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Smoove/Marvin Could Still Be Growing


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Someone made a very good point the other day. People complain about how small we will be down low if Marvin/Smoove play downlow but the fact of the matter is people are exaggerating how small they are.

Here's the thing 6'9 is not that small, and seeing that these guys are still kids it is very likely that one of them or possibly both could still be growing. I myself, put on an extra inch before my 20th birthday and Marvin could do the same. Smoove could grow before his 21st. You can still grow until you are 25 years old, believe it or not.

So it's very possible that either Smoover or Marvin could reach 6'10, hell one of them could already be 6'10. Maybe both.

Add the fact that they both will be hitting the weights, and it makes it an even bigger exaggeration of how small we would be with one of them playing down low.

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Even if they grew to 7'2, neither one of them has the essential skillset of a PF.

Tim Thomas is 6'10-6'11.. He has 100 more post moves than either of our guys and he still sucks as a PF..

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Guest Walter

nor do you see the Atlanta hinging its future on the prospect of my VERY LATE growth spurt.


P.S. And that's sad because I enjoy playing the post more than either JS or MW.

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Female fan... Didn't we already run you off?

How do you come back name calling and the like. Haven't you learned ANY Respect??

Being that you are a Josh Smith fan, just sit there and wait until Josh Smith is the topic and you can come on and hug his nuts and do whatever you do... But have some respect... Moreover, if you compare Tim Thomas to either of them AS A PF, neither of our young guys have PF skills. Maybe your tiny girly brain don't understand what I mean when I say PF skills.. so here's what you do...

Go out and get you this...


Then get you one of these...


Then learn when to interject your worthless opinion!

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Please, I don't take kindly to people coming out disrespecting me for no reason regardless of their sex. Especially when they don't know me... Let me make this proclaimation, it will happen the same way with every stranger who dares to disrespect me. Because I'm not anybody's punching bag. If you want to make a rep for yourself, do it on the basis of your basketball knowledge. If you disrespect Diesel, be ready to be disrespected back. All you may feel a need to play daddy or something but you need to understand that she disrespected me first. So for All I care, she can cry in her beer!

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I'm no sexist.

You guys don't have people to attack you or your opinions on this board, so there's no way you can understand how it makes me feel nor can you guage how you would react under the same conditions.

I just want to talk about Hawks basketball.

Yet daily, there's somebody who just wants to insult me or my opinion.

I'm no doormat. I'm not going to take the abuse and come back smiling...

And that's it.

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Someone made a very good point the other day. People complain about how small we will be down low if Marvin/Smoove play downlow but the fact of the matter is people are exaggerating how small they are.

Here's the thing 6'9 is not that small, and seeing that these guys are still kids it is very likely that one of them or possibly both could still be growing. I myself, put on an extra inch before my 20th birthday and Marvin could do the same. Smoove could grow before his 21st. You can still grow until you are 25 years old, believe it or not.

So it's very possible that either Smoover or Marvin could reach 6'10, hell one of them could already be 6'10. Maybe both.

Add the fact that they both will be hitting the weights, and it makes it an even bigger exaggeration of how small we would be with one of them playing down low.

Maybe, but likely not. Most people I know where done growing at 17-18. They could have a David Robinson like growth spurt but I wouldn't count on it.

Plus, both measured in at around 6'7" without shoes at their official weight-ins so they have a ways to go.

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Even if they grew to 7'2, neither one of them has the essential skillset of a PF.

Tim Thomas is 6'10-6'11.. He has 100 more post moves than either of our guys and he still sucks as a PF..

Nice positive post on two of our best players...

Great job Diesel.

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Please, I don't take kindly to people coming out disrespecting me for no reason regardless of their sex. Especially when they don't know me... Let me make this proclaimation, it will happen the same way with every stranger who dares to disrespect me. Because I'm not anybody's punching bag. If you want to make a rep for yourself, do it on the basis of your basketball knowledge. If you disrespect Diesel, be ready to be disrespected back. All you may feel a need to play daddy or something but you need to understand that she disrespected me first. So for All I care, she can cry in her beer!

Diesel you have developed this rep all by yourself. Trolling positive post with your negative opinions, you get everything you deserve, and probably not enough.

How in the world you came up with Tim Thomas being a all around better PF than Smoove is beyond me. His best year was 15 and 5, and he has never averaged more than a half block a game for crying out loud! You are totally clueless, that is all there is to this statement.

As far as him being better than MWill, I hope you enjoy crow man. Cause I am going to be enjoying watching MWill play next year and for many years to come...

If you don't like being hated on, quit trolling and hijacking every positive post you come across. It really is this easy; just start your own negative crap post and let the positive ones go.

If you do that. I will leave your ignorant, Tim Thomas like, statements alone...

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Buzzard, we can go around blowing smoke up this team's ass all day or we can be honest about what we have. Obviously, you don't care about Honesty. You're offended by the truth.

It's sad.

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Not taking anyone's side here, and D is certainly bringing a bazooka to a knife fight...but she did call the man an idiot. LoL, come on now. If someone calls me an idiot or talks down to me with some gradeschool sarcasm, I'll step up to defend my name.

Moreover, if this were all of us in person - we wouldn't see 90% of the sh!t pies slung across the board.

Okay, there's my two pennies on the table. Goin to close out my tab now. grin.gif

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Moreover, if this were all of us in person - we wouldn't see 90% of the sh!t pies slung across the board.

Recently, I've tried to remember that when I post. If I wouldn't say it in person, I shouldn't say in on here.

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