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Iverson Deal is dead


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You guys can stop posting these Iverson threads. Bernie Mullins and Levenson ? have stated that they support Billie and Mike Woodson in not bringing Iverson to the team to detroy the development of the younger players. They have said this pubilicy on Atlanta Sports talk radio (790 and 680the fan). You can probably pull the archives.

About the lost of revenue, Bruce and Bernie stated that all the owners put a lot of cash up front when they purchased the team because they budgeted for the loss of revenue during the first five years of ownership. They did say that there were different opinions about bringing Iverson to Atlanta but there was a consensus in the end to not make the deal.

Please start listenting to people in charge before you start posting Chad Ford Articles.

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Such ownership decisions is why were the laughing stock of the East.....sorry, the NBA. Passing on an every year all-star, giving up millions of dollars in revenue,(can you imagine how many AI jersey's would sell in Atlanta, not to mention ticket sales), and giving this dead francise a legitimate shot at the playoffs and national exposure next year. Yeah, great decision guys...real smart. Let's keep developing our young players, that has done wonders so far...or just develop them for two years then trade them. Our ownership are idiots and to not even try to get Allen Iverson is retarded. Sorry, it's frustrating to not make the playoffs in 7 years and suffer through a 13 win season, then a 26. Allen Iverson dangling out there and we pass...that's moronic.

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It depends on what was the asking price for Iverson..

We have speculated Al + Something but nobody truly knows what deal was discussed.

What if they wanted Chillz/Smoove + #5 for Iverson? To that, I would so NO.

But it would still be tempting.

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Why would you sacrifice the future for a 30 year old often injured shooting guard? Remember that the 76ers have not made the playoffs the past two years. It is not a guarantee that we make the playoffs.

In basketball it only takes one good pick to turn around a franchise. No one thought that Dwane Wade would be the player he is today when he was the number 5 pick in the 2002 draft. We don't know if Rudy Gay or Brandon Roy will be next Dwane wade.

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nice emotional post. But I don't agree. You'd rather pick up a malcontent, scoring machine who doesn't involve his teammates, rather than to continue developing what is widely considered a great young core of players, just to "make the playoffs"? Because that's about all we're going to do. We're not going to contend for a title. Sorry, But I disagree. I think jumping at a quick and easy but limited fix is stupid. Because we would have a 2-3 year window of hopefully making the playoffs then we would be right back where we are now.

and I take issue with anyone who calls themselves a fan and then blames our owners and management of three years for the mistakes of the previous group. That's a bunch of BS. I've suffered as much as anyone with this team. I'll be damned if I want to see it sell its soul (like we routinely did under Babcock) just to sell a few [censored] jerseys and MAYBE make the playoffs.

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The only thing that is idiotic is the comments you just made. You do realize that we are going into only the third year of this rebuilding plan?

Getting Allen Iverson would derail everything the Hawks are trying to build. You cannot try to rebuild a team and then get a guy who has to have everything built around him when you already have a guy like Joe Johnson in the fold.

Allen Iverson is nothing but a name, and that's why some fans are jumping on this bandwagon. They think, "Whoa, Allen Iverson" and they instantly think he could lift the Hawks to playoff status. He's certainly done a lot of good for that Philadelphia team. His all star status is meaningless, because that's nothing but a popularity contest.

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I also halfway agree..We won 26 games this year with JJ and AL having career years..Its a given that AL will be gone..If Marvin and Smoove don't mature rapidly, if JJ got injured, or if we strike out in the AL snt market or the free agent market we could easily backslide from a 26 win season..That would be disasterous for a team that has struggled so long..At some point this ownership group has to take measures to increase attendance and compete for the playoffs..Iverson would create a buzz around this team that hasn't been seen in Atlanta..Even in Niques prime, he was not a star on the Iverson level..If I was a member of the ownership, I would have to seriously take a long hard look at the opportunity to bring in a guy like Iverson..I also don't agree that Iverson and JJ couldn't play together..They would be a perfect combination..JJ has a good average, but is not a consistant scorer..He scores 35 one game and 12 the next..Iverson would be the beneficiary of those games where JJ is looking for assists instead of his shot.

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He scores 35 one game and 12 the next..

A big reason for that is the trapping defenses that other teams frequently used against JJ. Just bringing in someone like Foye or Roy would alleviate the problem and allow JJ more easy looks.

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My point exactly. Third year in trying to build, and what have we accomplished? 39 wins. Does anyone actually think we're going to be in the playoffs next year by adding a #5 point guard, or big man and some veteran pG or big man. No way...you're kidding yourself. Carpe Diem man....quit the losing. Bring some star power, 30 points a game, tough minded, play's his ass off. AI would gives us a chance, something we haven't had for years! Change something...It's obviously not working now.

I'm not saying give up Smoove/Childress and our pick...but if we can entertain a deal that is worth it....why not go after him???? We have to be smart, but just don't dismiss it!!!

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I also halfway agree..We won 26 games this year with JJ and AL having career years..Its a given that AL will be gone..If Marvin and Smoove don't mature rapidly, if JJ got injured, or if we strike out in the AL snt market or the free agent market we could easily backslide from a 26 win season...

That's a pretty good assessment of the possible downside of next year tmac. That's why I would fear drafting a project this time around. Depending on the Al situation, we could be in for another struggle. Hopefully none of the negatives will happen and we'll be looking at a shot at the playoffs next year!

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I disagree there, he was exactly the same in Phoenix where he wasn't the focal point..If he starts hot, he scores big, if he starts slow he quits shooting and will be looking for his teammates to take the shots..JJ has one major flaw that a bigtime scorer can't have, he has a conscience.

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With Allen Iverson, Joe Johnson wouldn't be getting those 35-40 point games, because Allen will be dominating the ball. That domination of the basketball also means that Joe won't be getting his usual 7 assists a night, because he won't get enough touches and won't have the offense run through him in the half court setting.

Allen Iverson can only play with players that don't want the ball and don't want to shoot. He has never been able to play alongside another player that could score.

Once again, the thought behind the desire to get Allen Iverson is simply that it will create a buzz in the city. Big [censored] deal. Buzz does not equal success, and you simply cannot mismatch a player to a team like that. Allen Iverson is a very poor fit for this basketball team, and it's because he has to dominate the basketball.

It's no different than trying to put him with LeBron James. Can you imagine Cleveland taking the ball out of James's hands in the half court setting and turning him into nothing more than a spot up jump shooter because some fans believe Allen Iverson would create a buzz in Cleveland? I can't imagine it, because it would be incredibly stupid for Cleveland to do that.

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1 vaught,loy

2 murray,lamond

3 sealy,malik

4 richardson,pooh

5 dehere,terry

6 massenburg,tony

7 piatkowski,eric

8 spencer,elmore

9 grant,gary

10 smith,micheal

11 outlaw,charles

12 fish,matt

13 riley,eric

14 ellis,harold

15 woods,randy

16 martin,bob

These were the clipps in 1994-1995.

There draft picks were:

Antonio McDyess (1995)

Lorenzen Wright (1996)

Micheal Olowakhandi (1998)

Lamar Odom (1999)

In 1999, this was the squad..


2 anderson,derek

3 odom,lamar

4 nesby,tyrone

5 olowokandi,mich

6 hudson,troy

7 piatkowski,eric

8 mcinnis,jeff

9 murdock,eric

10 skinner,brian

11 closs,keith

12 jones,charles

13 chilcutt,pete

14 bohannon,etdrick

15 avent,anthony

16 conlon,marty

17 bennett,mario

They went from a 17 win team to a 15 win team. If we continue on the road with inexperienced coaching and inexperienced players this will be very comparable.

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JJ has one major flaw that a bigtime scorer can't have, he has a conscience.

That isn't a flaw that is a strength, at least if the goal is winning games and not padding stats.

JJ's hottest streak of the year happened with Lue playing major minutes next to him. Teams couldn't afford to trap him and leave Lue alone.

After the first month of the season it was rare for JJ to have a bad game when Lue was playing 20+ minutes. Of course in April JJ was just playing on dead legs.

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Once again, the thought behind the desire to get Allen Iverson is simply that it will create a buzz in the city. Big [censored] deal. Buzz does not equal success, and you simply cannot mismatch a player to a team like that. Allen Iverson is a very poor fit for this basketball team, and it's because he has to dominate the basketball.

You're looking at the added benefit of getting Iverson and talking about it as if it's the main reason for getting him. Iverson is (above everything else) a great player.

You mean you say sending out Al and probably our lottery pick and getting a player who averaged 30 ppg, 7.4 apg last season is a bad thing??

How many 30 ppg, 7.4 apg players can we call??

KB you're stubborn and foolish.

If it were Kobe or Lebron, you'd probably feel the same way.. no??

I can hear you now.

"let's wait on BK's plan"...

Man, get over your BK mancrush!!

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Gotta admit though - having Iverson here would be a hoot! You know he'd get some controversy going right off the bat. Then of course he'd get frustrated with his teammates and (also of course) start criticizing Woody. Salim would side with him against Woody and the team would split up into factions.

Heck that'd be more fun to blog about than slugging it out to a 30-win season. grin.gif

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Its according to who he has plying next to him..Last season when JJ was scoring 12 and getting 10 assists AL was having a good game..Say what we want about AL but he can score..Who gives you those 26 point games when JJ is off next season?

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