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The Dreaded 4th spot!


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Lascar, my silly child. How your naivete amuses me. Everyone knows the mastermind Diesel controls the bulk of the unenlightened proletariat who crowd this forum with their uninformed opinions. Indeed, he delights in that control.

Clearly Diesel would understands how silly it is to look at 10 trials and draw a conclusion from that. Clearly one with the razor acumen of Diesel understands the statistical concepts of variance, expectancy, probability, and confidence intervals. Surely he knows the importance of sample size in assessing data.

So, why would he appear to be ignorant of these fundamental concepts, you ask? Well, as I've said, we're all under his spell. He only appears to be stupid so that you'll argue with him. That's how he controls you. Indeed, he delights in that control.

*But make no mistake....even though Diesel says he gets his "own personal ego stroke" from this forum, he is not validated by it in any way. Diesel gets to make such paradoxical claims because he is Diesel. He may not say a lot of clever things, but he does say a lot of things....and that's just as good right?

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It's like with George W Bush, I just can't tell. With Bush, I can't tell if he's evil or if he's the village idiot surrounded by evil people. With Diesel I'm never sure if he's a delusional idiot who actually convinces himself that he's right, or if he's a guy who says dumb things to never have to admit he's wrong and try to convince a lot of uninformed people. I just can't tell if ths complete idiocy is genuine or an act. BTW I'm not trying to start a political debate, but it's a perfect analogy to me. I just can't tell if ths complete idiocy is genuine or an act.

I hear what you're saying, but I just can never tell which one it is. He has repeatedly made very dumb statements about statistics that make it clear he genuinely doesn't understand statistics at all. The rest may be an act but that is not. He could make similar points that at least make statistical sense.

I don't care to argue about it anymore either way though. Like I said before, I used to argue because I thought that "the unenlightened proletariat" were buying it like you put it. I don't think that's the case anymore though so I don't bother most of the time. I'll post my opinion and be done. I think the overall crowd here is pretty smart, and way sharper than that of your average hoops message board.

I also fail to see how he controls anyone on here much less me. I honestly couldn't care less. On the other hand he starts threads abouts me, has multiple quotes of mine in his signature, so he sure seems somewhat obsessed. I don't care though.

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Diesel: "Diesel completely owns most of you. I pull the strings...And I delight in that ownage."

BTW, according to his definition of "ownage", you own him, by virtue of his putting your quotes in his signature. He claims he owns MW24 because he caused him to post a Bin Laden pic.

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With Diesel I'm never sure if he's a delusional idiot who actually convinces himself that he's right, or if he's a guy who says dumb things to never have to admit he's wrong and try to convince a lot of uninformed people.

He is definitely a delusional idiot. I have no doubt about that at all.

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BTW, according to his definition of "ownage", you own him, by virtue of his putting your quotes in his signature. He claims he owns MW24 because he caused him to post a Bin Laden pic.

Diesel owns me hahaha... funny guy, gotta say

At least i respect this board and took of that picture, unlike him putting Bush aka "Hitler jr" picture on his sh!t.

Wow gas prices $3.00 what a dumb fyck.

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Everyone knows the mastermind Diesel controls the bulk of the unenlightened proletariat who crowd this forum with their uninformed opinions. Indeed, he delights in that control.


***says in best lifeless, robotic voice*** All hail the mighty Diesel. PDVD_019.jpg


What an ego, man. How many people really refer to themselves in the third person, anyways? IMO it's gotta be a put-on, else we are dealing with a windbag of truly world-class proportions here, an epic windbag.

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What's up with that creepy ass pic?

Anyways, I don't mind moving down one spot but if we pick 6ht or 7th that's some BS.

I think if we pick 5th we still have a great chance at landing Swift or Bargnani because Charlotte could very well pick a 2/3 and so could Portland.

Charlotte has Okafor, they drafted Sean May, and Melvin Ely has come around. Hopefully that is enough for them to be conviced they need help elsewhere. With a top 5 pick, if Morrison and Gay both go before we pick, we are guaranteed to land a big man.

But if we pick 6th or 7th we get screwed and miss out on all 3 big men. That's when I'd take Saer Sene in a trade down.

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I really do "Own" You guys.

I love this referendum on Diesel. It's got to be the biggest ego stroke in the world for me. To have all my Lemmings to come together and have mass worship of Diesel...

Do you want to know how I know I "Own" You Guys? (Oh, by the way, I hate that word "OWN" but since it's what you are familiar with I will use it).

I know I own you because you can't ignore me. You know that there's an ignore Button in your preferences. I dare one of you to just click it.

Since you seem to have so many problems with Diesel... Take the test... Ignore me.

For at least 2 of you (REJECT, Ex) that would be too tramatic for words. How can you remove a person's god and that person not suffer great loss.

For MW24...

Dude, you read like a book. If Hawkfanatic is the Slacker on the board, you have to be the weakest personality on the board. I mean you constantly try to link yourself with individuals that people fear... I guess that means that you seek to be feared??? On the other hand you have no constitution. Easily swayed by the opinions of others... You're like some Geek guy who sells refrigerators at BestBuy right... You're the one most likely to shoot up a High School or something. Let me tell you. Those kids are innocent.

Maybe you'll get older and be like reject. Who only comes here because he's trying to show that he is smart. What type of person would critique a messageboard but one who is looking for acceptance.

And then there's Lascar. Mr. I am never Wrong... In the years that I have read Lascar's work he has never admitted one time that he has ever been wrong or mistaken. And he has been both on a lot of occassions. Instead of an admission of being wrong, he'd rather just leave the scene of the crime. Diesel may be Narcissistic to a degree.. but I'm not as bad as the closet Narcissist Lascar. In fact, you have had Diesel admit to being wrong but Lascar?? Never. And Lascar has been. I think it comes from Lascar needing to be vindicated? Maybe his wife or woman totally owns him? I can imagine that his woman just tells him what to do all the time... and this messageboard is the time for him to finally be right?

The worst is KB? I used to respect KB highly. However, now... I have seen the worst of KB. It's actually pretty scary.


I have giving you lemmings enough reason to ignore me. Now all you have to do is follow through and do it.

I give you less than a week before you're thinking... Damn. Diesel is right! At which point, it's alright if you come back to the temple and worship.

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How can you remove a person's god and that person not suffer great loss.

Diesel, this is gross. You have really crossed the line with that comment. All fun and games aside, please do not ever claim to be my god (or anyone else's, without his consent). I find that reprehensible and despicable.

As much of a jerk as I may seem to you in the midst of a silly argument, I am a religious person (imagine how much worse I would be!), and I don't think this is the type of thing that you joke about. Sure, it seems ridiculous to think this silly diversion carries such importance that people would worship you. Sure, it seems like a funny joke, but I find it exceedingly inappropriate to make these suggestions.

Please retract this statement and ask for the post to be deleted.

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I know I own you because you can't ignore me. You know that there's an ignore Button in your preferences. I dare one of you to just click it.

Since you seem to have so many problems with Diesel... Take the test... Ignore me.

This post definitely crosses the line in some ways, but in other ways there is a lot of truth to what Diesel was saying. He controls the discussion on this board like no other. The night of the Clippers game, that the owners invited Hawksquawk to, most of the board members wanted to meet Diesel. Even the owner himself was asking for Diesel so he could sit with him for a quarter.

What would Hawksquawk be like without Diesel? Would it be better or worse? Initially Diesel enraged me, and I hated his constant trade proposals and conspiracy theories. Then I took them for what they were, and could even laugh at them. However, this post makes me want to take up Diesel's challenge, and in turn I ask the rest of the board to take up his challenge as well. If, for no other reason, to see what Hawksquawk would be like without Diesel for awhile. Plus, he's asking for it with a post like that.

Now, where is that preferences button?

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I had Diesel on ignore for about 4 months. The problem is that he spams the board like no other, and that in responding, most posters don't make full, self-contained statements. They simply "add" to the previous poster's comment or respond to it. So even if you don't care what he's saying, it's hard to understand what other posters are saying if you don't have the context of what they're responding to. It is frustrating to not understand what other posters (whose opinion you respect) are talking about because you don't know what comment they are commenting on. I would imagine that the same problem would occur for any poster who posts in most threads.

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If you are a religous person... Then you should know the difference between god and God. Like it or not, there are several gods.. that compete with the one and true God. If calling attention to those things which compete with God causes you problems, then you must have a problem with God who says "I will have no other gods before me.". Read your Bible.. The Big "G" and the little "g" does hold some significance.

You see... even God notes the existence of competing gods. And the truth is that you have the ability to declare... anything to be your god... weather it be money, job, family, acheivement. And all of those things can be worshipped in one way or another.

So, I take your High and mighty statement as ignorance of the difference between god and God. I am religous too. More importantly, I believe in GOD. But I am not so blinded by the world that I don't see the existence of other man-made gods. Would it had been equally as offensive if I said that a work-a-holic worships that Job? Or that a person who loves his wife dearly, "worships the ground that she walks on?"... If you find those things equally as offensive, then I apologize to you.

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That's why it would require a majority of users to agree and ignore collectively. One person ignoring him does no good for the reasons you mentioned.

I really don't have major problems with Diesel, but I have often wondered what the forum would be like without him. This is the only way to find out.

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Over the past 10 years.. it seems like the pick most likely to be a disappointment is:

The 2nd pick...

Camby, Van Horn, Bibby, Francis, Swift, Chandler, Jay Williams, and Darko. I guess you have Bibby who wasn't a big disappointment but these others didn't start off strongly. Camby has just started to really live up to his expectation after shrugging off the soft label he had recieeved for being often injured.

The pick that seems to be most surprising is the 5th!

Ray Allen, Vince Carter, Jason Richardson, & Dwayne Wade.

There were a couple of ham and eggers like Battie, Miller, and Bender in this draft.. but maybe this suggest that it's better to go after a SG at the 5th pick than to go for a big man.

Who was the ROY in 2001 and 2002?

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Do you also like you coffee without the caffeine?

I think you had the right understanding of me before..

However, instead of the Mass conspiracy you're planning, why not just ask me to leave?

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