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BK Feeling the pressure.


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I think what we have witnessed is that BK is feeling the pressure of his last few draft picks...

Namely, Picking Chillz and him going to the bench. Picking Marvin and watching Chris Paul become rookie of the year.

And being in a position to get yet another swingman.

BK's lashing out is not so much arrogance as it is frustration.

He's frustrated with everyone second guessing the pick of Marvin Gaye Williams... Especially when there were 5 other guys capable of playing Sf AND an upcoming draft filled with Sfs. Sf is the easiest position on a basketball team to fill and we spent a #2 pick on it. Moreover, every time BK picks up a newspaper, there's Chris Paul. That sad thing is that Paul admitted that he wanted to come to Atlanta.

Compounded the matter is all the Boris Diaw love that's going around. Diaw was a Hawk.. A Hawk turned Sun. A Hawk turned Sun turned Most improved Player of the year. The unfortunate part is that he was just a throw in to the JJ trade that has shaped BK's legacy as GM of the Hawks. If there had been no rise of Diaw, JJ would shine like a Miltary Shoe on dress parade... Instead, Diaw has tarnished all the love that JJ is supposed to have. Now instead of looking at all the good that JJ has done, people only see Diaw, 2 1st rounders, and 70 million dollars.

What does a frustrated BK do on draft night?

It's hard to tell. However, in his frustration, I can see that he won't hesitate to pick another swingman or a 6'9 PF if that's what the draft will present.

The BK drones/faithful need to hope against hope that Atlanta ends up in the top 4 of the lottery. If not, Rudy Gay could be the next Hawk...

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Normally, I would disagree but on this issue I think you are right (in terms of BK feeling the pressure). MW is developing a little slower than BK would like, Chris Paul has shown his worth and Diaw has simple exploded since leaving the ATL. There is no question BK has to make prudent moves in this draft or his employment might become an issue. Now if he sticks to his so called convictions and pick another swingman in this draft, many more people will question his basketball i.q. Yet if he pulls in a pg and fills the bigs spot either from europe or FAcy he may buy himself some time. I'm not ready to bash BK just yet, but his moves this summer are all critical. He needs to look for the best "skills" and bodies he can find to play C and PG.

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BK is like the CEO of a small start-up company. He does a good job assembling some talent but ultimately he is not the guy with the vision to get that talent to work towards a cingular goal. Nor does he poses the demeanor to be the company front man for the IPO - he would turn off too many potential investors during the road show.

Unless something drastic happens, BK will be given another year to acquire talent and then will be shown the door. The next GM will come in and hopefuly make that one key move that brings the team together and that GM will help launch the Hawks into the playoffs and beyond.

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...There is no question BK has to make prudent moves in this draft or his employment might become an issue. Now if he sticks to his so called convictions and pick another swingman in this draft, many more people will question his basketball i.q. Yet if he pulls in a pg and fills the bigs spot either from europe or FAcy he may buy himself some time. I'm not ready to bash BK just yet, but his moves this summer are all critical...

I mostly agree Sage...but I think fans will have to look more at wins/losses next year for the simple fact that we likely won't have a first round draft pick. Let's say we get Bargnani but he just isn't ready to be a major contributor at the NBA-level next year. We'd be right back looking at potential again. Granted our other youngsters will have had another year, but they may be a few years away from maturing and getting their peak games.

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The BK drones/faithful need to hope against hope that Atlanta ends up in the top 4 of the lottery. If not, Rudy Gay could be the next Hawk...

I don't know how many drones you see on the board. But if you went through all the post last year and this; most everyone agreed we need a center (Bogut last year was hands down the pick most of us wanted). Everyone here also has come to the conclusion we need a PG to help out JJ.

As far as being a drone...if BK fails that means our team failed. So my question is why in the world would any fan not be rooting for BK to succeed? If that is being a drone, I guess you can pencil me in.

I want BK to succeed no doubt. As far as him feeling the pressure...I am sure he is; just like any other GM whose team has not made the playoffs yet...

He has a year or two to get there. I am sure he knows this.

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My terminology Drones is only to point out those who stick with BK's decisions no matter how wrong they are..

I am a fan of the Hawks.. Not BK. They are separable.

When he does well, I applaud. When he doesn't I criticize..

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There are a few fans on here that only want to be right, and they will damn every move BK makes in an attempt to make themselves look right.

The player I wanted in the draft last year, we got. I wanted Marvin Williams, and the only way I would have passed on a chance to get him would have been if we were able to pick up Raymond Felton and either Sean May or Danny Granger with TWO first round picks. I didn't want Andrew Bogut.

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My terminology Drones is only to point out those who stick with BK's decisions no matter how wrong they are..

I am a fan of the Hawks.. Not BK. They are separable.

When he does well, I applaud. When he doesn't I criticize..

There is only one BK drone one here.

Criticizing BK's decisions is fair game.

Basically rooting for Marvin to fail all year long and criticizing him is an entire different story, and is what you have done.

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No.. You misunderstand. I don't route for Marvin to fail. I just didn't/don't believe he would live up to the pick. I also felt that Marvin was the wrong pick for us. I actually routed for Marvin to prove me wrong and I said that openly... I just didn't believe that he could.

Let me remind you....



Checking it out...


Having Expectations...

are 2 different things.

You don't CHECK Out a #2 Pick without HAVING EXPECTATIONS...

I expect MWILL to be better than Deron and Paul.

I expect MWIll to be better than Smoove and AL.

I expect MWIll to be an Allstar consistently after his 3rd year.

This is not SCOOBY DOO...

We're not here to CHECK it OUT...

We have waited LONG and Patiently for this.

It's prom night buddy... And I didn't ask this girl if she'd go with me just to Check her out...

I can check out any girl at any time.

The girl I'm taking out is special...

I still hold MWill to expectations. It's funny that you try to water down what we should expect from Marvin... That's a critical mistake. Moreover, just like you boy Bush, you want to exile anybody who criticizes the pick or goes against the present administration.

My message has been this simple. Marvin should be the BPA based on the fact that we drafted him where we drafted him.... PERIOD.

as far as the season.. The season plays itself out. The seasons basically suggests weather you were right or wrong.

So far, the season says that we were fools for passing up a need only to duplicate a pick that may not be the bpa..

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a) I can't stand Bush and voted against him twice, not sure where that's coming from. You're the guy with the bush avatar.

b) If Marvin isn't all that you or anyone expected, it's not Marvin's fault. He is who he is and is trying hard. He didn't ask to come here. If you're mad at BK for picking him, that's a problem with BK, not Marvin. And whether you know it or not you've basically been bashing him since draft day.

Saying "I hope he does well but watch what I tell you, our player will suck balls!" and following it up with "see look everyone, I told you our player would suck balls! I was right!" is not rooting for him or us, and it's basically what you posted over and over. It's rooting for you.

Personally I didn't have much expectations at all for Marvin for his first year, he was a known long term project. And I don't really complain about any of our players unless I think they're not giving it their all, which Marvin did.

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I've called Marvin a bad pick for us..

But I never said that he sucked balls.

There's a big difference.

I've said that Marvin won't live up to where he was picked... but again, that's talking about the choice and not Marvin. I think Marvin will be a good player.. Not great. Not allstar or franchise carrying but good. I even said he can be like Tim Thomas..... not a slight. But I still don't think he was right for us in that we passed over needs and proclaimed Marvin BPA.

My only point is now he has to live up to being BPA or else, it's a bust for us.

You can't tell me that you feel differently. From the same thread! Follow the logic and tell me if you disagree...


Since we've been talking about steaks... and I don't know you may be vegetarian but work with me.

IF everybody on the board was telling you how GREAT the porterhouse was at Ruth's Chris Steak house and how you should go because it's the best Steak in the world..

And one day you decided to go...

Wouldn't you have a feeling that said...

"Boy, I bet this is going to be one of the best things I have ever tasted..."...

Well, that feeling is expectation.

Now, I hope you would expect that porterhouse to taste better than the Steak that you could get at Denny's or the steak that you can get at Applebees... I mean, you're going to pay a lot for this porterhouse so you don't want it coming to the table overcooked or underseasoned... Right??

In fact, you have standards and expectations that you want MET because you have heard so much and have spent so much...


that Porterhouse comes back to the table and it's overcooked and underseasoned and it tastes worse than something you could have gotten from Denny's..

Are you telling me that you will leave that place and say...

"Well, it wasn't as good as what I could have gotten at Denny's but it's still Good by me."...

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I've called Marvin a bad pick for us..

But I never said that he sucked balls.

There's a big difference.

Oh please, you might not have used those exact words, but hundreds of posts speak for themselves. Doing a quick search for your posts in the middle of the season, here are the first 2 threads I found...



Mashburn far out of Marvin's league.

A healthy Mashburn was far far better than Marvin could ever hope to be.
For starters, Mashburn could run an offense. Marvin doesn't have the gifts that Mash did. Mash also could score anytime he touched the ball. He was an inside and an outside threat.


If Marvin steps up worthy of his pick... I will applaud him. But I have no hopes that he can.


That's my new stance...

Let's trade Al so that Marvin can flop

Thread 2


Marvin is not better than Ariza.


I don't think Marvin will ever develop in our system because the truth is that Marvin is not better than Al and not Better Chillz


The best Sf of Marvin's type has never come close to championship.

That's 2 threads worth out of many, many, many, many more.

Yeah you really are rooting really hard for him to succeed here

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yeah this is definitely THE year for BK. As I've said before, this is the year where he has a chance to put a full lineup together (with a PG, a big). He also is likely to throw money at people, and the people he throws it at could impact our future greatly, along with the Al Harrington decision. As I've said before, so far BK's done ok, but this is the summer I'll judge him on. He might very well be feeling the pressure indeed

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And did I lie?

If you take Marvin out of UNC and Mash out of UK, it's not a contest. Mash is far better. The only thing that was wrong with Mash was his injuries.

I don't have any hope that Marvin will live up to his pick.. I have said that before... in this thread... So what's the problem?

Look this is how I see you all's treatment of me and Marvin.

You guys think that just because we drafted Marvin that I should just be happy with him.

Well, the next time you go to a fine restaurant, order an expensive steak.. and it tastes like Crap.. I want you to just shut your mouth and go home...

That's basically what you're saying that anybody who criticize Marvin should do.

That my friend is crap.

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