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At least BK is happy....


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No wonder you have such an opinion of Josh Childres. I watched all 84 Hawks games and 42 of them I saw in person. In contrast I watched about 10-15 regular season bulls games, whenever they came on WGN, and all of their playoff games.

I saw enough of Childress to know that he is what he is and not to expect much more out of him.

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And you are dead wrong.

The foundation of the Memphis Grizzlies is centered around Pau Gasol and Shane Battier. Everything around them has been very fluid during Jerry West's term as the GM there. The only positive move he has made that helps that team long term was trading his mistake draft pick Drew Gooden for Mike Miller. That's it. Jerry West's drafts with the Grizzlies have been horrible. He has not produced a single starter for his team via the draft. He had the opportunity to take Amare Stoudemire instead of Drew Gooden. Billy Knight would have drafted Stoudemire, guaranteed. That's the type of move BK makes.

If it weren't for BK's decision to draft Pau and Shane, the Grizzlies wouldn't be a playoff team. Billy was just never given the time to see it through and finish what he started in Memphis.

As for BK's draft picks in Atlanta, all have exceeded expectations thus far:

What Boris Diaw is doing in Phoenix is self explanatory. Last time I checked, Boris was drafted by BK based on what BK thought he could become along with the fact that his skill set matched very well with Jason Terry at the time.

Josh Childress has the third highest PER rating from the 2004 draft, tied with Emeka Okafor and behind only Dwight Howard and Al Jefferson in that stat. Josh Smith is either 6th or 7th in PER rating from that draft class. From the 2005 class, the only player that improved as much as Marvin did throughout the year was Raymond Felton. Marvin will do nothing but continue the improvement he had during his rookie season, and he's going to be just 20 years old when the 2006-2007 season starts.

The foundation for what was built by BK in Memphis? That team has no chance of winning a championship. BK has one decent draft which was made possible by Babcock and he is a genius? The fact of the matter is no team has won under his watch. He can find talent but has no clue how to put an organization or team together which can work together to win games. It was not until West came in and built a "team" that they won anything.

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You are killing me with the percentages. He scores 4 points more and rebounds 1 more per game, in more minutes. The Bulls also actually run plays for Deng, as opposed to us running no plays for Childress. Childress shoots a better percentage, and avgs more spg than Deng.
There is no difference, but if you actually went to some games and watched some games
, and stopped looking at fantasy based statistical websites, then you would realize that.

By the way, are you a bookie or something?

I have league pass and a DVR. I watched roughly 60 Bulls games and 10-15 Hawks games. So don't try that BS argument on me.

Deng is a better defender.

Deng is a better scorer.

Deng has better handles.

Deng is a better rebounder.

Deng has a higher PER.

Deng has a better +/-.

The only player on the Bulls who truly has plays run for him is Ben Gordon. Deng gets his points in the flow of the offense like nearly every other player on the team not named Gordon.

If you were to put a survey of GM's or fans I believe overwhelmingly they would choose Deng as the better player.

FYI - Steals is about the most misleading stat in all of basketball.

No not a bookie - why you need my to lay some odds?

i was in a bar during that draft. i live in Augusta GA. funny thing is the Hawks choose Childress and i start yelling at the TV. everybody looks at me like i'm crazy. haha nobody even realized the draft was on the TV. i thought it was a stupid move to pass on Deng. i also thought it was a stupid move to pass on Jameer Nelson when they picked Smoove. hey i was right on 1 out of 2.

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i think you guys are making a mountain out of a molehill...the guy is confident in what he does...does he ponder to the masses and basically give some wishy washy answer?-no..would you rather him beat around the bush and say things you wanna hear? or do you want to hear him sound confident? i don't care if he comes off as brash, but it helps me a bit when he seems confident in what he's doing..

when he's that confident, it means he's pretty da.mn sure of what he's doing. and i've said this in the past, his job is to build this team, not be Mr. Politically correct so his fans aren't offended or hurt...

he hasn't strapped this team financially (actually he's done the opposite)..he's trying to build the team through free agency and young talent which most can agree with the right way to do it...most people's beef with him is that he's drafted too many SF's (harrington is as good as gone though)..and some use their infallabale "genius" 20/20 hindsight to say we should have drafted Paul (although almost every person on this website agreed he was too small defensively to hold up to NBA players)..compared to what i've seen around the league, that's not even close to doing badly. our talent has showed improvement...do we need to draft another sf/pf? no, we need a big man and possibly a point definitely...but give Knight a chance this offseason to see what he does...

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