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What are the chances?


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How many of you guys feel that once the 2006-07 season starts in the fall that this franchise will have taken care of all the business that we need to in order to have a sucessful season ending with a possible playoff run. By that I mean :

1. Use our draft picks wisely

2. Deal with Al one way or another

3. Use our capspace wisely

4. Make trades that help our team.

If BK can pull these things off then we can be successful next season. Personally, I don't think that he will. But this is one time I hope that I am wrong. I just won't accept going into another season scratching my head wondering WTF!!!!

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1 and 3 are the ones that matter.

As far as dealing with Al all he has to do is renounce his rights and let him go. That will be a success to me.

If he drafts well and gets one or two quality free agents I don't know that any trades are necessary.

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I think that some of those things will be resolved. To what degree and whether or not I will feel they were resolved successfully, remains to be seen.

1. this is the one that worries me. You never konw what BK will do.

2. I think Al will go elsewhere. This could also play into resolving #4.

3. I think we may be able to use some of it. But I don't think we will land a marquee free agent, like we did with JJ last year. I could be wrong and I hope I am.

4. If this happens, I think it will involve #2. Al + another player is a good bartering chip to have.

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1. Use our draft picks wisely

I think that our draft will really depend on where we get stuck with the lottery. If we are in the top 4, I think BK can make a good pick that many of you wiill applaud. If we are 5th or 6th, I think that BK will be in trouble. He will have to rely on his personal judgement and his guiding belief of BPA. That may mean that we pick another swingman.

2. Deal with Al one way or another

Don't be so quick to think that BK wants Al gone. Again depending on what we get in the draft and what Al wants from the Hawks. I don't think it's a big game being played by Al, I think he really wants to stay. I believe that BK is looking for the right deal OR he will keep Al. My thought on the matter is similar to what BK thinks. Let's get quality. Now, you judgemental guys may object, however, if NY makes a deal that can give us Francis and Frye, I'd move Al for that. I would even get in the middle of a three way between NY and Chicago. I would also take Ben Gordon after farther inspection. I think Gordon is the same player as Lue.. but I think that he's faster.

3. Use our capspace wisely

To this i say, we have no choice. I think our owners have set a cap like they disclosed that they did before. I think BK has a lot of room, but he's not going over the cap unless we can get Kobe or somebody.

4. Make trades that help our team.

This is a likely thing to. I think this is the offseason where we must start to consider trading some of our duplicate talent in order to get needed talent.

Soon, the offseason will be over, and there will be nothing to bicker about. Some people will be frustrated with BK, some won't. I don't applaud every move that Bk has made, but at least he has a vision.

Nobody knows how this offseasonwill play out, but don't think that this is just another offseason. I think this is the offseason that will determine BK's legacy and future. So the pressure that he feels is real.

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If they sign and trade him they will have to take back an equal contract, and the odds of getting a quality big or pg for a tweener forward who doesn't play D are remote.

In order to pursue free agents they HAVE to renounce his rights. Otherwise they won't have much money to spend.

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The other BIG issue is ownership. If Darth and the Clueless don't get it settled this offseason could be a problem. I doubt many FAs will look at us knowing that there is a chance Darth could come in and trade them mid-way through the season just to get the team on the cheap.

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unless they feel the Hawks will suck yet again this year and it's a way they can get a big contract from a team w/ alot of cap space only to get traded to a contender somewhere down the road.

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...I doubt many FAs will look at us knowing that there is a chance Darth could come in and trade them mid-way through the season just to get the team on the cheap.

I dunno...with guarranteed contracts why not get what you can wherever. Then you can pull the old "I'm not happy here" routine and tank if you have to to force a trade. #1 priority is to get the money. smirk.gif

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1. Use our draft picks wisely

Considering that Billy has always used our draft picks wisely, I don't see any reason to believe that he won't this year. Now, if he were dead set on filling a position of need with this pick to the point that he would reach for a player, I'd be worried. I have complete confidence that Billy will draft the highest rated player on his board when our time comes to pick.


2. Deal with Al one way or another

Somehow, I don't think dealing Al one way or another and making a playoff run will necessarily go together. If we get proper value for Al, then I would deal him. However, if all we get is a bag of chips, I'd rather keep him and continue to ease Josh Smith and Marvin Williams into the rotation. Al may not be many things, but he is a solid veteran that gives us around 20 points and 7 rebounds a game. If the goal is to make a playoff run next year, then it is probably wise to figure out a way to keep him in the short term.


3. Use our capspace wisely

I see no reason to believe that Billy Knight will suddenly change his style and start giving out bad contracts to players. BK signed the best free agent on the market last year in Joe Johnson, and he then signed the biggest bargain free agent on the market in Zaza Pachulia. I would expect nothing less than the same this year, with the possible exception of going out and getting the best free agent on the market. The best free agent on the market could very well be Al Harrington.


4. Make trades that help our team.

When has he ever made a trade that didn't help the team? One way or another, all the trades BK has made have helped the team.

If BK can pull these things off then we can be successful next season. Personally, I don't think that he will. But this is one time I hope that I am wrong. I just won't accept going into another season scratching my head wondering WTF!!!!

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