon's future job security as it is about reimbursing fans. Not an ax but an ax handle. From what I've seen and mostly read, Lon seems to be working a new guy with a poor rep, Theo, and a 30 win team in pretty well and likely well enough to avoid any said ax handle.

Sage, you weren't patient any of last year as I recall. I think waiting until the All-star break is reasonable this year. However, if it means you will still complain that all those (some of them trivial) things and we are still winning...well so what?!?

I'd like to see Phil Jackson not chewing so much gum after a bad call, but as long as LA wins, and for them wins games of importance, whose complaining.


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My bias is open concerning Lon. I do not back down from it. Nothing personal though, I just think we could have selected a better captain. I want rings and banners and I simply don't see Lon delivering that to the city of Atlanta. (I sure hope that he proves me wrong though). As long as we win I will have nothing to complain about. So far we are 3-1. I am very happy over that, but it has not changed my mind concerning Lon. The question concerning his ability to coach on this level is yet to be answered and we will get a good indication of his ability to do so this season if our guys stay healthy. For the sake of the Hawks I hope that he can and that he excells at it.

Did I expect Pete to indicate that Lon is in trouble, of course not, however that does not remove the fact that the guy will be watched closely this year. We have a talented roster this year, how he manages those pieces will let us know if he should get on a bus leaving town. Simply calling it like I see it guys. Until the All-Star break I will give him a break. I think that is only fair.

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In reply to:

I have to agree wtih his answer, somewhat. Lon did an AMAZING job of keeping the team focused and positive. I never saw them playing like I've seen the Clippers, Cavs and grizzlies play in the final weeks of the season. In that respect he did a great job.

Was it LON or some other incentive?

What I believe is this:

1. Ira was playing for a spot on the team (contract).

2. JT was playing to prove that he is a PG.

3. DJ was playing for a starting position to prove his draft position.

4. Reef was playing because he has always been able to play well on losing teams.

Was that Lon's doing? I don't think so. All these guys had their own motivation. Similar to how Nazr was a 15 ppg/15 rpg C during the latter end of his contract yr.

The problem with Believing that it was Lon is what happens when there are no new mountains to climb for each individual?

i.e. What happens when JT gets the new Contract.

What happens when Ira gets the starting spot and new contract.

What happens when Theo and Hendu prove that they can play a whole season.

What happens when Big Dog proves that he's one of the best players in the game.

will Lon still be able to motivate these guys towards a ring?

I guess he can do them like he did Toni and Glover? Bring in CBA talent and let them come off the bench. Can't you see Lee Nailon playing in front of Big Dog next yr?

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EVERY losing team has players in the very same situations that you described about the Hawks and yet many of them quit. The Hawks never did. Lon definitely gets credit for that. [censored], Lenny couldn't motivate the players in the same situation. They all quit on him.

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You talk about looking at both sides. But you follow that up by only looking at one side. That side happens to be the diesel "lon sucks" side and it's a cop out. You want to push the credit for the teams late season performance in every direction as long as it doesn't involve giving the coach any credit for it. That's a cheap cop out.

I've never suggested that he deserved ALL the credit for it. But refusing to give him any credit, as you do, totally invalidates any point you might have on the subject.

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You know I have to agree with Diesel on this one. This whole Lon motivated the team stuff has me kinda concerned anyway.

What could you tell me if I was JT to get me motivated. Do you tell me hay stay focused on being a PG for the rest of the season in the mean time I am looking to get a better suited PG in the offseason so you will probably move back to SG where we don't really expect you to do that good because you are not big enough. Yes that motivates me.

What do you tell DJ hey keep up the good work but we don't expect much out of you until next year anyway so we are going to bring this CBA'er in to fill your void and maybe teach you somethings while he is here.

Hey IRA we need you to come in and take care of somethings until I real player is better. But keep working your a** off for us and we may think about you next year if someone else is not good enough for us.

Hey the rest of you healty guys I want you to show me what you have now because next year when my real players come back we will not see much of you. So if we don't trade you, drop you, or you get hurt. Then we will bring you in for a couple of cameo apperences next year.

Oh yeah I am fired up for the rest of the season now.

Guys I was not there but it is not much a coach can keep telling me to finish the season as if it matters to anyone. I think a lot of that motivation was personal just as diesel explained. Just like the summer volunteer workouts. I know I am biased because I don't particularly think Lon should be here but I just don't see how to give Lon much credit for the motivation last year.

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Diesel posted that the reasons for the 19-17 record in the second half of the season were NOT because of Lon's ability to keep the team together and motivate them but rather...

In reply to:

"1. Ira was playing for a spot on the team (contract).

2. JT was playing to prove that he is a PG.

3. DJ was playing for a starting position to prove his draft position.

4. Reef was playing because he has always been able to play well on losing teams."

I can't believe you fell for that crock!

First, Ira was inserted into the starting lineup by Lon. I suspect his signing was pushed for by Lon. The fact is that like every Hawk now, Lon saw a tremendous help to the team in Ira and played him. How is that not to the coach's credit. Secondly, how many similar players are always playing for spots on the team, contracts, etc. on any given year? Answer: Too many to base ONE team's performance on the suspicion that players play harder in contract years over their coach (who again pushed for signing and started him, thus deserving cred).

Secondly, JT was playing for more in is first year under Lenny than he was last year. Lenny had embarrassed him by cutting his minutes from mid twenties to 14 MPG in Feb!!! It was KILLING JT. When he got back on the court thanks to a mandate he was the hungriest Hawk you could have ever seen. His confidence was low to begin with but he was starved he was so hungry.

Similarly, so was Lo. So was Dion. So was Deke (upcoming contract year and Lenny's very public criticism of him). So was Ellis (contract year). So was JJ (upcoming contract year and no JR Rider left to take away from his like of any shot opportunity). So was Hendu (fighting for starting job at the end).

Thirdly, I have no idea what Diesel was talking about regarding Reef. Is he saying Reef is self motivated to play well? Great. However, the Grizz never won with Reef playing well. The Hawks winning 19 of their last 36 games came largely as a result of a coach keeping together the team and motivating it to win what could have been meaningless games for them individually or as a whole.

Please, don't fall for such coach hatin' dribble.


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