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Harrington for Jefferson?


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and I think they plan to resign Cassell. I think they might consider a trade of Livingston for Smoove or perhaps Marvin. A lineup of:






woud be VERY strong. The Clips already lead the league in shotblocking. Imagine Brand, Smoove and Kaman on the frontline. It would be VERY tough to get a shot off inside.

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If that is the case, I probably would too. I don't necessarily think that Livingston will be better than Smoove or even Marvin (he certainly could be better than both though) but we have obviously have the SF position covered pretty well.

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I thought the first trade of Al for Jefferson was with Boston also. I'd luv to pick up that Jefferson or Kendrick Perkins. Livingston is the future for LAC but if they wanted to part with him for Marvin or JSmoove I'd do it. Would prefer to just give up our first this year and Salim. They might do that given all the forwards coming out this year. Richard Jefferson is definitely a talent upgrade for us but I think I'd pass him for Al since that would make us capspace limited but still needing a lot of bigmen.

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You guys are way over rating and placing an unrealistic value on Al Harrington. Sure there are teams out there that would love to acquire AL in an off the bench role or not a #1 option, but Al does not even come close to being in Richard Jefferson's class of forwards. RJ is a rising Shawn Marion type player in NJ, he is going to be a very good player in the next couple of years.

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trades aren't always about equal value, as we have seen in our moves.

If NJ decides that they will not succeed without a post scorer, that Carter is sufficient as a perimeter player, and that Al is the best post scorer on the market, they could do that trade.

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