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The 5 Hawksquawk Sacred Cows.


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  • Premium Member

With everything on HS to talk about.. You still come to the Diesel temple to talk about Diesel..

I love it.

You're the biggest Diesel Mark of ALL.

You try to convince people that you ignore me... BUT you spend your days trying to dicipher what I have said!!

It doesn't take a brain surgeon or a psychologist to figure it out...

I own you...

I am your main reason for being here.

You stalk me like a sinner stalks his god!!

So... Bow Down and worship...

And you can drop the facade... Nobody believes that you ignore me anyway...

Your whole being is a shrine to me..

I appreciate your oblation...

Now that will be 5 hail Diesels....

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  • Premium Member

Did you notice that since I wrote the nice letter to Nick... He's been determined to try to define something about Diesel?

It was already evident that I own Exodus and reject... I mean, those tricks stalk me like Dogs in heat.

However, to me... this is a great high. The funny part is that I EXPECTED this from Nick. Really, I expected him to fall right in line with Exodus and Reject and become a Diesel Whore.

If you don't see the control, you need to step back and look again. And that Seano is why I do what I do. Because sometimes these mindless whores get too close and get caught up in Diesel.

Notice... I talk about Basketball. They talk about Diesel. Constantly trying to win a point or something who knows. Like I've said before, Reject is the worse... I mean he actually believes that he's ignoring Diesel yet he keeps a shrine about Diesel.. and he continues to try to stay in the Diesel Loop.

But Nick.. I want to give you one more chance Buddy...

1. Get a Brain.

2. Get out of Lascar's ButtCheeks.

3. Get out of your Mama's Bed.

4. Get out of Yo Mama's house.

5. Get a life.

And remember the rule... IF you live in a glass house, put the rocks down!

Now. I'm sure, I can expect maybe silence.. followed by more stalking. More constant effort of trying to "win a point"... Let me let you in on the biggest secret of All Nick..

There are no points!

A pat on the back on a message board is about as meaningless as that crud that was on the bottom of my shoe that I raked into the trash...

Now.. I could do more to inflame the matter.. But I don't care about you enough Nick.. .or maybe I do.... Because I want to give you this advice.. If all you want to do is be a Diesel Whore and follow me around from thread to thread and Not talk basketball.. JUST put me on ignore.. But don't be like reject!

Your friend...

- D.

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There are some here on Hawksquawk that would have some things immune from criticism.. What are the sacred cows on HS... Let's see.

1. Marvin. Only one excuse, he was a 19 year old rookie whose time was ate up by a player we are trying to showcase for a good snt deal. I do not think he is Kobe. Marvin is a forward. I do think Marvin will be a better player than big dog. Offensively and defensively.

2. JJ's true worth. He is a top ten SG with great all around skills. We have to overpay for FA's. If you can't see this you are wearing blinders.

3. DIAW. Mistake, Our coach had no idea how to use him or motivate him.

4. BK's drafting. I am not going to critsise BK for taking MWill, BPA period. The great Jerry Sloan and his Utah organazation took Deron (puke) over Paul. So don't try and tell me that Paul was BPA on anyones list. Chillz, tell me who you would rather have. Smoove, tell me who you would rather have.

5. Ownership boat sinking I guess you cannot find one thread were we all talked about this; and just about all of us were seriously concerend as well.

This problem is really only a problem for you. Some of us would rather talk about something new. Everyone one of your above mentioned sacred cows have been discussed to death over the year.

In fact I would be willing to bet that those five items are all proabaly in the top 10 of all items discussed on this board over the last year and a half. You really need to look up what a scared cow is before you start posting about it. Why would I be critical of picking MWill, Chilz, and Smoove if I think they all were solid picks?

Oh, I forgot. You did not like them; therefore everyone on the sqwawk should roll over and act like a damn clown for a whole year like you have....

You really should do away with the Dean Smith picture. It really does the man a severe injustice...

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So, I'm trying to get a mental image together here, and it's an odd one..

Nick lives inside a glass house (owned by his mom), and they sleep together on a large bed fashioned out of Lascar's buttocks? Lascar must be some sort of giant!

And he has no brain and no life? Is he some sort of undead creature? They don't even need to sleep, Diesel. That alone shows me that you're just being plain ridiculous.

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Guest Walter

5) About ownership, if it's true that ownership is indicating to BK to not draft a PROJECT, then that is a huge indictment on the MW's selection over Paul and we are in even worse trouble. This is one year I might want us to take a flyer on a project since there is no established Pg or C (unlike last year when there were THREE to choose from). When ownership has publically lost faith in it's mad scientist GM, we all should begin to.


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You still come to the Diesel temple to talk about Diesel..

I've never been to the Diesel temple before. Is this really the right place? 34853_confused.GIFghost.jpg

Seano realizes by now that when Diesel starts referring to Diesel in the 3rd person, why that's when Diesel means some serious bidness, and that at these times Diesel is often in a state of high ruckus, religious fervor and even mania. So Seano understands all that, but still finds it wicked pretentious and silly nonetheless.

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