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The Dreaded 4th spot!


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I think it's fine if he wants to post trade proposals. That initiates discussion. Good. What bothers me is his unabashed, narcissistic self-promotion. He is so arrogant that he refuses to admit any fault; he refuses to present predictions as less than clairvoyance. He downplays it when he's wrong about any of the myriad predictions he spams the board with, and then he mercilessly taunts those who make less than accurate predictions. This is a guy who says, "I shock the world. This is what I see." He really believes we are in awe of his relentless posting and 55th percentile intelligence.

The bitterness I have toward Diesel began when he called me "dumbass", unprovoked some time back for some simple difference in opinion. He refused to retract that statement or apologize for it. I had never at that time called Diesel "stupid" or any variation on that. What gets me, is this guy believes he is brilliant even though he has at best average writing skills, logical/deductive reasoning skills, vocabulary, grammar, and quantitative assessment skills (indicated by his obvious statistical deficiencies). This is why I occasionally point out to him how far short of brilliant he is.

Anyway, it's very likely that he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The following are the DSM IV criteria for NPD. Five of the following must be present:

1. Exaggerated sense of self-importance

2. Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited money, success, brilliance, fame, etc.

3. Believes that he or she is "special" or unique

4. Needs excessive admiration

5. Has sense of entitlement

6. Takes advantage of others for self-gain.

7. Lacks empathy

8. Believes others are envious of him, or he is envious of others

9. Arrogant or haughty

You have to really develop a relationship with a patient in psychiatry to remark on all these criteria, but we can certainly say that he meets:

Criteria 1, 3, 8, 9. He certainly believes he's more important than he is. He believes he's unique or special. He believes we're all envious of him, and he's definitely arrogant AND haughty.

You could make a STRONG case for #2 and #7. What we don't know is whether he takes advantage of others for self-gain, or lacks empathy (though you could make a case for the latter). Whether he has a sense of entitlement is hard to say, also.

Basically I would say 1, 2, 3, 8, 9....patient meets criteria for NPD. Recommend expressive psychotherapy.

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If you are a religous person... Then you should know the difference between god and God.

There's absolutely no evidence in my post that I do not understand this facile distinction. In fact, I didn't even specify that I am a follower of a monotheistic religion. I could be a member of a polytheistic religion like Hinduism or a pantheistic religion like Buddhism. However, you have chosen to have an argument with a position you wish that I had taken....you've set up a strawman.


Read your Bible.. The Big "G" and the little "g" does hold some significance.

That's why I used the little g, bucko.


You see... even God notes the existence of competing gods. And the truth is that you have the ability to declare... anything to be your god...

Of course. God notes that you can worship a false gods, and that this is the greatest of all sins. False gods, however, are FALSE. They don't really compete with God in a true sense. The war is truly between God and man's selfishness. False gods have no power. Rather, they are just projections of man's self-worship and desire for self-sufficiency. Money can be your god, but only because you view it as a means to make yourself powerful and god-like.

They key here, biff, is that, as you say "you have the ability to declare anything to be your god". I have not declared you to be my god, nor has anyone else on this forum. You have declared yourself their god.

I maintain that you have crossed the line. Your amateur religious philosophy does not change that fact. Your conditional, sarcastic apology, "If you find those things equally as offensive, then I apologize to you," is a further insult and you know that. Please retract this comment and ask to have the post removed.

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I keep telling people I have NEP..

But no one will listen.

Oh well. frown.gif

Reject. I lack empathy for others because they lack empathy for me. Mostly, my relationship with others is reciprocity. I give what I get. For instance, Seeing that you and some others decide to have a referendum... I decided to have my own referendum on you all. I'm sure that there are many forum persons who I have never called "dumbass" or have had any strong wording about. No provocation. However, I didn't mean to provoke you to have your own Diesel crusade... to rid the board of Diesel by calling you a dumbass some time ago that I can't remember. Honestly, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings... Really. I know how it feels to be attacked without provocation... So I'm sorry.

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Actually, the greatest of all sins is unbelief.

However, Reject.

I'm not going to give you an apology that I don't mean. What would be the purpose?

My point was if you were truly offended and not being hypocritical then I whole heartedly apologize.

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