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Am I the only one who does not want AI??


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I don't.

1.He doesn't play defense. I don't care about his steals. Philly was a top 4 steals team in a bottom defensive team so those steals don't mean shyt.

2.He's old

3.He can't get to the playoffs with Webber, Iggy, Dally, Korver how is he going to get to the playoffs with this disjointed team?

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The only way the Hawks change their fate -– I’ve seen the comments that they’re irrelevant and a historic joke, etc. -– is to win games. If A.I. meant a guaranteed trip to the playoffs, then I say go for it. But Philly didn’t make the playoffs with him this past season, though he played at his usual elite level and alongside guys like Chris Webber, Andre Iguodala and Sam Dalembert.

I agree with the concept, only I do think he would make us a playoff team next year. Chris Webber's knees are shot, Dalembert was benched for sucking, and Iguodala is no star. JJ is miles better than anyone on Philly's roster at this point, this isn't the 99 Webber. Add Zaza, Smith, Marvin, a 1st rounder... if we could get him for Chill+Al I do it. If it requires Smith and/or Marvin, probably not.

but it's an east team. You don't have to be really good to be in the playoffs in the east. Yet, Philly failed.

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How about you stop posting til you learn to not be so sensitive.

The point is that you would make your point more effectively by just making instead of adding in all the comments about everyone who disagrees with you being a bitching, whining [censored] who can't see reality because their head is stuck up their ass. All that unnecessary stuff does is distract people from your point and generate unnecessary friction.

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AI and JJ would give the Hawks one of the scariest backcourts in all of basketball, period. You're telling me with a straight face that AI's presence ALONE wouldn't have made the difference in about half of the close losses the Hawks had this past season?"

No.. because he is a subpar defensive player like the rest of the players. He didn't help Philly win this year and wouldn't be able to do it here next year. Period.

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It is called passion. Try it sometime.

My point is right anyone who disagrees can suck my ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are right. That really elevates the discussion here. Thanks.

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It is called passion. Try it sometime.

Re: I picked Bargnani on both. [Re: AHF]

#138927 - 05/22/06 05:27 PM Edit Reply Quote

Who cares about AJC readers. They probably don't buy tix anyway. Probably a bunch of rednecks turned off by A.I.'s tattoos.

there are enough black people in the Atlanta area to sell out Phillips over 64 times each and every night.

the last time i checked my black friends' necks don't turn red in the sun.

one of the more absurd thing to see on a sports message board is for a racist to call someone else a racist!

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Okay, so I guess since AI didn't make the playoffs this year, we wouldn't need him. Just like we wouldn't need KG, McGrady, Jao, Jason Richardson, Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, Rashard Lewis, and a host of others who ALSO didn't make the postseason. Since all of these guys played on better teams and are still in lotto land, there is NO WAY any of them could help out the Hawks. Right.

So let's just sit back, relax, and wait another 3-5 years on the NEXT Joe Johnson to take the Hawks' $$$ and not just use them for leverage. By then, both Joshes and Marvin would've left for greener pastures while new owner Steve Belkin is seen making 'tourist' stops in Oklahoma City, St. Louis, and in Las Vegas's new sports arena.

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Okay, so I guess since AI didn't make the playoffs this year, we wouldn't need him. Just like we wouldn't need KG, McGrady, Jao, Jason Richardson, Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, Rashard Lewis, and a host of others who ALSO didn't make the postseason. Since all of these guys played on better teams and are still in lotto land, there is NO WAY any of them could help out the Hawks. Right.

So let's just sit back, relax, and wait another 3-5 years on the NEXT Joe Johnson to take the Hawks' $$$ and not just use them for leverage. By then, both Joshes and Marvin would've left for greener pastures while new owner Steve Belkin is seen making 'tourist' stops in Oklahoma City, St. Louis, and in Las Vegas's new sports arena.

All of those guys are also younger than AI with Ray Allen being exception.... AI doesn't add anything to the Hawks really.

They have bad defense, score decent enough, and have enough players to play SG.

Boston/Minny/Seattle aren't talented enough to be playoff teams. Houston had a bad year with injuries and played in the tougher western conference.

I'm not saying Philly is overly talented, but they have enough that they shouldn't have been sitting it home.

AI himself doesn't rebound, block shots, play defense and he's getting old so the Hawks don't need him.

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Okay, so I guess since AI didn't make the playoffs this year, we wouldn't need him. Just like we wouldn't need KG, McGrady, Jao, Jason Richardson, Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, Rashard Lewis, and a host of others who ALSO didn't make the postseason. Since all of these guys played on better teams and are still in lotto land, there is NO WAY any of them could help out the Hawks. Right.

So let's just sit back, relax, and wait another 3-5 years on the NEXT Joe Johnson to take the Hawks' $$$ and not just use them for leverage. By then, both Joshes and Marvin would've left for greener pastures while new owner Steve Belkin is seen making 'tourist' stops in Oklahoma City, St. Louis, and in Las Vegas's new sports arena.

All of those guys are also younger than AI with Ray Allen being exception.... AI doesn't add anything to the Hawks really.

They have bad defense, score decent enough, and have enough players to play SG.

Boston/Minny/Seattle aren't talented enough to be playoff teams. Houston had a bad year with injuries and played in the tougher western conference.

I'm not saying Philly is overly talented, but they have enough that they shouldn't have been sitting it home.

AI himself doesn't rebound, block shots, play defense and he's getting old so the Hawks don't need him.

Yeah because we really need Marcus Williams and a PF/SF from Italy.

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I am hearing a lot about Chemistry. What Chemistry? We won 26 effin games. If there is any chemistry I want to disrupt, it is this one.

thats how i feel. its pretty simple. i want us to win. now, if we are a playoff team with 1 piece away from completing our puzzle... and iverson isint that piece, then sure i understand- we'll look elsewhere.

but we are SO FAR AWAY and i think IVERSON gives us a direction.

i just think we're 1 step closer w/ Iverson.

Now, if you can think of a way to bring in someone BETTER then let me know. but as far as im concerned, a package of HARRIGTON + CHILDRESS/FIRST ROUNDER (as the rumor goes) is worth Iverson. now if they wanted JJ + HARRINGTON + SMITH + CHILDRESS, then its a different story. but ur talkin a resigned Harrington + Childress... c'mon!

if you can bring in GARNETT giving up similar assets (and not the whole team), then sign me up for that as well!

if you can bring DUNCAN, WADE, LEBRON, etc... sign me up!

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You just said it in a nutshell. I want this team to win, period, end of story. If you don't think AI can help, that's fine although I completely disagree with it. But for the love of GOD, please give me an alternative. Give me a fresh idea that DON'T involve waiting on ANOTHER 20-year old to get his feet wet in the league. The Joshes, Marvin, hell, even JJ, aren't signed to lifetime contracts here. Neither does the ownership have endless streams of $$$ like Arthur Blank to continue hemorraging cash all in the name of rebuilding while watching other former moribund franchises like the Clips, Cavs, and others get their 'get out of NBA-jail free' cards. If there is someone else available who would cost similar to less than what is being proposed for AI who could have a greater impact, I'm all ears. But please don't give me the 'let's continue building slowly with the young guys' BS. I'm not interested in looking at the future lineup for the 2009-2010 Atlanta Hawks. Situations change with time too much for me to think this way, especially when it comes to this franchise.

I don't know about any of you but I'm ready to see playoff games in Philips that don't involve the Georgia Force. It's been SEVEN YEARS since this team has played a game in the spring that MATTERED. That's seven years TOO LONG IMHO.

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