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Can we risk drafting for potential another year?


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I am really thinking that we should get the layer that is best ready to contirubute right away. We are in no shape to draft a player with potential. Are the the Hawks or the Atlanta Potentials. We really need to draft for a need. There is no telling how much our guys will improve this summer. SMoove and Chillz have comeback better so far afer their first couple of offseasons. Marvin should be solid next year. We need the draft the most ready to contribute big man available. We didn't have a problem scoring our problem was defense and therefore that is our greatest need.

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FWIW Bernie Mullin said that they'd told BK that he should now draft with more immediate results in mind, that they were fine with gambling on long term potential with Marvin, but now it is time to get results sooner. I agree.

Then again, there are no absolute rules. You look at who the specific guys are you can get. I think if we could get Bargnani, BK would gamble on potential. Other than that, probably not.

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FWIW Bernie Mullin said that they'd told BK that he should now draft with more immediate results in mind, that they were fine with gambling on long term potential with Marvin, but now it is time to get results sooner. I agree.

Let's hope they actually do that. Just look at the Bulls, they kept drafting on potential and it took them forever to rebuild. I don't think another "potential" will help, especially since that potential isn't going to have much to help them with this team. Most successful "projects" were on already good teams like J.O., Al, Kobe, and so on. I don't want to see us draft a Desgana Diop, it'll be a wasted pick if we do that.

We will be drafting a guard or a big. Maybe a trade down and grab two players. I just do not see a clear cut BPA dropping to the 5th spot. We will have a tough decision or two to make, I do not doubt that one bit...

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FWIW Bernie Mullin said that they'd told BK that he should now draft with more immediate results in mind, that they were fine with gambling on long term potential with Marvin, but now it is time to get results sooner. I agree.

Let's hope they actually do that. Just look at the Bulls, they kept drafting on potential and it took them forever to rebuild. I don't think another "potential" will help, especially since that potential isn't going to have much to help them with this team. Most successful "projects" were on already good teams like J.O., Al, Kobe, and so on. I don't want to see us draft a Desgana Diop, it'll be a wasted pick if we do that.

Bulls also got rid of Elton Brand...

If anyone thinks we are a serious playoff contender next year no matter who we get they are being unrealistic. THat is why it's ok to get a young guy in the draft to grow up with the corp that we have now so we can seriously start contending 2-3 years from now. We are the youngest team in the NBA by 2 years. If you think that AI or some other vet would make us anything more than a fringe playoff team you are being a blind homer. We make our playoff push with the young big guy we get in this year's draft in 2 years.

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Guest Walter


FWIW Bernie Mullin said that they'd told BK that he should now draft with more immediate results in mind, that they were fine with gambling on long term potential with Marvin, but now it is time to get results sooner. I agree.

Then again, there are no absolute rules. You look at who the specific guys are you can get. I think if we could get Bargnani, BK would gamble on potential. Other than that, probably not.

...pick over Paul. I can't understand picking a PROJECT Sf over 3 top, established Pg prospects, but I can understand taking a flyer on a PROJECT Pf over no real top Pg prospect. It's a shame that the MW not only hurt us last year but may have tied BK's hands in this draft where drafting for potential makes more sense. The only thing worse than a mad scientist GM is a front office run mad scientist GM afraid of their own GM's decision-making.


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Guest Walter

The comperable talent allowed us to pick a Pg last year. With the added glut at Sf we need too, but the lack of comperable talent doesn't allow us to draft a Pg this year.

However, much you dislike hearing it, the MW selection over Paul will eventually be the downfall of BK not just directly because of it but because we will continue to have a glut of talent at Sf and a lack of talent elsewhere. BK is too prideful to admit his error & unmake it while filling a legitimate team need. He will continue to insist it was the right move, scrambling to justify it with upcomign moves, up until he loses his job.


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BK is too prideful to admit his error & unmake it while filling a legitimate team need. He will continue to insist it was the right move, scrambling to justify it with upcomign moves, up until he loses his job.

Hm.. I don't think he should admit that we missed out on CP. He should talk up Marvin Williams as much as possible, both to keep his confidence up (haven't we been talking about how poor confidence kills young players recently?) and keep his trade value up.

Anything he should say on the 'missed CP' issue should be along the lines of "while Chris Paul would have been nice, we got the player we wanted.." blah blah.

Nevermind, I forget who I'm talking to.

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They are all potential in this draft. There isn't a sure thing in it. Roy is maybe the closest. But for the bigs there is no-one. No high school kids and big question marks on all the college players on their size, skills, or motivation.

Because of the rule change on age there is a lull in the talent this year, the big young guys will be back next year - when we don't have a pick unless we decline really bad. Next year's draft could have Ogden, Hawes, and Noah at center. I'd take any of them.

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