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Does Theo Deserve to be Our Center?


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I say it again, I am not that impressed with Theo so far this season. He's not doing anything out there to make me remember any part of the game that he played. Al this defender and blocker reputation has really not shown in the way I expected it to so far. He is barale making a couple of 15 footer in some games. 2 blocks and 1 rebound is not what I expected from him in an entire game. What I have ssen is a center that does not weight very much and gets pushed around a lot. He's playing more like a small forward than a center. His frame does not allow him to keep heavier centers from scoring close to the basket and his fram also does not allow him to back anybody close enough to the basket for him to score. If we could work out a trade and get ourselves another center, I may be for it. On another note, the Hawks, JT specifically were scared of driving to the basket against the Suns last night. Only one I remember trying was DG. JT seemed to be very worry about Stephon Marlbury defense because all his shots were from outside. I have never seen Jt play like this. Our players got all their shots blocked when they tried to score underneath. I knew we could have won that game, but Penny was on and this is why we lost. We had no match for what Penny was doing and for the Suns ability to block our shots. Maybe it is because we were playing back-to-back games. Maybe it is because Glenn Robinson (Big Dog) was not making his shots - because of playing back-to-ack? - weLessons learned, I hope. 10-4. PEACE.

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Theo is really a Power Forward.However he

is producting when not making silly fouls.


But honestly he needs to cut the silly fouls

and be able to play 31MPG at the least.

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Some things I told you guys a long time ago about Theo:

I said he's not going to be the game changer you believe him to be because:

1. He's very lightweight.

2. He is not a very good positional player because of his weight.

3. Teams will challenge him ALOT to get him in foul trouble.

It's early but what I said rings true in 2 of the 3 points I tried to make... He's a better positional player than I gave him credit for.

So, with that, we have some things to manage. First off, Babcock dropped the ball in not signing Kevin Willis. It doesn't matter how Old he is or how much he wants, we should have signed him when he wanted to be a Hawk. Reason Being is that he has real Size and he has great experience. Maybe we can trade for him because S.A. is not using him a whole lot...

However, with that in mind, getting a guy with Size should be our concern or maybe our problem will disappear with Nazr. Point being is that Nazr comes in with more weight than Theo and he rebounds better. Maybe he and Theo can be a good one two punch.

As far as trading Theo goes, he's doing well, but not good enough to get back a good player for him.

I wonder if Email/1st can get us Dalembert? He's about 6'10 about 248-250?

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Due to the fact that the man is acclimating to NBA play again I say we watch and see what happens. I would rather see other changes to the team than to see any changes with Theo. No he is not a "pure" center, yet he is good in that position, good enough to be our starter.

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I agree that Theo does commit stupid fouls and lacks a polished offensive game but it is very difficult to find post players with the shot blocking skills of Theo and can run the floor like he does. He fits well with the Hawks personel, I think that his foul problems won't be as exposed when Nazr gets back.

One big problem the Hawks have with trying to trade for any big men is that the only players worth any value to any teams in the league are JT, Big Dog and Shareef. There is no value for E-mail, or any other role players.

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I think Theo is good at what he does, providing backside defense. I think that is pretty much what this team needs. If not I'd trade him but I really dont know who needs a player of his type as much as we do and his salary and injury tendencies further demolish his trade value. Given all that, I'm happy to keep him. I like what he brings to our team and would be happy if we can keep getting what we are getting out of him now all year.

I would have liked to have seen us pick up a big backup center and that is even more obvious now with Nazr down but when we picked up Ham I was happy with that. When Nazr comes back he'll help our depth alot. Nazr statistically rebounds much better than Theo but if you watch, it's just because he never challenges shots, he just blocks out and rebounds. Luckily most of our bigger players are good rebounders, especially Ira and the Dog, so that takes up for Theo's weakness. Right now the biggest weakness I see on our team is backup PG.

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Thank you swolehawk. Alot of you think Theo is not doing well. Well let me tell you guys a little something, Theo has changed from teams driving to the basket and has intimidated everyone so far, He is leading the league in blocks and is getting 7 rpg, in 25 mins.......I think thats quite good. As for the fouls, they are calling alot of ticky tak fouls on him, Last night Reef got hammered by Marbury on a fastbreak and there was no call, which it was BS.

Theo was called for about 2 fouls and there wasnt any contact. As to trade Theo, who the heck are we gonna get for a starting Center better than Theo? I thought so, no one, he is my candidate right now to be the starting center for the allstar game and no doubt he is one the league top 5 centers. Actually I am very happy with his game, he has a very nice turn around jumper and he is a fighter, I like him alot.....you guys have no idea what you are talking about when you are saying to trade Theo.

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Doesn't excuse the need for a big bodied Backup for Theo.

Theo will end up injured again if we don't get somebody who can play against Shaq, McCollough, Deke, and Minn's C. Truth be told, even against Skinny Deke, Theo gives up about 30 pounds. And Deke knows how to use an elbow to create space.

What's gonna happen with Big Toe, Arvidis, and Shawn Kemp starts to lean on him??

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And they are not NEW.

I still believe that if we can trade Theo and get a solid performing C and another good player I would do it.

It's not because of any dislike for Theo... It's because Theo has Cambitis. If it ain't one thing, It's another. For instance, I would trade Theo,CC back to Philly for Tmac, Snow and then let JT play some SG. I would trade Theo to Seattle for Barry/James if I thought that Seattle would do it.

The point is that there would need to be a C and a PG/SG coming back that could really help us. Otherwise, I'm happy with Theo....but I still don't trust him.

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T Mac is nowhere near Theo. He and Nazr are basically the same player. Sure he's big but he doesn't fit what we are trying to do at all. And Snow? I'd rather go out and get a quality SG than to bring him in and move JT to SG. In fact, if Philly GAVE us Snow, he'd come off the bench to spell JT if I were the coach.

The Seattle trade is better because Barry would be a terrific SG alongside JT but his presence is not needed nearly as bad as Theo's is and he is not the impact player that Theo is. James? He can't even get minutes in Seattle. They are playing the PF Drobnjak at Center a lot. James is playing about 10 minutes per game. Theo is a former All Star and I think he'll be an All Star again this season after he gets his legs back.

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3.8 BPG in 25 MPG! Is that not phenomenal?!? That's more BPG than he got in 10 M-O-R-E MPG in his All-star year!

58% FG%!!! That's #7 in the entire league in FG%!!!!!

#15 in NBA.com's "efficiency ranking"!!!!!!!!


Lastly, your charge that Theo gets pushed around is hilarious given that opposing starting centers are shooting 10-32 against him (UGH!), scoring but 6 PPG against him (Double Ugly!), and NOT ONE STARTING CENTER HAS OUT-REBOUNDED THEO (including Deke in 5 more MPG) (Hideously UGLY!)!!! Not only that, NOT ONE opposing center has shot AS WELL AS Theo! More? Only one more center has scored more points than Theo (13-10) and that was with the opponent having 5 MORE MPG in which to score! Theo has bested EVERY starting center he has faced, most by a huge amount!

And this is coming off of a year and a half layoff due to injuries and having his minutes limited!


[censored], I wish I got "pushed around" like Theo!

What's in your wallet (Jester)? The charges you are making against Theo are BASELESS!


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Im glad some people around here have some since. Theo is playing very well. All the fouls he are getting a pure [censored] that I've never seen called fouls before. Shaq practically rapes people and he gets no foul call. Theo runs next to his man and here comes the whistle. Whats that all about?

Also who said his offensive game is not polished? He is the 4th option for scoring on are team. I have watched all but 1 game this year and he has not down almost every open look he has had, and he also has hit his hook and fade away more times then not. Do you want him to put up 25 ppg on 6 attempts?

Those who say Theo doesn't change the game needs to put down the wacky weed also. The suns game is a perfect example when Theo went out thats when the dunk fest 2002 began. Marion and all the other scrubs started making runs when Theo wasn't in because all they can do is slash and dunk.

Theo is doing all this and he hasn't played basketball in almost a year and a half, but he is a disapointment to some. Man he is going to half to be Wilt born again to please some on this board.

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and all I can do is laugh. ANYONE who says he's not a game changer HAS NOT bothered to watch a hawks game this season. The entire look of the game changes when theo is in there. That's been the case in every game this season. Theo is in, a few people challenge him and get packed, then NOBODY challenges him any more. THeo goes out and it's a free for all walk to the basket. Anyone who thinks he's not a game changer is either blind or a hater, take your pick.

Also, the warped theory that he is foul prone is nothing but hater-aid. The guy has a career average of 3 PF's per game. How is that foul prone? He hasn't played in a year and a half. Give the guy a chance to get his legs back under him and get back into the flow of things. Everything he's done so far is pure natural talent. Once he's back in game shape, both physically and mentally, nobody will be disappointed with what he brings.

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Ok. Let's watch him a few more games. I am not a Theo R. hater. I just want to see more of a dominant center in him, which I don't agree (With you) I have seen so far. What you see is a center changing the game, what I see is a center playing small forward. 5 point and 2 blocks is not what I expected to see from Theo. I guess my sights are set too high. What things come to your mind when you think about what Theo did in any game. I mean, besides dropping a couple of 15 footers and blocking a couple of shots, at most, what have you seen that has made you go, wow! this dude dominates? [censored].

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I know we need a big man for insurance but I prefer Ira anyday.

In the long run and even now Ira is more important to our team.

Had Nazr not been hurt we are pretty good with Theo/Nazr rotation with Hendu filling in the other minutes. Had these guys all been healthy Willis would be riding the pine.

He is a decent player now, a shell of his former self. I think Amal can make the same impact that Willis would right now since Kevin is 39 and 8 years past his prime.

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For the record:

Theo Line for the season:

25 mpg, 9 ppg on 57.6%, 6 rpg (2.2 offensive), 3.8 bpg, a 1:1 a:to (4 pf/g - not good)

all-star year in philly

36 mpg 12.4 ppg on .499 8.3 rpg (2.50 o) 3.74 bpg, a <.5 a:to (3.30 pf/g)

obviously I'd like to see him grab a few more boards, but given his minutes, the production is pretty D@mn good. again, the fouls are somewhat troubling, but most who have been able to watch games have discussed this

sidenote - though his hip injury is obviously worrisome, the breaking of his scaffoid bone does not incur the label as "injury prone" (a small bone at the base of the thumb, and fyi - it's the second most commonly broken bone in the human body behind the clavicle, aka collar bone)

that's not bad by any means, esp. given the minutes.

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