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What do you guys think about Smush Parker??


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I watched a few of the Lakers games and I think that he can be a very good player if you get him from around Kobe. He had a bad playoff series and the talk in LA is that theh need a point guard. Now this is god for us because BK can offer him a lowball contract 4 years 20 million. He will probably bite fot it. He may thrive in out team-oriented atmosphere.

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Lowball of 4 years 20 million??? He would be our second highest paid player next year!

First of all, according to hoopshype he is under contract for the lakers next year. He will be making .8 million.

If he was a free agent, I'd offer him something like 4 years for 8 million. 10 million tops. He's a stopgap, we can use him if we get no one else, but he's not a good nba starter. You wouldn't hear nearly as much about him if he wasn't a laker.

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i agree w/ lascar. Parker isint going to get 5 million a year. The 6th Man gets 5 million a year. Parker is a backup PG in this league (yes i know he starts for the LAKERS but thats only b/c the team lacks talent).

I dont think he can do any better than $2-3 million a year (at best). Like Lascar said, 4 years, 8-10 million is the most committment any team will be willing to offer for his services.

Now as a player, i think he compliments kobe well. He can get "his" playing next to Kobe. Not many players can do that.

As far as his game, i think hes a decent player. I cant quite figure out why hes been jumping-around so much in the league. You can definitely see his talent. Maybe he makes mistakes that just really get under the coach's skin.

anyhow, i think for the most part... any GM would take LUE over PARKER.

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