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Am I the only one who does not want AI??


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I really don't think Iverson is right for this team.

I think it will set us back more then help us. I think he is an amazing talent and one of the top players in the league. However, his head, reputation and contract will all hurt us.

I know he can get assists but I think he is a hog and feels the need to dominate the ball in spite of his teammates. He doesn't shoot for a high percentage and most importantly he is at the age where the body begins to show wear and break down. He isn't a young player anymore...he has taken a lot of puishment on the court over the years. It will start to show.

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I for one will go on the record and say NO way. But so did Sekou.

A.I. is not the answer

By Sekou Smith | Monday, May 22, 2006, 03:50 PM

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Now that the entire world has weighed in on this Allen Iverson-to-the-Hawks discussion, it’s my turn.

And as much as I love his game, I can say without hesitation that I wouldn’t touch it. Make any case you want for the tickets he might sell or the attention that might come with his addition. But let me say this, and please understand it comes from the most sincere place I possess.

The only way the Hawks change their fate -– I’ve seen the comments that they’re irrelevant and a historic joke, etc. -– is to win games. If A.I. meant a guaranteed trip to the playoffs, then I say go for it. But Philly didn’t make the playoffs with him this past season, though he played at his usual elite level and alongside guys like Chris Webber, Andre Iguodala and Sam Dalembert.


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up a lot. I'd give them Al but I would not throw in any of JJ, Smoove, Marvin, Chillz, Zaza or our pick. If they wanted any combo of Lue, Salim, Donta, Ivey, Edwards or Batista in combination with Al, fine. I just think it would be impossible to get any more of the necessary pieces to compete for a title if we had to pay AI, JJ, Marvin, Zaza and our pick a combined $44M next season and even more beyond that. That doesn't even include what Smoove and Chillz make.

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I would give them Chilz and Al in a heartbeat. AI is not Starbury by a longshot. Him and JJ would give us one of the best backcourts in the league. Right up there with Rip and Billups. Period end of story...

Add a big from the draft to go with ZaZa and in my mind we are in the playoffs starting next year; and only getting better as MWill and Smoove get better.

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The only way the Hawks change their fate -– I’ve seen the comments that they’re irrelevant and a historic joke, etc. -– is to win games. If A.I. meant a guaranteed trip to the playoffs, then I say go for it. But Philly didn’t make the playoffs with him this past season, though he played at his usual elite level and alongside guys like Chris Webber, Andre Iguodala and Sam Dalembert.

I agree with the concept, only I do think he would make us a playoff team next year. Chris Webber's knees are shot, Dalembert was benched for sucking, and Iguodala is no star. JJ is miles better than anyone on Philly's roster at this point, this isn't the 99 Webber. Add Zaza, Smith, Marvin, a 1st rounder... if we could get him for Chill+Al I do it. If it requires Smith and/or Marvin, probably not.

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1. Identity.

2. Cover need.

3. Star power.

4. Crowd/free agent draw.


1. Have to give up Chillz or pick.



4. Age ad CHEMISTRY..

I can go either way. I think that the chemistry is going to be a huge problem especially down the road.... I don't know the effect that AI would have on development and that scares me.

I like the fact that we'll finally have some attention and an identity.

Truth of the matter is this.

This year, it's very likely that we will get a mediocre pick.

Next year, no 1st round pick.

I don't know if 2 mediocre offseason or worse than the possible chemistry damage that getting AI could cause.

It's definitely not an easy decision.

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What major signing do we have over the next 3 yrs. He comes off in time to resign Smoove..

If we had the frontcourt pieces.. for instance, if we got a young PF like Aldridge or S. Williams, I'd say do it.

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1. Identity.

2. Cover need.

3. Star power.

4. Crowd/free agent draw.


1. Have to give up Chillz or pick.



4. Age ad CHEMISTRY..

I can go either way. I think that the chemistry is going to be a huge problem especially down the road.... I don't know the effect that AI would have on development and that scares me.

I like the fact that we'll finally have some attention and an identity.

Truth of the matter is this.

This year, it's very likely that we will get a mediocre pick.

Next year, no 1st round pick.

I don't know if 2 mediocre offseason or worse than the possible chemistry damage that getting AI could cause.

It's definitely not an easy decision.

I'm not sure what you mean by "cover need" but this is pretty much how I feel. I've never been a big fan of AI's because of his need to dominate the ball and his inability to coexist with another offensive player (Stackhouse, Hughes, Van Horn, Thomas, etc.) On the plus side, I have always respected how he plays on the floor - the guy is a warrior during games.

I also don't know if this is a good team fit for him since he traditionally needs a team that is built to rebound and defend around him (and we aren't that team) but at the same time it would be very exciting to see him added to this roster. If we and he committed to a fast paced game where guys share the ball would be sweet. Watching AI drive and dish to JJ, Salim, Marvin, Smoove, etc. would be sweet. I could easily see AI running the break with JJ, Marvin, Smoove, etc.

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I really don't think Iverson is right for this team.

I think it will set us back more then help us. I think he is an amazing talent and one of the top players in the league. However, his head, reputation and contract will all hurt us.

I know he can get assists but I think he is a hog and feels the need to dominate the ball in spite of his teammates. He doesn't shoot for a high percentage and most importantly he is at the age where the body begins to show wear and break down. He isn't a young player anymore...he has taken a lot of puishment on the court over the years. It will start to show.

No, you are not

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put me down for YES

1) Will he set us back w/o winning any rings? yes, its very possible! heck, even likely (teams like Miami/Detroit are just too talented/strong). However, i think we can easily go to the playoffs w/ iverson. His team was in it up to the last week of the regular season. Its not as if his team had the worst record in the league.

He took his team to the NBA FINALS w/ several role players. He's talented enough to do it again.

2) "his head, reputation and contract will all hurt us."

Head- im going to trust the coaching staff and let them figure it out (and see how bad it really is). Yes he fought w/ Larry Brown, but who hasnt? lol. The championship PISTONS even complained about the practices. Marbury's relationship w/ Brown was worst than iversons relationship. i think Brown has some blame as well.

Reputation- i think more NBA players respect him. Shaq calls him the hardest working player in the NBA. We all know that he gives it 100% out there when he plays.

Contract- Yes, its going to hurt us. However- no top-tier free agents are begging us to sign them. Since the Hawks organization isint known for their winning traditions, we're gonna have to take some chances and even overspend to get wat we want until our organization gets some respect. If we miss out on iverson, i see a lot more of Batistas and Edwards as our offseason moves.

3) "He doesn't shoot for a high percentage." For a PG or SG, i think his shooting percentage is up to par.

Iverson = .447

Arenas = .447

Bryant = .450

Redd = .450

Allen = .454

4) His age- as a PG, i dont worry about age as much. w/ Centers/PFs you see the decline in lots of players (olajuwan, mutombo, etc.) but PGs age better. Heck, STEVE NASH is older than iverson and he won his 2nd MVP award.

I think IVERSON is in his prime right now. even if he slowed down a good bit... we're still talking 20+ PPG. so unless he shows SIGNS of slowing down, lets give him benefit of the doubt.

plus, its a 3 year committment. not 10! can u honestly say IVERSON wont be a top tier player 3 years from now?


conclusion- theres definitely risks. i do see all your concerns. however, being the franchise we are and having little to no respect... and being SO FAR AWAY from being mediocre- we need to take risks!

like someone said a while back, "we're the ugly guy at prom. we cant be picky when it comes to gurls"

If it wanst for the KOBE-SHAQ combo (one of the best combos in NBA HISTORY), Iverson would have a NBA RING right now.

Player of his caliber are not offered on the market every year. so i say, we do it!

this situation is VERY SIMILAR to shaq's in LA (w/o the whole kobe feud). Shaq's age + contract was a concern and hes in MIAMI. Im willing to bet that MIAMI doesnt regret that decision at all! While SHAQ is slowing down, hes still the man and they find ways to win.

SHAQ is a special player and so is IVERSON.

* Shaq is 3 years older than IVERSON. our committment w/ IVERSON is for 3 years. Iverson will not become a NBA scrub within 3 years.

worst case scenario- we're back to being mediocre. 8th seed or watnot, lose in the first round every year. 3 years are up, give up on iverson... it didnt work out.

best case scenario- Iverson takes a new team back to the NBA FINALS.

its not as if we're on perfect track to get to the NBA FINALS w/o iverson anyway and that he hinders our process.

^ those arguments being said... still not sold on iverson?

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3) "He doesn't shoot for a high percentage." For a PG or SG, i think his shooting percentage is up to par.

It is funny how you use Iverson's career year to indicate what his shooting percentage will be here. I guess all those years when he shot under 40% never happened.

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Sekou is an idiot who knows as much about basketball as Christopher Lowell does.

Saying that A.I isn't the right fit because he couldn't get to the playoffs this year would be like Dallas saying we don't want J.T. because he couldnt make the playoffs with All-Stars Big Dog, Reef and Theo Ratliff.

The point is that the team didn't fit together. Dalembert played like a stiff and lost his job to a guy they almost traded for a second rounder. Webber has a bad knee and has lost his intensity. Korver is a streak shooter, and Iguodala is an athlete who is as scared to shoot as Diaw was here.

A.I has never had as talented a backcourt mate as JJ. Josh Smith is as athletic and is more dynamic of a player than Iguodala. Marvin Williams has a jumpshot and can run backwards faster than Webber can at this point, and Zaza has more heart in his pinky toe than Dalembert has.

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Count me in for AI. Exactly how many All-Star caliber players outside of JJ, Big Dog, Theo, and Shareef have this team managed to bring in without dragging them kicking and screaming over the last 10 years? The last 20? I would understand if he was 35, averaged 12 a night coming off the bench, and was clearly slowing down but that isn't the case. The man's stats actually IMPROVED this past season instead of declined.

AI and JJ would give the Hawks one of the scariest backcourts in all of basketball, period. You're telling me with a straight face that AI's presence ALONE wouldn't have made the difference in about half of the close losses the Hawks had this past season? They probably would've made the playoffs THIS YEAR if he was riding shotgun with JJ and not Royal Ivey and his 3-4 ppg and that's BEFORE a big man of any worth is acquired.

Besides, how many years have we been waiting to shut up the Bill Simmons, Bill Waltons, and Chad Fords of the world who have taken endless shots at our team and our town for having the audacity to not spend hard-earned $$$ on a bad product? In case you've forgotten about that, just wait until the Western Finals; you can bet that Walton will have the 'Atlanta stinks, look at how they gave up on a superstar like Boris Diaw' jokes on the ready if Diaw does as much as breathe hard.

To me, getting AI would almost (and I did say almost) be equivalent to the Heat bringing in Shaq. His salary locked up their cap space and, while he was still dominant at times, he clearly left his best fastball in L.A. if you know what I mean. And it wasn't as if the Heat was winning 55 games a year before he got there; they had just as hard a time winning over fans as the Hawks do now. But we all know what came about from there. The young players Miami had grew up, they became a power in the East again, and they no longer have to worry about giveaways at the gate or bringing folks down from the upper deck to make the crowd look bigger than it actually is. And as for their cap number, Shaq's salary didn't deter them from getting Payton, Williams, and Walker, didn't it? Just how in the blue hell did they manage to do that? With a superstar on your squad, it's a much easier sell not only in recruiting other players who fits the team's needs but also in terms of not having to overspend like the Hawks currently do. And that's the bottom line. It's not just the fact that Iverson is here but once he helps get the team back to respectability and in the postseason, other NBA free agents to be will have no choice but to take notice. The Hawks could potentially win 38-45 the following season but would gain a lot more from the back end once free agents know that this is a viable NBA destination once again and not just someone to use for leverage on the next deal with the team they REALLY want to play for.

Iverson would help give this team a much needed boost in notoriety, national/network TV exposure, ticket sales, revenue, and, oh yeah, WINS. We can talk about the 'rebuilding' process and wanting to 'bide our time' all we want but we're not the ones bleeding $10-20 million a year, with a massive Belkin buyout on the horizon, while watching the arena go empty more times than not. I'm not saying the Hawks should fall on their collective faces and offer the moon to Philly but for them to not at least consider making an offer when they're clearly listening would be foolish.

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And another thing..I am hearing a lot about Chemistry. What Chemistry? We won 26 effin games. If there is any chemistry I want to disrupt, it is this one. We are going to deconstruct the lineup anyway. Al won't be here, which means that there will be a new starter in at least one position.

And I am fascinated to hear about who are we saving this space for? All of the potential Superstars, Bosh, Lebron, Wallace, Wade will all resign with their teams. There are no big men on the horizon. Nene is an unknown, and he is restricted.

All of this bitching about a point guard and there is a rumor that we could add a hall of famer, and we are bitching about it.

You guys have such a loser's mentality that you can't even see the gift horse when it is sitting in your face. You want to add Marcus Williams and save money for Chris Wilcox, and Nene and Johan Petro..but you don't want a first ballot HOFer...in his prime?

Wake up! Get your head out of your azzes.

I mean we are seriously arguing about whether or not we want, Speedy Claxton...or Allen Iverson? Chris effin Wilcox...or Allen Iverson?

Nick Collison...or Allen Iverson?

Joel Prizbilla...or Allen Iverson?

Are you kidding me? We have the answer staring in our face and you are looking forward to the 2009 Hawks

Marcus Williams


Josh Smith

Bargnani (After spending 2 years in Italy)

Greg Oden

Guess what...that lineup is going to look great...for the Las Vegas Hawks.


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Why don't you hold off posting these types of posts anymore until you are mature enough to avoid the unprovoked potty mouth? The repeated use of profanity, gay references, etc. isn't doing you any favors or making your arguments any more persuasive.

You make a decent number of quality posts so I don't get why you have to regress like this.

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